/akg/ AK General

AK General /akg/
Presidential Protection Unit Edition
>Thread #813

Old thresd here

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Other urls found in this thread:


>AK Buyer's Guide


Just postin' for shit and giggles

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and now with plastic stock and muzzlebreak

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I liek your AK

Do you like other colors besides black?
Blue, perhaps?

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Nice, somebody safed my pic.

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How are the shotgun parts working out?

turned out that the real problem was the extractor claw and the extractor spring.
Was a fix of 20€ by my gunsmith.

Meh, but nonethles i'm pretty thankful for your help, because now I'm even able to shoot the week ass cowboy loads...which is pretty nice.

So maybe someday i may ask you to send me 2 additional extractor claws with the springs...but i don't want to fuck your time for such little things. Maybe someday :)

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Bruv. All you have to do is ask. Sucks that those components didn't solve your issue and it was just a 20€ fix.
Might as well fully rice it out now. Then put wood furniture on it, with the blue and "chrome" stuff, it'll really fuck with people.

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