AR-15 vs Mini-14 over 50 minutes of autism.
AR-15 vs Mini-14 over 50 minutes of autism
I liked it, but I was honestly fighting with faggots on 4channel while it played in the background.
AR is better as long as you know how to use the sights.
>AR is better as long as you know how to use the sights
50 minuets to figure this out, how many people even have AR's with the OG sights?
>be paul harrel
>actually autistic
>somehow served in the military
>killed a nigger in self defense who tried to kill his wife
yea he's based.
Nobody haha. If anything, listening to his video convinced me not to bother with a mini 14. The only points he makes for them is that they're less scary and not b& in cucked states. They're more expensive. Their mags are more expensive and they're shit half the time, plus they break easily. Reloading sucks. They're less accurate. Etc. It will be a long time before I think again about getting a mini 14.
Ya I agree, mini 14 only apply to cuck states.
Paul is definitely autistic.
I'm not saying that's bad, no I love it, but he's definitely an autist.
>AR is better as long as you know how to use the sights.
Except that's literally not what he said. He said they're basically comparable in accuracy if 1) you know how to use the sights, 2) you didn't get a lemon, and 3) aren't shooting at the limits of the range of both rifles. And that was with an old 181-series Mini.
>They're more expensive.
>Their mags are more expensive
>and they're shit half the time, plus they break easily.
>Reloading sucks.
Not if you practice.
>They're less accurate.
See above.
>It will be a long time before I think again about getting a mini 14.
Don't lie - you were never thinking of that.
I was thinking about getting one because the only rifles I've had real experience with were my air rifles growing up. That kind of grip and stock is more natural to me than pistol grip.
>Actual summary
Both are fine rifles. Both are perfectly reliable. The AR is a little more accurate at long distances, but unless you get a lemon the Mini is nowhere near as inaccurate as fuddlore makes it out to be. The AR is probably the default choice for most people based on cost and modularity, but if a Mini is what you're comfortable with, there's nothing wrong with it.
My autism wants me to watch the whole thing just to gain a tiny amount of useless esoteric knowledge but my ADD will only allow me 10 minutes of viewing time.
I’d totally get one if the barrel were chrome lined.
Also I know it’ll never happen but one in .30 carbine would be cool.
>they break
>reloading sucks
Imagine being so retarded you can't reliably perform a rock in magazine change. You shouldn't even own guns if this is too hard for you.
I don't have the carry handle rear sight but I only use the irons on my AR.
It seems like you've tried to make an argument for the Mini-14 but all you've done is make the AR look better in every way.
>chrome lined barrel meme in 2019
>somehow sourcing and shooting corrosive .223
Yeah, you're completely retarded and shouldn't own firearms.
sorry to say but you dont have any sort of autism at all user
you're the opposite of autistic.
chrome is harder than steel with a lower coefficient of friction, although nitride and melonite treatments are cheaper chrome is still the gold standard for barrel longevity
do you not buy anything that doesn't have chrome lined barrels?
seems like a weird thing to do for guns you only shoot at the range
Who asks for these videos? The mini 14 hasnt been relevant in over a decade.
How could you possibly justify a more expensive, less reliable, heavier, less popular, less modular gun like the mini 14 over the ar? Unless it's just a "second cool" thing.
shut the fuck up who cares who asks
i didn't ask for a single fucking video paul makes but i enjoy them regardless.
some people buy guns for fun and to try new things. you do you
Chromes longevity is marginal over other barrels and its less accurate. For anything but machine guns chrome is a fucking meme.
>sperging this hard
eceleb rider detected.
More people have been asking for vids on .327 then a video about a useless shit gun like the mini 14.
Accuracy for sporting rifles is 1000x more important than "barrel life" of a
Just finished watching, then came here to see if a thread was up.
It was an ok video, probably not worth watching unless you're thinking about buying a Ruger. Harrell's points boil down to this:
>Easier to disassemble
>Easier to care for
>Better sights for close range hostage-type shit
>Doesn't look like a black rifle
>Him and his buddies all owned them because they were cheaper, now they're more expensive
>Arguably more reliable if you take proper care of it
>Mags aren't expensive shit, most cheap knockoff mags run reliably
>Sights give a significant advantage over the Mini-14 at long distances
>Reloading is less awkward, mags aren't rock-in, harder to damage the magazines
>Lots of Mini-14s are old 1970s-1990s models from before Ruger did their minor redesign in the 1990s, so be careful what you buy.
It was an ok video. The audio was pretty cool when he was shooting 300m away from the camera.
Paul isnt perfect bud. All ecelebs are shit. Never forget it.
>cant detect the over the topness of the post
the last line is the only line that's me saying anything worth a damn and you ignored it. you are a massive faggot. this time im not being cute.
post the guns you own so we can all see you only buy the most practical choices available to you.
