Matewan, WV 1920. What's your loadout for shooting the capitalist cuckold thugs that fought against worker's rights?
Matewan, WV 1920. What's your loadout for shooting the capitalist cuckold thugs that fought against worker's rights?
Thomas Phillips
Owen Baker
Back to USSR with you Commie.
Matthew Roberts
Whatever gives me a stat buff against union members.
Justin Richardson
I'd rather machine gun a tent city in the middle of the night, ideally with something water-cooled and mounted on a train.
Andrew Cooper
Slingshots that shoot flowers
John Martin
>tfw no one cares about wv or scrip which was essentially slavery and no one ever will because we're just poor dumb redneck trash
Logan Williams
God, I would love to beat up commies with a heavy billy club.
Carson Martin
Christian Thomas
>capitalist cuckold
>he says while praising men who would sell out their countrymen to the internationalists for false promises of utopia
Start your revolution, faggot.
Josiah Parker
the USSR wasn't established until 1922