How do I go about using a oil can on my .22 so I can plink in my backyard without the neighbors knowing?
How do I go about using a oil can on my .22 so I can plink in my backyard without the neighbors knowing?
If you have to use a suppressor to plink without your neighbors knowing, you probably shouldn't be shooting there. Move or go to a range.
They only notice if they’re outside. They’re about 200 feet away from my backyard
>not squeezing off a full auto mag at 3AM right underneath your neighbors bedroom window
Can you legit form 1 one of these "filter" type suppressors? What do you serialize? The thread adapter? Does replacing the filter require a fresh stamp? Or does that fall under manufacturer repair like getting factory baffles replaced?
Pretty sure you can since you can legally make an oil filter a quietboi
Just use Aguila Colibris out of a rifle, it sounds like a pellet gun. No suppressor needed.
Why on earth would you form 1 this? It's just a solvent trap to keep from making a mess when you clean your gun.
I don't get it.
normal conversation 60 decibels
vacuum cleaner 70 decibels
cci quiet from a standard rifle barrel 68 decibels
Don't listen to anything this faggot says. He is the most cancerous trip on this board and works with kike journalists. Would not be surprised if he glows in the dark.
I had a naighbor that used to shoot his gun the air at 6am in the alley
We called the cops on him 3 times
They never showed
They said we needed avoidance of the shooting
I live in the hood. Niggers shooting all the time. No one does shit. What are you gonna say if you did call?
>yeah I heard some gunshots
>>do you know where the shooter is?
>somewhere close enough for me to hear gunshots?
>>okay thanks
Literally 3-5 days a week when the weather is nice there's gunfire.
>be me
>two weeks ago nice night sleeping with window open
>3:30am handgun fire within 100m of my house
>immediate action drill was pretty much on the ground with my bedside pistol in my hand before I was really awake
>huh...neat I'm a ninja even in my sleep
Buy some adapters on fleebay or alie. They have a universal one thats nifty and steps up to every common filter thread.
I'm pretty sure, strictly speaking, your form 1 allows you legally make and own 1 (one) suppressor. Since suppressor parts are legally suppressors all on their own, possesing or making extra or replacement parts would put you in some legal trouble if discovered by law enforcement. If you made a replacement baffle would anyone know? No. Can you own extra "dry storage cups" that conveniently stack inside a d-cell tube? Yes.
If you broke your suppressor the legal way to repair it is to send it to an SOT and let them do the work.
Get a cheap lever gun and some super colibris or cci quiets if you just wanna shoot cans in your back yard. Otherwise, go to the range. Not worth the risk or worth pissing your neighbors off being that close. /thread
No it was less then 5 yards away
My room was I the garage and he did it for the whole month
We called the cops and they told us we need video avoidance for his arrest
That's like saying you shouldn't watch TV because it COULD go up to a volume that disturbs your neighbors if you don't control it. Custard anused fudd faggot, go strangle your sweaty grimy gay sex neck with your leather cowboy hat strap, and stop ruining my 2A with your retarded responsibility.
If you have a rifle, just use subsonic ammo, there is no snap from the bullet going super sonic and it only sounds about as loud as a pellet gun, don’t use a pistol tho cuz even with subsonics it is much louder
What the fuck is video avoidance? are you trying to say evidence?
Quiets, not shorts. Shorts are still kind of loud.
>t. I tried
Fudge packing niggerboomer
> spend $47
> break no laws
> give fewer shits about backstop
> still kill shit and develop marksmanship
> have a better time anyway
Primer only gallery rounds would work and are relatively quiet. Some people set up garage shooting galleries.
I'm just shooting blanks for my kids track training. I only want to suppress the gun, so not to bother my neighbour's. You'd know this if you were a parent and a good probably even talk during movies in the theater.
Google econocan
>They have a universal one thats nifty and steps up to every common filter thread.
lol fuck off ATF...listing says suppressor silencer right in the title...
Why couldn't you just buy and form 1 it?
I don't say evasion I say avoision
Anyone have any first hand experience with the new Glock brand CO2 pistols?
Seems like a nice way to train.
find threaded barrel, tap hole on can to same thread, dont screw onto gun and use as supressor
Then get one on alie you retard.
Yeah because that nigger who bought all those glock giggle switches of of wish didn't get caugh...oh wait yeah he did.
That was on wish and that isn't remotely comparable to a fucking thread adapter.