All your
Bullshit is cope, and you know it. It's a cuck gun to appease grabbers that does nothing better, and at a higher cost, without the appeal of being able to flex.
the reason most people buy most guns is to have fun shooting them.
that's why you buy a mini14.
that's why you buy a fal.
that's why you buy a scar
that's why you buy half the shit you end up buying if you actually own guns. cuz it's neat.
I get it for guns with some kind of provenance or historical rarity or something but its just a mini 14 dude
and a ptr91 is just a g3 clone
a scar16 isn't going to do anything for pretty much any civilian gun owner that an ar15 can't do.
you don't have to buy it; though i find it hard to believe every gun you own/want is for practical/historical reasons and that's that.
Whatever m8 you got a point I just dont see anything fun or attractive about the mini. especially considering its dog ass accuracy.
>dog ass accuracy
didn't watch the video or read the thread i see.
so again all of your guns are practical and have a use? you've never purchased a gun just because you wanted one?
i could believe that, but it'd be sad. literally the only reason i got a ptr32 was to have a ptr in cheap 7.62x39 and because it looked fun.
it's fun and i love it. that's the entire reason the rifle even exists. for fun.
do you even own guns
I already said you have a point you smuggy poster. And yes watch videos that measure it proper on rests and the like mini 14s are not as accurate as ars. I have seen Harrells method of "accuracy" testing when he free handed to prove his ar was more accurate than his ak.
I'm also not the original poster you argued with. Stop getting so defensive of your gun, sorry mate most people just dont like them and think theyre shit.
Chrome lining won't impact accuracy enough to matter for 99% of uses, especially at the distances an AR is typically utilized. It isn't as though the lining suddenly turns a barrel from sub MOA to 5 MOA, and less wear means the barrel will stay accurate longer. It's also easier to clean and highly resistant to corrosion, factors equally as important as absolute precision.
> mini 14s are not as accurate as ars
no one said they were. being less accurate than an AR =/= dogshit accuracy.
i also dont own a mini14 but every single "hurr durr why would anyone buy this?!?! LOL!" post is just retarded. it's like asking why some fucker buys a car when he has 3 already.
people like different stuff for their own reasons. there's effectively no reason to buy an AK but plenty of people want them still. keyword: want. for all general purposes they're inferior to an AR and not even cheaper nowadays.
its good to see you dont own guns but ask why someone would buy one
From what ive seen they are 3 moa ish at best. And more commonly around 4. Thats dogass.
>hurr you dont own guns
Youre the only fucker who would get this pissy and have this much post purchase justification against someone WHO SAID you have a point. You petty little underage fag. I'm sorry daddy bought you a mini 14 and youre so married to it to defend it this hard it doesnt mean everyone else has to like it too.
>highly trained professionals!
Watched the whole thing. Doesn't seem like the Mini 14 is inherently worse by any significant margin. AR sights facilitate more accurate shooting, I bet if he had glass on the Mini it would have performed just as consistently at 300 yards and possibly further; the AR is clearly more accurate but the Mini 14 isn't that far behind it. They're fine guns, both of them.
>I'm sorry daddy bought you a mini 14
i just fucking said i dont own one. i've never even shot one. i dont even know anyone who ones one, to my knowledge.
you're literally pulling shit out of your ass to shit on a gun when the video in OP proves you wrong. you are a retard.
my only real point is people buy shit because they want to and that's great. there's no practical use for half the shit people own on Jow Forums
And I said thats fine if someone likes it I JUST DONT get why people do and thats fine to you autistic retard. The level of zealousness you defend this gun with tells me you definitely do own one.
And yes considering all its competition to me its accuracy is dogass and thats not even mentioning the poi shift people have often complained about.
As I said, buying a gun just for enjoyment, fine you have a point, I have one gun that doesnt serve any practical purpose but it was cheap.
Next time stop flaming and sperging out so hard retard.
>ones one
owns one*
time for this kiddo to go to bed. i'd act as a white knight for the mini14 and other impractical firearms but im clearly not fit for duty atm
night night
>typo hehe gottem
Brilliant contribution.
One could also ask why there are constant mini 14 threads that shit into the "just get a AR" shit that just take over the thread.
no you retard im saying my inexcusable typo is bad and a sign i need to go to sleep
now good night.
Is nobody going to talk about the fact that he'll have to shoot Joe in self defense some day when he keeps telling these stories.
good night sweet prince
There is no way Joe is real, or at the least, Paul is exaggerating heavily.
Saw everything but the last ten minutes, been running around since I'm home on leave and my gf is down so I'm showing her what little there is to see.
