Why do PPC revolvers look the way they do?
>Giant blocky sight rib, giant blocky barrel, giant blocky lug, etc.
What advantages do these features offer over an over the counter revolver with good sights?
Why do PPC revolvers look the way they do?
>Giant blocky sight rib, giant blocky barrel, giant blocky lug, etc.
What advantages do these features offer over an over the counter revolver with good sights?
Recoil mitigation for the most part
Another example.
PPC uses targets at 3 specific set distances, and those big sight ribs have quick adjustments calibrated for all 3 distances.
also, big and heavy.
Weight is neat when it comes to competition shooting.
If they're going that far to do that, why not port the barrel as well?
Because that revolver right there is distilled sex shaped into a firearm and doing a thing to it would be a crime
becuase PPC loads are mousefart, most are 158gr wadcutter at like 650-700. just enough to not squib, and put a hole in paper.