AK General /akg/
Presidential Protection Unit Edition
>Thread #813
Old thresd here
AK General /akg/
Presidential Protection Unit Edition
>Thread #813
Old thresd here
Other urls found in this thread:
>AK Buyer's Guide
Just postin' for shit and giggles
and now with plastic stock and muzzlebreak
I liek your AK
Do you like other colors besides black?
Blue, perhaps?
Nice, somebody safed my pic.
How are the shotgun parts working out?
turned out that the real problem was the extractor claw and the extractor spring.
Was a fix of 20€ by my gunsmith.
Meh, but nonethles i'm pretty thankful for your help, because now I'm even able to shoot the week ass cowboy loads...which is pretty nice.
So maybe someday i may ask you to send me 2 additional extractor claws with the springs...but i don't want to fuck your time for such little things. Maybe someday :)
Bruv. All you have to do is ask. Sucks that those components didn't solve your issue and it was just a 20€ fix.
Might as well fully rice it out now. Then put wood furniture on it, with the blue and "chrome" stuff, it'll really fuck with people.