Spam social media with images demanding that felons have their Second Amendment rights restored

>spam social media with images demanding that felons have their Second Amendment rights restored
>eventually Democratic candidates will be forced to address the issue
>either they favor the proposal (unlikely) or claim it's a bad idea
>anyone who goes with the latter must explain why felons are responsible enough to vote but not to own guns
>hilarity ensues

Attached: 579909111.jpg (1375x543, 74K)

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>expecting logical consistency from grabbers
Remember, they want felons to vote because it keeps them in power. They don't want felons to havs guns because that threatens them.

Attached: 479f34a35b7491066989577d51647c5e.jpg (1152x864, 167K)

You'd have an easier time getting pot felons off their charges.
>giving them a gun
>when they're going to end up back in jail within the decade
Bad idea all around.

>>expecting logical consistency from grabbers

Quite the opposite. I just want them to spout hypocrisy and inadvertently admit that restoring rights to felons isn't such a grand idea.

The whole free citizen who doesnt have access to a basic right thing is fucking retarded.

People would rather have people be able to vote in jail than have their basic rights back after they served their time.

They don't serve their time though. They're not rehabilitated in the least bit.

what exactly is the reasoning behind felons not being able to vote? if they've done their time they should be free to do what they want, not spend the rest of their life as second-class citizens.

If youre out in public and allowed to be youre a free citizen bootlicker. No one cares anymore about your boomers drug war.

What exactly is the reasoning behind felons not being able to own guns? Be careful how you respond, because you might accidentally answer your own question.

well if its a violent felon, it sort of makes sense to limit their ability to own weapons. but, without being hyperbolic, you can't HURT someone else with a vote. the ability to vote is pretty much the most important right you have as a free citizen of any country.

>you can't HURT someone else with a vote.

But collectively, votes from a particular group (like, maybe violent felons?) CAN hurt a nation, no?

>the ability to vote is pretty much the most important right you have as a free citizen of any country.

Same could be said for owning a gun...

voting cant hurt a democratic nation because a democratic nation is DEMOCRATIC because of voting.

>pot charge
You're dumb as hell.

>that person is violent and dangerous
>theyre out in public tho lol its k. But they can't have their rights back!

Yet they can drive 2 ton death machines on the road. Makes a lot of sense boom boom

What part of 80 odd percent of felons end up back in jail within the decade do you not understand numb nuts? If they were rehabilitated properly do you think they'd end up back in jail at that extreme rate?

Get back to me when the U.S. is a democracy.

If theyre not rehabilitated then what's the logic of them being out in public?

If they can be trusted in public they can be trusted with basic rights. Period. The hoops people have to jump through and the money to get their basic rights back is disgusting.

>Yet they can drive 2 ton death machines on the road.

true. And as we all know, there are more vehicle related deaths than gun related deaths in this country. So perhaps we can reduce that by prohibiting felons from obtaining drivers licenses?

I'm going to pull this out of my ass, but I'd say organized crime. They do the time, they get out, they stay connected, and keep voting for stuff that benefits their organization. And in general, you don't want people who break the law to decide what the laws should be do you?
And there are assuredly crimes that are bad enough to warrant such a status.

>If they can be trusted in public they can be trusted with basic rights

So we should abolish the sex offender registry? I mean, they can just be trusted since they're out in public, right?

>And in general, you don't want people who break the law to decide what the laws should be do you?

Hate to sound like a smartass, but that's technically what happens anyway.

Gee maybe so the prison shrink can pat himself on the back so the numbers look good.
>if they can be trusted in public
>80% are back in jail for doing the same shit
Can you pretend to be intelligent for just a moment, please?

Would make more sense than barring gun rights and there isnt an explicit constitutional right to drive on public roads at least. I still think its unfair though.

Yes we should. Its an unfair, sexist and stupid system.

>Yes we should. Its an unfair, sexist and stupid system.

So people who serve their time after molesting children should just be allowed to live wherever they want?

Yes. There are far worse crimes, it also unfairly targets men and is a violation of privacy to someone whose already served time.

You live in a country that mutilates little boys en masse dont pretend to care a great deal if someone has sex with a kid. Spare me your soccer mom hysterics.

Aw fuck you're a dick fag too. There's no arguing with you retards.


