Why do PPC revolvers look the way they do?

Why do PPC revolvers look the way they do?

>Giant blocky sight rib, giant blocky barrel, giant blocky lug, etc.

What advantages do these features offer over an over the counter revolver with good sights?

Attached: 95450cf8c2a7a3b284f256bae347603f.jpg (503x549, 57K)

Recoil mitigation for the most part

Another example.

Attached: PPC-3.png (1756x1360, 2.37M)

Attached: PPC DW.jpg (721x397, 94K)

PPC uses targets at 3 specific set distances, and those big sight ribs have quick adjustments calibrated for all 3 distances.

also, big and heavy.

Attached: grandmaster PPC.jpg (1280x847, 149K)

Weight is neat when it comes to competition shooting.

If they're going that far to do that, why not port the barrel as well?

Attached: wm_9415457.jpg (1600x1200, 373K)

Because that revolver right there is distilled sex shaped into a firearm and doing a thing to it would be a crime

becuase PPC loads are mousefart, most are 158gr wadcutter at like 650-700. just enough to not squib, and put a hole in paper.