>Highly trained professionals
Highly trained professionals
*gets away with murder*
Defending his wife with a gun. I'll call him an expert.
yep shooting someone who drove through your campfire and turns around to run over your wife is murder got it.
>t. Kamala Harris
+1$ for you
maybe you'll get to eat this week
Now let's go crunch some numbers
>being this buttmad over him for taking your girl.
He's an idiot.
Love him.
Qrd, this nigger has a body count?
He fought for Israel
2 Men in diferent self defense shootings
But did he die for Israel? My first time comes up next week and I don't know if I can keep at it for years on end like the pros do. Thanksgiving is the worst, uncle Charlie brags about all the times he died for Israel during the war
Yea 2 or 3.
My man actually lives by the sword.
Your soul dies fighting for Israel. Leaving the hollow husk and complete transformation into a Jewish golem.
Harrell has made the transition as you can see here as well:
I dont see what the issue is with that statement, the Police do present themselves as highly trained professionals even if they are not which is why he says it in the tone he does
I like his videos; everything else i dont care.
Ahahahahaha look at this dude
There are many kind of cops as there are many kind of soldiers. The most of them are idiots, just like most people, maybe even a bit less.
I didnt say that all cops were tards, I suposse I could have worded that better but I am phoneposting and cant be arsed to write properly
You could have and you really wouldn't have been that wrong though. I tried having an idle chat with a cop once about his carry piece, it was like pulling teeth, and that's my most positive interaction with one
that's what you look like when you realize your WHOLE LIFE was for nothing.