Alright Jow Forums I have run into alot of money as of late. I want to assemble a MK V (Male) tank for personal use, I could get blueprints online. the only part would be construction and ventilation. How do i do it Jow Forums
MK V tank
Do you know how to rivet?
What an absolute madlad.
>virgin r*editor buys a Tesla
>Chad Jow Forumsommando assembles his own tank.
Don't let your dreams be dreams user.
Start talking to steel distributors and machine shops.
if you build it, LS swap it
Unless you plan to put some random truck engine into it it's probably not doable.
I need to know where to find the engine. I want me and my lads to drive it around innawoods..
>Camping with GF
>hear shit from woods while in field
>see a fucking MK V stride out from a feild with 6 Jow Forumsamandos sticking themselves out of the hatches
>they are wielding nuggets and tac rig vests with Russian spetznaz equipment
>Unless you plan to put some random truck engine into it
Honestly, not OP but dual F150 engines linked to each track would give him the ability to shift that tank into fucking absolute overdrive, AND would only cost like $1k a pop brand new.
Honestly user, learn to MIG weld and get a hydraulic crane and a plasma cutter. If they could build these pre-industrial era, you could probably do it in a big enough backyard by hand.
That's when you ditch your girl and get into the shaggin wagon
>How do i do it Jow Forums
Assuming that you're serious ( I doubt that you are but w/e) The Royal tank museum in Bovington, Great Britain has a WW1 British Heavy tank replica. Maybe you could ask them how they did it?
I work at a mechanic shop. But im thinking on buying a bulldozer and ripping the engine out and slapping it in the tank
You're going to need around a 200 hp dozer.
Killdozer MK 2, the boogaloo
The internet is a pretty fancy new tool, although I'm not sure it'll catch on.
Imagine seeing fucking OP fucking barging through buildings with a tank shooting off every milsurp posted on Jow Forums blasting OH SHIT IM FEELING IT. It sounds like a good time desu.
COBI makes a nice kit. I just built one last week. Almost lego quality.
The minifigs are ghey though.
Just call Guy Martin to do it for you, he has experience with it already
>If they could build these pre-industrial era
w-when do you think industrialization in the west happened user?
Also I would recommend you all to watch the document with him rebuilding the tank to see what it takes, he builds a Mark IV though
Ask the people who made one for Warhorse how they did it. The Mk series are built on Lincoln tractors of which the manufacturing rights currently belong to Rolls-Royce Holdings.
More information here:
OP here, I just got off the phone with a guy selling a small CAT for 6,000. would this do?
You might make a poor mans battle dozer, but you're not getting anywhere near a Mk. V with that.
You're basically better off just buying the engine and building the chassis from scratch. Those tracks are way too small to apply to a Mark I-V.
>not assembling a superior mk vii
Wat up oc lotto winna
You know what you must do.
FUCK, forgot pic
Ok, I assume you are a master mad lad over at /diy/, you are very experienced at welding and riveting, know how to obtain, shape and cast your own large quantities of steel that isnt literal rusty sheet metal scraps, and also fabricate parts. It would take an incredible amount of work and sheer willpower, and a miracle to get the basic shape together, with tracks, and also be able to move the damned thing under its own power. And you better make update posts often.
Thats all if you are even remotely serious about doing something like this
godspeed op
Is it going to have a name? Pic related.
Based Semple poster
Jow Forumsrusher
Killdozer 2.0, less dozer more kill?
No, i want to preserve the MK V and the great wars legacy. either the cannons are going to be mocked up or i actually make a real cannon
civil war whitworth cannon replicas could be a nice non nfa substitute
Goddamn, this.
>20th century tank powered by 21st century engine wielding 19th century cannons
>a MK V (Male)
..Does it have the knot? OwO~
he'd need to make a couple of friends. riveting is a three man job. one to work the forge and toss the rivets, one to operate the rivet gun, and one on the other side to back the rivet while its being hammered.
the prime mover could be anything. remember what pieces of shit british engines have always been, so whatever even remotely modern solution OP comes up with is bound to be superior. british engineering has always sucked. everyone else strives to do more with less. the brits do less with more. USA version? one big hex head bolt. UK version? 27 tiny machine screws with pan heads for flathead screwdriver.
>learn to MIG weld
I think stick would be better for most of it.
>Not building the K-Wagen
Fine, I'll do it.