Can someone explain to me the logic of this “Zombie Green” style?
Who does this appeal to? Who is this meant to be sold to?
Can someone explain to me the logic of this “Zombie Green” style?
Who does this appeal to? Who is this meant to be sold to?
Straight up 70iq retard. That's a nice bond.
It was a different time.
>different time
You can buy that gun right now from Bond
This isnt a zoomer thing man this is meant for trashy middle aged men who never grew up and listen to ICP and Disturbed and wear flat billed hats
Walking Dead died when it became all about improbable interacial dating.
THIS. zoomers want cawadoody guns painted in fde to look "battle worn". its the 40 y/o boomers who were making these neon green shits.
Because it didn't sell 5 years ago when the fad was dying
get shrek'd
I'll honestly just buy that just for the fun of it
t. 40 year old boomer
The color is fine, the blood splatter confuses me. Is that just for the photo or is the splatter painted on
What if I unironically have an AK with red paint spatter on it?
...For what reason do you think anyone else is buying it?
At least you’re not a nogunz like 90% of Jow Forums
i'd buy it, if it had adjustable sights, came in 327 and had a 9 inch barrel.
that's a gun i want. You can see why the market disappoints me
I see you are new here,
It's the tapout t-shirt of firearms finishes
I used to know a girl with the monster energy drink logo tattooed on her neck. She didn't seem like white trash but the evidence provided was pretty overwhelming.
The zombie gun era peaked long before gen z turned 18
2011 was year of apocalypse. 2012 was supposed Mayan apocalypse. Nov. 2011 was some cults apocalypse. There was a movie 2012 that was end of the world. The walking Dead and so many zombie flicks were popular as hell. Also Vidya.
Am I? This is the first time I’ve seen the word “Xombie” on Jow Forums in a long while
Because people liked putting a biohazard symbol on lime green stuff. It's just a fucking meme you dip.
>Who does this appeal to?
Walking dead white trash redneck subhumans who make me laugh until passing out everytime someone calls micks and GERMan anglo saxons "le master race". I feel sick to my stomach every time I go into a truck stop to get a cinnamon roll and chili dog. It's fried redneck cringe, is what the target demographic is.
Zoomers only appreciate the zombie fad for the cheap clearence overstock. Take for example, the green v-max hornady zombie shit being sold dirtcheap.
Ive seen more boomers with zombie shit and punisher skulls than "zoomers" old bastard.
Boomers with bad taste.
I imagine because they are still sitting on the ones they made back when this trend was still going.
Nobody wants a hideous Derringer.
Walking Dead was never good to begin with.
The blood splatter is painted on with these fucking ugly guns, yes.
>paying for the look of lack-of-maintenance
I just.... what?
North Carolinians. No joke, they buy the shit out of this stuff.
A lot of people seemed to have used it as a weird justification to no-guns for buying guns and ammo and training.
"I need it for the zombie apocalypse, duh."
I thought the zombie fad died in 2015
Zombies are undying, duh
Who fucking cares? Do I need to explain consumerism to you?
Yes, because I don’t understand how this audience is still alive
Because there's nothing like having a bayonet that's shorter than the barrel.
we could argue that the first season was actually pretty decent
>Don't like things I don't like
This is literally what you are saying.
2012 Jow Forums
Jow Forums has never accepted lime green, fuck off
Take it easy bro
As a bayonet aficionado, this makes me sad.
2012 Jow Forums hated these fucking things, where the fuck were you?
I don't think it holds a candle to Day Of The Dead or Return Of The Living Dead
>tfw bright green is one of my favorite colors but I hate the zombie/biohazard/fake blood crap.
Can't I like that color without being lumped in with those fools?
t. Nigger with no life
>Who is this meant to be sold to?
I like pink as a color, but I’m a husband who has a reputation for lifting weights, so the closest I get to try favorite color is when I buy a pack of starbursts
Pink can be nice, some darker shades of purple too. The entire idea that a color can only mean one thing (or be purely masc. or fem.) is a bit silly.
>dont like gold guns in videogames
>dont like gun shaders in vidya
>see some cartel guns
pretty classy
>see some yuro art deco guns
classy as fuck
guess i like shaded guns now.
Just get a gun in pink and if someone asks say you thought it was funny.
>Just doing some checks on my wife’s gun
Easy lie
Some people buy jeans with holes in them. This shouldn't surprise you.
looks like a four loko can
>Are you a fag?
> I thought it was funny
Yeah, so you want our user to be known as the the Fag around the range?
Just claim it's your wive's gun.
I kinda dig the lime green revolver...
There was a period of my life where L4D was everything.
L4D was my life and during that time I would have GLADLY bought the gun in OP
>lmao? This dude is such a bitch that he can’t even tell his own wife to range her own guns? What a fag
>this is meant for trashy middle aged men who never grew up and listen to ICP and Disturbed and wear flat billed hats
lmfao, I never ran into one of those, but I would point and laugh if I did.
I would gladly pay for any weapon that isn’t OD Green or American Tan
It probably helps if you bring your wife along...
Best case scenario, catch the attention of the range trap for some kinky threesomes.
>range trap
Wait... you’re telling me you have a range trap?
Resident Evil had one. It was a .22 magnum, and was just silver instead of all retarded. I think it was called the 'survival pistol'. I replayed the remake for ps4, it was way bigger than I remembered as a kid.
This is me except the ICP part. Go fuck yourself you overly pretentious faggot.
Disturbed is arguably worse.
You have dogshit taste you white trash fuck
>Wears flat billed hats
>Listens to Disturbed
oof and yikespilled
Fuck you. You're wrong. Georgians, South Carolinians and V*rginians buy it.
Just tell people that its lightish red.
>Who is this meant to be sold to?
The same attention whores who buy Jeeps in that color.
I have never seen a like green jeep
It used to be that the hi-vis orange and green were used so you didn't lose stuff. Now you can't get that stuff anymore or people will think you're a pans sexual.
Or just be a man and say you like pink. I like purple, I wear purple shirts. When asked why I say because I like purple.
Grow some balls you faggots.
>Out minding my own business
>Some wannabe tough guy comes up to me
>"Why you wearing pink? Did your boyfriend pick that out for you?"
>I answer "I just like the color."
>"Oh yeah it's real cute, did you also pick it for your toenails?"
>I start getting angry "Okay tough guy, want to go?"
>"What on a date? Or you going to hit me with your purse"
>That does it
>Posting while wearing that loud-mouthed Guardsman's flayed head as my codpiece, adorning my PINK armor
it looks so stupid i want one
This, honestly.
I've done more dumb shit with guns than buy one with a pug tier abomination finish.
Disturbed is a good band though. Maybe you should try getting some taste?
it's kino
but why do you care? everyone has different preference, otherwise all guns would be black because even silver makes no sense
>giving a shit about what some bunch of nobodies think
you're the cuck here
>Vehicle sidemirror on foregrip
I knew a guy with a slime green gun, you guessed it. He was a total loser.
This actually makes sense in the context of zombies. It's so you can see behind you so zambonis don't sneak up on you while you're shooting at other zombos.
Nah man, I listen to ICP and Disturbed, would never do zombie any thing.
Mallninjas that have come of age, and never got past the mallninjas phase.
>edgyboi nu-metal
Everyone who uses terms like "zombie" to describe a gun should be skinned alive either way.