Poorfagnogunz here, I'm seeing about buying a Mosin Nagant soon, wanted to know some tips as well as do's/don't, and what website or place would sell Finnish variants that aren't too expensive (300-500 range)
Mosin Meme
Hop in your wayback machine then.
Forego a Mosin for an AR15. They are as cheap and substantially better.
I would but I live in NY and they're monstrosities here.
Buy one in NH...
Sorry, you missed the boat on that. Yes, the Mosin was inexpensive ten years ago, but at this point milsurp prices have risen to the point where they're an extremely poor choice for someone who's just looking for a cheap blaster. If that's what you want, you're far better off buying a Maverick 88 shotgun, which will be $100 cheaper than a Mosin, with cheaper, more widely-available ammo and an excellent warranty.
Really, seriously, the "muh cheep nugget" meme is long expired, and at this point buying one just to have a low-end beater would be a waste of money. If you really want a Mosin, then get a nice one and own it as a collector, don't make a beater out of it. And if you want a beater gun, just get a Maverick 88.
gayest shit ever