Is it still important to learn hand to hand combat in the age of gunpowder?
Is it still important to learn hand to hand combat in the age of gunpowder?
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I would beat her up in a boxing match if you know what i mean
Fuck now I have to jack off again
Don't do it.
It depletes your energy.
Huh, so this is why rape is a thing.
Yes, retard. Cqc still happens. and if you want to capture someone you need grappling basics at the least, or defend yourself if a gun cant be used such as to restrain someone who doesnt need to be shot or bodyguard duty, the list goes on.
Fuck your stupid ass question, fuck your thot worshipping webm, and fuck you söyboy
>Age of gun powder
What are you from the 18th century?
I still have dreams about being taunted by high school bully. He was a body builder and played on the sports team. His parents bought him a mustang when he was 16 with his name on the plate. It didn't help that he was dating my crush from freshman year. Everything I wanted to do with that girl he was doing. She was a tight blonde yoga chick and I adored her. Thinking about what they must've done to each other made me sick for years. Then it started making me hard. Am I weird for that?
>what is a pistol
Throwing knives > fisticuffs
> EVERY situation or confrontation can be solved with a gun
what a retard you are. And there are people in professions, as I already stated, such as a bodyguard restraining someone in a crowd, or a spec ops guy capturing a high value target that cant be shot, etc. If you're a civilian and you get jumped and the guy is grappling with you from the get go, you have to use hand to hand to make enough space to draw your gun. Enjoy getting jumped by some dude and dying cause you dont even know how to defend yourself, literally basic requirement to be considered a man
Maui Thai is just kickboxing with elbows
Still good for self defense but a gun is necessary for multiple you know whoggers
I'd let her go hand to cock on me
Most armies incorporate some form of martial arts into their basic training regime. The reason is that practicing martial arts is very effect form of physical conditioning; it works all the muscle groups and teaches you to be aggressive. And of course, even in the chance of actually using martial arts in the field are small, there is still a possibility it could happen, so why prepare for that possibility and get a good work-out in at the same time?
That is a little weird, yes
What's this expression trying to convey?
"Have sex, incel"
You might have developed a humiliation or cuckold fetish desu
i want to hold her hand kiss and hug her
what's wrong with me
"Kill yourself tranny"
Looks like a dumb stinky whore. Do roasties do a single thing that isn't for attention?
A man needs a name
The real question is why are women raped so little?
Jerking off gives me the energy to do large amounts of HIIT, not sure what bodybuilding red/fit/ advice you're taking.
now this is a shitposting pasta
Very. You wont always be able to solve problems with a gun.
You are a lot less likely to get sent to prison by brainlets for punching a bad guy than shooting one
Looks like disdain and contempt to me.
You sick fuck
lauren summer aka MOMMYGF
>I would beat her up in a boxing match if you know what i mean
You'd self-identify as a women to get in womens league to beat up women in the ring?
who got the..
I would self identify as a woman with a penis who is attracted to other women if it gave me a shot with her
Sure it is. It's useful for being able to beat people up.
White knights
Hmmm.....I wonder...I wonder how her smells like...
Snake, remember the basics of CQC
Deny women your essence.
Yes. Violent encounters are frequently at close range.
Based. Fuck these stupid faggots posting this shit without sauce. Get fucked you fucking faggot.
I was hoping for a part two that involved being alpha and weapons but okay
>L1 spinal fracture since last year
>Weak ligaments and poor circulation since birth
>Asthma since birth
>Noguns country
Should I even bother with combat fitness? Mobility and feeling are still 100% but I feel like I'd instantly lose any fight because of these factors
Imagine being this guy and making these posts unironically on Jow Forums. Funny enough, the military disagrees with you. I did five years with two deployments to Afghanistan and received only the most perfunctory hand to hand training. I've been shot at more than a couple times but I've never punched anyone or been punched in the face. If you have people skills and a good head on your shoulders, you can avoid pretty much any situation where hand to hand combat would be required outside of vocations which require it, like a bodyguard as you said. For every other situation, you've got deadly force.
Not really.
Carry a knife
she looks soft i bet she smells of strawberries
The most you should learn is boxing and wrestling, and that's at most.
Weapons were made for a reason, because h2h is not fair, learn to fight with a gun and a knife or a blunt object.
My point is, don't allow yourself to be put into a hand to hand combat situation, if you did, you did something seriously wrong.
muh nigga brothuh.
This user may have seen a corpse or two.
Problem is, the winner of a push dagger, slice knife fight, is destined to bleed out about 7-8 minutes of the loser.
If you are planning on a knife fight, pack lots of kwik clot too.
sorry green bean. didn't mean to call you Rambo. really.
In the military you have a bunch of other guys with guns watching your back.You're not going to have that luxury as a civilian.
Situational awareness and people skills are important and can avoid most incidents, but shit happens. You may have find yourself in an area where you can't carry or going for your gun immediately isn't the best thing to do.
You'd still be better off than you are now.
most men and almost all women are good guys about not raping people
>Stop looking there
>never mind, keep looking
,,,that thot doesnt even look comfortable sitting there. she should wear more clothes she cant handle tiny rags
nigger women are useless shit niggers with their stupid treacherous nigger behavior and their tendency to fuck niggers theyre stupid like niggers and thus are niggers which means if you want to cum into this nigger you are a nigger fucker
Came here to post this scene.
The enemy cannot push the button if you disable its hand.
Learn some BJJ or some kind of grappling art. Don’t learn bullshit like aikido or karate. If you’re ever in a street fight and your opponent pulls a knife, run in the other direction as fast as you fucking can. There are no winners in a knife fight.
she missed her fucking mouth, what a retard
That's the most retarded thing I've heard in months.
Take the Jonespill.
Really glad this didn't turn out to just be another Endgame spoiler.
good boy
The enemy cannot disable your hand if you push the button
i wanna learn hand to hand combat with her
Lauren Summer
Imagine the smell
Men today are pussies and women today are spoiled