Anti gravity

Inventor Salvatore Cezar Pais Current Assignee US Secretary of Navy

>What is claimed is:
>1. A craft using an inertial mass reduction device comprising:
>an inner resonant cavity wall;
an outer resonant cavity wall, the inner resonant cavity wall and the outer resonant cavity wall forming a resonant cavity; and,
>microwave emitters such that the microwave emitters create high frequency electromagnetic waves throughout the resonant cavity causing the outer resonant cavity wall to vibrate in an accelerated mode and create a local polarized vacuum outside the outer resonant cavity wall

>Therefore, if we consider only rotation, given a disc configuration, with σ=50,000 >Coulombs/m2,a disc (spinning/axially rotating) radius of 2 m and an angular speed of 30,000 RPM, an generate an electromagnetic (EM) field intensity (Smax is the rate of energy flow per unit area, or energy flux) value on the order of 1024 Watts/m2 (this value does not account for any QVP interactions).

Attached: 1556288108536.png (1806x1094, 35K)

Get it up to 88 miles per hour.

Wheres the pic from? It's not in the patent.

But does it actually work? Might be a fake patent for disinfo reasons.

Remember back when you had to present a functional example of whatever it was you wanted to the patent office to prove it actually worked?

Ha! Seriously though, up until when was that?

Should read 10^24 watts/sq meter btw

Which, by the way, would be the same output as a type 2 civilization on the kardashev scale.

It’s either this or schizophrenia. It’s weird how many people have this fixation on microwave resonant cavities for producing propulsion without fuel. It’s the same principle they claimed that the EM drive worked under, and that seemed to be a bust.

So in other words, it doesn't even matter if the propulsion method actually works, because there is no way to meet the power requirements anyway?

>Be human
>Steal alien tech
>don't notice that they power each individual craft with a miniature universe contained in the core reactor
>that knowledge is instantly erased from your brain whenever it's gained because you are such a universe

Nah, that's ^26, but still...

And if you had the means then it'd evaporate the Earth the moment you turned it on. I do note that the patent says nothing about cooling for the craft itself.

You know there is a thing called gravity but what you do not know it is not based on the speed of particle collision.
Of course particle collision takes place, but its the electrons ability to influence photons that key.
Mass is only the effect not the cause of what you feel as gravity.
If you use a stabilizing device such as plasma its electronic flux can be used to influence the electrons bindings nulling the effect of particle collisions, in effect sidestepping gravity all together.
Just as particle physics bypasses the ability of those who confuse science with magic.
Science is repeatable while magic is not.
Until you repeat the experiment its just magic, religion and nonsense just like your posting and this one.
Yes this post is a joke, or is it? only discovery will prove reason.

First question: what is gravity? Like... is it made of something? Or is it just like a magic force we've all accepted exists and define by its observable effects rather than its own characteristics?

We don't know, but we think its caused by concentrations of particles known as gravitons.

Gravity as a force being transferred by particles is not necessarily accepted by mainstream physics. It's one theory, but certainly not the primary explanation. General relativity suggests that the effects of gravity are caused by a bend in spacetime produced by the presence of mass. The gravitational waves observed by LIGO back this theory up.

Gravity is one way for things to interact with each other. The other three ways that things can interact are electromagnetism, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force. It's been suggested that gravity is mediated by a particle, named the graviton, but the graviton isn't gravity, it's the effect that's called gravity.

Now this doesn't in any way make it in any way magic or less real than anything else. because if we look at any particle, any piece of mass or so, how do you perceive it and its "own characteristics"? Interact with it? Measure it? You do it through the observable effects it has on other things. Take an iron anvil. Definitely made of something, very there, very obviously real if you'd drop it on your foot. You can see it because of the effect it has on photons that hit it (absorbing some, and redirecting others). You can feel it because the effect it has on the protons in your body (electrostatic repulsion between its protons and yours). There is nothing you can know about it that isn't about the observable effects it has on things, no property to it that isn't measured with their help. And al of the observable effects are the result of it interacting with other things through one or more of the four fundamental forces (though the stuff you notice in your daily life are basically all electromagnetism and gravity). So if anything's real, it's gravity and its three siblings. The rest, including you, are just the stories these four tell you.

Not that gravity being a distortion of spacetime necessarily means it isn't also caused by a particle bouncing around. Wave-particle duality and all that.

That's fair, but the guy that I replied to referred to the existence of gravitons as if it was a mainstream theory, which it is very much is not.

This isn't rick and morty fag


To be fair, you might just not have a high enough IQ to appreciate it.


So gravity is a phenomenon by which the basic stuff of the universe interacts with itself, that we as humans, limited by what we can perceive, define by observable effects, and have a few theories about what it actually is. Makes sense.

But then how would you manipulate said phenomenon if you cannot define its inherent properties beyond those observable interactions? Just trial and error to see what input shoots out the result you want when you dont really know what's going on behind the curtain?

We don't actually know how to manipulate it. We mostly just make theories and then look for evidence to support them.

If you read through the patent it describes dumping an obscene amount of energy into some sort of electromagnetic field surrounding the craft, the result being a cessation of momentum transfer at the boundary of the field meaning outside forces have no effect on the craft and vice versa.
At least thats what my meager understanding of physics leads me to interperet it as. It all sounds very sci-fi though.
It even goes into how it would defeat the speed of light.

Attached: 1491496642341.jpg (960x960, 297K)

There isn't anything behind the curtain, or if you so prefer, it's curtains all the way down. The properties things have is merely what observable effects they will produce in various situations, and if there's any underlying mechanisms to things then those too are simply observable effects that the thing's components have on each other. All we know about anything and everythign we know through observable effects, often very indirect such.

>At least thats what my meager understanding of physics leads me to interperet it as. It all sounds very sci-fi though.
It's less SciFi, or physics, and more Time Cube.

>We don't actually know how to manipulate it.
But we got a patent on it anyway. patent system is broken.

So lets say that someone actually figures out how to pull this off. Sorry. You can't do that because some clueless moron already has the patent.

Here's an idea: You bring in a working prototype. Or GTFO of the patent office.

patents expire. The patent on this will be expired before we get a powersource that could pull it off.