People like you are such faggots in real life
>Both are perfectly reliable
>The AR
>sounds like he wants to fuck the guns
Seems like Colin is /ourguy/ then
It's one of these threads again huh? My only thing with the Mini-14 is the fact that this is constant conversation, and even if you aren't saying an AR outperforms them, and you want to say they are the same performance wise, a base AR is still cheaper than a base Mini, and has more replacement parts and upgrade options. If you have to pick between buying one or the other and aren't in a cuck state, you buy the AR. If you want both, or just want the Mini, buy the fucking Mini. I own a Mini-30 that I love, and I own an AR, I will probably buy a Mini-14 at some point just because. Quit being faggots about this.
I watched it last night, I liked his point about the sights and their height over bore, I have actually missed a squirrel like this when I first moved onto the ranch. I have both and I carry my ar15 everywhere, the Mini stays home.
I have two Mini Ranches and 4 ARs
I shot 300 rnds of brass cased factory ammo through my AR M-4gery last weekend, the (new to me) lube dried-out and I had one FTExtract and 2 FTFeeds, in a 5 hour period. I've never suffered a failure in the Mini and I've been using it for 20 years. I have scopes mounted on both ARs and Minis plus up-graded triggers, they all shoot under 2 MOA from a rest
Well my fucking PSA AR has a better track record than that so idk what's going on there.
The Mini-14 isn't a bad gun, but the alternative is cheaper, and has far more options for upgrades and parts, and performs at least the same accuracy wise (don't want to have some stupid argument about antecdotal accuracy differences between the two) so if I had to choose, I would pick the AR, that being said, nothing is stopping me/anyone else from buying a Mini-14 AND an AR.
>a paul dick suck thread
>mini 14 retardation thread
Fucking Christ.
you be the judge.
Based and Redpilled
Re:Mag prices, the "OE" brand mags are great and cheap.
>And straight.
Fuck off, actual boomer.
>saving thumbnails
Yep, definitely born in the 1950s or 60s
A nice FN or better chrome lined barrel with a free float handgaurd will likely get you minute of angle extreme spreads with the right ammunition and sometimes better if you get lucky.
I have two, one shoots ~0.6MOA with the right loads and the other 1 MOA.
Very acceptable accuracy in any rifle and Id take it if it meant I had a longer lasting barrel.
I wish.
>could've slotted some gooks with grandpa
>"family bonding time" could actually be cool
Thats why I said OG sights. not magpul flip ups.
It's probably just be some kid he hired to edit his videos, do you think he does that shit himself?
I was watching it at 1.25 speed, that shit was hilarious.
Yes. Watch him mention melanin content and bigotry in that one vid of his.
He is definitely related to that nog.
>edit videos
How? None of the stories are even that crazy.
autism is an asset in the military
>criticizing a guy for acknowledging some people are racist, while being racist.
>every gun youtuber who is popular is shit.jpg
admit it, you don't care about ian's political opinions, you care that he is popular and you get mad when people make gun jesus memes.
>if you defend blacks at all ever you are unbased and bluepilled
this is your brain on Jow Forums
This, the mini 14 is pointless.
>its muh melanin content that theyre targeting them for not their crime rate
See above. Its basic fact.
Who's the guy next to the safe?
What a weak response, you just scream failure.
I genuinely dont get any of the hate over the Mini 14. Its such a fun plinker.
However I think comparing it to an AR is kinda dumb. Of course an AR would take the cake, I cant imagine a situation where it wouldnt.
Yankees adopted son IIRC
Guess I should have realized the safe.
Fucking nogunz memefaggot.
Pretty sure that’s not Paul’s wifes son
Men buy cool guns, women care about accessories or how popular it is or how heavy it is. Everything else you stated is false.
>Useless shit gun
How can someone be this threatened by the existence of carbines that aren't his chosen firearm? What made you so absurdly insecure and childish?
>With an AR
>men dont care about weight
Hello no guns larper
>there are people on Jow Forums right now who base all their firearms purchases on practicality
I can't wait for shtf so I can kill ar fags with my Mosin volley gun
This. Maximum cringe when morons at the range think they're impressing people with their mall ninja shit
My A1 and CAR15 generally draw a few onlookers.
Gotta love the tism
didn't sootch accidentally shoot someone at a gun range?
I don’t even have to watch the video
>both are perfectly fine for shooting man sized targets at practical combat ranges and pick whatever the fuck you want
Saved y’all 50 minutes
>Has killed people and loves killing animals
How is hunting and self defense a bad thing in any way? Why are you even here?
Or range Fudd.
Any time training or hunting and that heavy barrel seems far less "cool"
>t. regrets gov profile barrel
Pencil barrels are the best
Clearly you haven't since he stated exactly how he shot at each distance.