Another idiot jew without a clue.

Go figure you defend mutilating boys but have a problem if a precious girl gets so much as touched. Do me a favor and throw yourself off of a bridge you pathetic groveling white knight cuck.

Thats what you defend you dumb mutt. I hope you wake up every day realizing what a worthless piece of shit you are until you decide to finally do the aforementioned task and do the entire world a favor.

Leave it to the fag that thinks about other mens dicks all day to ruin a thread.

I'm sorry, but who the fuck was defending circumcision in this thread? Seems like you went of the rails after being called out for your lax attitude towards pedophiles. Your cavalier "precious girl" comment also leads me to wonder about your motivations.

I hope you realize that people can be against circumcision AND pedophilia.


Youre the one cutting up boys. Hilarious everytime someone brings this up you jews accuse someone of being gay or obsessed when all normal people want is to leave kids alone. You are the ones deviating from normal morality and cutting up dicks. Youre the ones who are "obsessed". No one would ever have to bring this up if you just didnt mutilate kids.

Can you not read? People who get uppity about muh pedos and then live in america is a fucking joke.

You can but you should also know what pedophilia is and it isnt the same as a child molester, furthermore the two aren't comparable in severity. and as you can see here:

They defend dick cutting

>People who get uppity about muh pedos and then live in america is a fucking joke.

Opposition to circumcision is probably at an all-time high in this country. But you have to realize that it's been ingrained in our culture that removal of the foreskin = less risk of HIV/AIDS or possible infection. So trying to turn the tide isn't an easy task. However, trying to convince the public that pedophiles shouldn't have the privilege of leading normal lives isn't exactly difficult. Still, your remarks about "precious" girls and "muh pedos" gives off a bad vibe. It's almost like you're trying to downplay the fact that abusers can destroy lives.

I think judging by objective studies on the matter like Rind et Al and the trauma myth the whole pedo thing is vastly overblown, more damage comes from how society treats act post fact than anything else, most "statutory """" rape"""" " incidents go unreported as well.

In this country the fact that the moral crusade against sex that is usually consensual between someone who is underage is considered more morally just than the crusade against mutilating infant boys is disgusting.

The whole pedo hysteria to this degree is mainly a new thing as well, especially thanks to womens suffrage. Age of consent used to be very low in the states before these things occurred. 8 in Delaware for instance.

I do not buy into pedo hysterics arguments. And the fact that their arguments have also been used to censor the internet and blackmail and harm many also furthers that.

So tell us, how low should the age of consent be?

I'm not getting into that shit here. People will only push away all the recent factual good points I've made and tunnel vision. Ive said what I needed to say anyway.

You want to fuck 8 year olds and can't stop thinking about little boy dicks?

>I'm not getting into that shit here.

Gee, I wonder why.

Peak jew argumentation. You cut up boys and yet accuse others of being obsessed. I addressed your retarded bullshit earlier.

If you truly think mutilating kids is okay just do the entire world a favor and hang yourself right now.

See this is why no one likes you Jow Forums fags. Can't have a single conversation without bringing up the jews. Goddamn there needs to be a new global rule banning it from every other board.

Color me absolutely shocked that someone who...

1) Wants to abolish the sex offender registry
2) Makes belittling "muh" statements about child molesters
3) Displays a sympathetic attitude toward lowering the age of consent to 8

also wants to restore voting rights for felons.

Yeah its a mystery why when talking about the US and politics you just can't get away from mentioning the people who have the largest controlling hand in it.

What a fucking shocker. Maybe you should go to plebbit. Might be more your speed, they'll censor any factual mentions of them there so you can continue to pretend its not a problem.

Read you moron.

I'm sorry that you can't live within 100 feet of a public school. Was the underage fling worth it?

Yeah what a shock that people who see firsthand how corrupt, targeting and stupid the system can be are against it.

You can literally be imprisoned for cutting your gun down too short also but keep pretending like they are just and fair and that I'm the loon for daring to question and not trust their authority.

>muh sticky

Based newfag. Read the title of this thread. Youre arguing for the thread to be deleted not that my comments dont apply here.

>talking about politics
Fucking Christ. A pedo, a fag, and a retard all in one.

