Some cops gave me shit today for carrying a knife clipped to my pocket on public

Some cops gave me shit today for carrying a knife clipped to my pocket on public.
Fuck Spanish knife laws, man. Fuck em good.

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Pick one, hermano

clearly you are a right wing extremist who was menacing peaceful muslim refugees there to enrich your cultureless country, better they had arrested you before you commit a new Zealand style attack

He was mad he is too much of a poorfag to afford one himself.

I'm pretty sure SHE didn't know much about knife brands. Just looked at it like "omg knaf so big you gon kill sumbody"

>but muh healthcare

Fuck this continent.

nice knife. where can I get one like in pic related?

Benchmade 940. Be careful as Benchmade is notorious for shit QC.

don't buy bitchmade

Make sense a euro-faggot buys a knife from an anti 2A company. Literally karma, bitch.

why don't you carry it inside the waistband?

>tfw ive waltzed past 'no guns allowed' signs open carrying in plain view of cops and that's where the story ends
god bless america and damn grabbers.

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I haven't had any problems whatsoever and I own a couple.

Didn't know anything abput their politics desu, I own ZTs and Cold Steels too. Pretty sure not everythimg you own comes from a pro-2A company though. Don't be such a little bitch.

nice chance you'd get "tumbled through the woods because you accidentally fell through a couple rock quarries" and having your knife taken away here in eastern europe

don't worry you haven't reached maximum cuckdom

God I wish I lived there

>notorious for shit qc
t. Seething spiderco fag

Just say it's to protect yourself and refugees from fascists.

Ya sabes, vota VOX.

Facha charnego vota-vox

You deserved it.

No me tientes

What's wrong with the 940? For me it's one of the best edc knives ever made.

Yeah, if I said it's for any form of self defense they'd have definitely taken it from me.

Benchmade cuts up guns and donates 100% to anti Gunner Democrats.

We got enough spics over here Manolo

No estoy de coña. Lo único malo de su programa es el tema toros y quizás iglesia católica.

Te saco la cheira y te echo las tripas en un canasto, puto yanqui. Don't you know spics are the children of the women we colonized? Don't you Spain removed the kebabs and kicked out the jews? The only reason you currently aren't under the Spanish Crown is because we spaniards are somehow always fighting amongst ourselves.

Algo he oído. Los Trump españoles. Sincermente estas elecciones mi voto va o a VOX o en blanco, así que sabiendo su afinidad por el tema armas...

Cool. Get over it and stop crying, pussy. Not everything you own and use comes from pro-2A companies. Don't be a bitch, if it's a good product I'm still going to carry and use it.

>comparing Spanish people to filthy wetbacks

Neck yourself