>go into "military surplus" store
>its 95% Rothco shit, reproduction patches, and thin blue line stickers
>one rack of M65s and a stack of boots in the corner is the only actual military surplus stuff they have
Is milsurp clothing/gear dead?
>go into "military surplus" store
>its 95% Rothco shit, reproduction patches, and thin blue line stickers
>one rack of M65s and a stack of boots in the corner is the only actual military surplus stuff they have
Is milsurp clothing/gear dead?
brick and mortar surp stores are dead. eBay is where it's at.
You're just looking in the wrong places. Your average brick and mortar store isn't great, but places like Varusteleka have a great selection.
Yeah, pretty much after the Gulf war they realized that it was easier to just burn it all than orchestrate the logistics of selling it.
>tfw nabbed a Tigerstripe top from Ft. Polk a decade ago
At least give the shit away, fuck man. Why waste perfectly good stuff?
i heard they even throw away perfectly good tools over little shit as well, crazy stuff
>go into military surplus store
>actual surplus uniforms from all branches for like $5 in all conditions
>shelf full of sage green boots from ABU being phased out
>25% rothco/thin blue line/confederate flag shit
Rural North Carolina is bretty gud sometimes
Liability. It's cheaper to burn it than it is to pay to sell it because they wouldn't profit on it. Best you can find now are penny auctions on pallets of useless shit and old generators that are military specific. Any mechanical military hardware is a shit buy because parts are no longer being made, parts and designs vary from year to year, and the shit is a clunk box by the time the sell it.
Where can i get cheap milsurp? Is there a country with low priced
They actually do give a lot of it away... to ISIS
Corey’s in Fredericksburg is still good
First and only time I went to a local surp, old fuck had shit condition ammo cans for $40-50.
>crypto democrats
the surplus game is all about capital and connections. if you can't buy it by the ton, no one wants to bother selling it to you. its how sportsmans guide can do shit like this
My local one had random animals and a giant hole in the ceiling in the back. Their selection was also terrible.
If your surplus store doesn't sell weapons then it shouldn't exist.
Shit, where in NC?
>Is milsurp clothing/gear dead?
Largely, yes. Two world wars and the long Cold War produced a glut of military surplus items that flooded the market - especially right after the Cold War ended, when militaries worldwide downsized and dumped literal tons of old gear on the market for pennies on the dollar. It was so much stuff that it took 25 years to soak up all of it, but finally that's what's happened. The appeal of milsurp gear used to be that it was good, functional stuff that was plentiful and could be had for dirt cheap. Now things have changed - the military lets go of way less stuff, and in the post-9/11 world, much more of what they do let go of ends up in the hands of state and local agencies. What does reach the market is the least desirable stuff in the roughest condition that all those other agencies passed on, and it often isn't really all that cheap anymore.
One other point is that 20 years ago, the whole "tactical operator" thing just wasn't much of a thing in civilian circles. In the pre-9/11, pre-alternative media age, things were a lot different. People trusted the government more, there was more social cohesion, the political divide didn't seem as deep, and not that many people saw the possibility of something really bad happening in the future. The point is that the AR boom is part of a larger tactical boom that has brought all kinds of reasonably-priced, high-quality gear to the civilian market that wouldn't have been available 30 years ago. Back then, if you wanted certain kinds of gear, milsurp was your only real option - everything else available to civilians was uberfudd hunting gear. Now you have hundreds of companies making gear in the tactical space to choose from - much of it better than milsurp for not very much more money.
Does that mean you'll never find any surplus items worth buying again? No. But it does mean the heyday of surplus is over.
Too much time and resources is wasted in flying it back here, better to give it to local forces or destroy it.
Old Grouch? That place is great for uniforms, but I wish they had more of other kinds of gear.
Corky's, not Corey's. Also, Hull Street Outlet in Richmond is pretty good, too. Half of it is a milsurp shop, and the other half is a used furniture store. They had a *bunch* of flecktarn in the back the last time I was there, and I ended up buying a 25mm ammo can - $13 in pretty darn good shape - that now serves as the container for my car emergency kit.
Army surplus stores were fun as a kid back in like 2003 to buy a gas mask, or your first fixed blade knife. In 2019 they’re just nigger bullshit meme outlets.
Local milsurp store in my town is pretty good
>Nogunz unfortunately
>Shit ton of olive drab CF gear for cheap (leaf army switched to cadpat some years back)
>Gas masks from Balkans
>Steel helmets (not sure where from)
>Flashlights, mag pouches, other accessories galore
>May still have MREs (haven't checked lately)
Overall pretty decent
I too am interested in the location of this store in NC.
Varuataleka went to shit a while ago. They're nearly out of actual surplus and are now mostly just trying to sell overpriced modern gear for Finnish conscripts.
Im also in leafland. What's this store called?
The good ol' musty Vietnam vet operated stores with dirty shit in them are long gone, it's just a Rothco storefront now.
inventory storage and transport costs money.
exact same fucking thread from last month. fuck off
I spotted a thread with a similar premise just a couple years back, op is spamming this shit
If they aren't giving it away then tell me why the fuck I needed to clean a broken rucksack frame for CIF???
Recommendations for good surplus stores?
My personal one is Priority One near Allentown, PA. Small but full of really cool stuff.
Yes. We haven't fought a long war in in a while/changed uniforms in mass. There was only so many uniforms to sell. That being said it's now a game of showing up and asking and digging. Patience. Some lucky bitch got some veitnam tiger strip in his size for 20 bucks the day before i came in asking. You have to spend hours going through dozens of sites day after day. Visiting your local stores because they dont always know Every thing they have. Also I've got some sweet discounts for being a regular. If youre willing to spend a large chunck of time hoping to find that rare bit of surp for a decent price you will get it. It took me years to find some of the stuff i got.
Not just easier to burn it, but the income to the army from selling off surplus to the big civilian companies was so small that the effort of selling it off could not make a profit.
>tfw the military industrial complex has become so refined it's a net loss to actually sell our outdated gear
Moan about your local milsurp store all you like, fools. The closest milsurp store to me with regular opening hours is now 500 miles away. Even if all I want is a brand new replica item. Wait a while, and those local mom and pop stores in your area will be gone too.
online stores are better, miss being able to go to a local store and get an experience of looking through all the surplus
I have a friend who told me prior to their deployment they threw away actual *tons* of materials, like medical items, excess clothing, minor equipment, etc. Just thew it away.
Found a place like that in southern NY. Most of the surplus was from the 80's and 90's, but I found a shirt there once from when the US was still doing olive drab. Looked authentic since it had patch imprints on the arms and over the breast.