This thread is literally about gun politics. Here's another shocking revelation newfag gun politics here has always been around especially pre sticky when you weren't here.

honk :^(

You probably want to abolish the sex offender registry because you're on it.

You downplay sexual abuse because you're probably guilty of it.

You won't reveal your true beliefs concerning age of consent laws because you undoubtedly want them lowered dramatically.

Jow Forums - Politics, Dick Cutting, & Age of Consent Laws

Wrong on 2 counts. And yes I do want the age of consent lowered, preferably to how it was before women gained political power and christian women pushed for raising it. Also coincidentally around the time jew immigration really picked up.

America returning to a time before massive centralization and imperialism would be ideal for me.

>And yes I do want the age of consent lowered, preferably to how it was before women gained political power and christian women pushed for raising it.

To what? 8?

I'll let you figure out what it was before the events I mentioned. Not hard to extrapolate.

>I'll let you figure out what it was before the events I mentioned. Not hard to extrapolate.

Ok. So you want it lowered to 8.

Attached: lulz.png (1059x226, 67K)

I agree with your argument, but the problem that I'm seeing here, and probably the long game for the Fed were this the universe of 1984 or something like it, would basically be this.

>Start the War on ______
Drugs, Guns, Hate Speech, Alcohol, fill in whatever right for the common man that is a problem for the administration at the time or the government in general.
>Put massive amounts of basically innocent, but newly guilty Americans in jail because they smoke weed, drink beer, own guns or shitpost
>Suddenly all those people you don't like can't own guns and can't vote, removing them from the pool of people you have to care about

Eventually you can pretty much do whatever you want to them after 20 years of repeating that they're a drain on society, they're the reason for the violence or the crime, so on and so forth. People won't say a thing. They threw plenty of white, law-abiding, christian Americans in jail during prohibition. There won't be any protected classes other than money.

US isn’t a democracy you fucking brainlet

The US is a Republic, not a Democracy. That means we vote to elect representatives that then go vote for us. Individual citizens do not recieve a vote. Also the Electoral College should really clue you in on the No-Democracy thing.

Not that guy, but this is false equivalence. You have to understand something about the "Pedo hysteric" argument.

We live in, theoretically but not truthfully, a "Civilized and Democratic" society even though it isn't civilized or democratic. What that REALLY means is that I'm supposed to call the police instead of killing you when you you threaten me or my family.

Implied in this "Call the cops first" bargain is the vague idea that society must protect my family to a degree because I'm not allowed to just walk around blowing the heads off everybody who messes with my little kids. To maintain a civilized society, a land of laws and not arms (At least in theory) we have to establish protections that allow people and their kids to go about in peace as long as they pay their taxes and behave like good little citizens.

That can't happen if you see my 8 year old little girl as acceptable for love or lust. It gets a little hairy when you get on the 16-17 area, and indeed, many states have an age of consent of 16 - but going south of that and you're preying on little girls. Personally, I'm squarely in the 18 camp.

If society can't keep people like you away, then parents have to keep people like you away. They're going to do it violently, and the state doesn't want armed parents invoking vigilante justice on everybody driving around in an unmarked van. That's why we have anti-pedo laws.

The hysteria is just human decency and made up morals. Those things you don't have.

You ignored anons entire point that the us has only been like this recently. Kind of throws your nightmare scenario out the window.

Kiddie diddlers got lynched in the past century. We can go back.

honestly a felon should either have all rights restored or be executed. Either your capable of being a functioning member of society or your not. This weird middle ground where you're free but have your constitutional rights restricted makes no fucking sense.

That is objectively untrue.

If you had money, power or clout. Poor people don't get away with deviance in any century. Workers are supposed to be good, god-fearing Christians or whatever your country's denomination is, having heterosexual relations with adults in the missionary position with handholding and shit. In practice, its never actually been that way, ever, and there's been tons of deviance of all sorts all around, but only the rich "Get away with it". Everyone else has to deal with angry parents.

This. Complete restoration of rights or if they fail to show any indication of rehabilitation stop wasting tax money on them and dome them.

Just as one example there is a 9 year old who married a Tennessee man and they were neither poor nor powerful, and considering laws at the time and throughout history that wouldnt be that uncommon

Even further back women many times got married under 14 and this is from a time when they arrived at puberty far later.

Take off the modern goggles mate