is a type 56 a good first gun? they sell for >200$ a lot of the time, and a 10/22 is like $250-400 in Canada. also ammo is like $7/ 20 rounds at the local store.
Sks thread
For a Canadian, sure. Chinese type 56s are fine. If you can find an SVT-40, even better, that will make Jow Forums mad jelly.
For an American, though, an entry-level AR-15 is a better value.
>7.62x39 is $7/20 in syrup land
The absolute state of leafs
At least I'm not circumcised
Jokes on you Canacuck, neither am I.
First for MOD SKSS
This comes out to 5.73 CAD (~4.25 USD) per 20 rounds.
Still significantly more than I would expect to pay in the US, the last time I bought x39 I payed 0.17/rd or $3.40/20.
Things costing more in Canada isn't really news, though. That was even the case when the CAD had a higher value than the USD.
Get an M or D. AK mag compatibility master race
How many is the round of 7.62 in the US?
About $0.17/rd is pretty standard, last time I bought x39 I payed $175 for 1000 rds.
20 cents per round is fairly normal. Or about $4 per 20 in US dollars.
blaze it
Waaah... The cheaper i ve found here in switzerland is CHF 350 for 1000 rds
So about how much we pay for milsurp ()
>CHF 350 = USD 343
Ouch man, that's pretty brutal
>gun things are usually more expensive outside the US
No shit, who would've thought
Don't buy chink shit
I think you've missed what's going on here; we're not surprised, we're laughing at you.
based big brain poster
The Chinese military SKS are pretty solid and the pigsticker bayo is unironically superior.
>putting an sks in aftermarket stocks
Why do people do this? The shitty scope mount plus tasco scope is another great mod I see at shows alot.
>Because Canadian/Euro/whatever laws apply to my country
Laughing at the state of gun rights in cucked countries outside mine affects me how? I mean it might make me choke on my beer, but that's about the extent your cuckery can/will ever affect me.
Usually because the original stock is too damaged or doesn't fit their shoulder.
are you actually this stupid or are you just memeing
I actually mean this sincerely. Most western countries outside the US have been cucked with regards to gun rights for several decades now, while US gun rights have been generally getting better and less restrictive over the same time frame with the exception of the GCA in 1968 and FOPA in 1986 (both thanks to the NRA). We've axed an AWB, had many states loosen CCW laws, had "common use" enshrined into law with Heller vs. DC, McDonald vs. Chicago affirming that the 2nd applies to local governments, recently the anti-2A 9th circuit getting several pro-2A appointments, saw the rise of castle doctrine and stand your ground laws, have several pro-2A challenges reaching SCOTUS soon and that's just off the top of my head. It's pretty plain to me that restrictive gun laws outside of the US have had little to no negative impact here long term, if anything they've galvanized gun owners and organizations to prevent that sort of fuckery from happening here, so they may have actually been a net positive for US gun owners.
It's unamerican and I don't trust shit made by Mao's commies
On the flipside i believe that the sole reason Canada is the least cucked country in the anglosphere gun laws wise is due to the fact that we live next to the largest collection of arms in the entire world
We could be aus, uk, nz tier but no we still have some freedoms and i like many other fun owners are glad Americans are out neighbors.
>US gun manufacturers will actually go out of there way to make Canadian compliant guns before commiefornia
>we are 2nd in line to get any gun burgers make
>murricans can get a leaf gun loicense and shoot sbs and b& stuff
>we can get a non resident ccw permit and pretend like we have freedom
>some itar regs are lax for us compared to other countries
>we can bring out gats down without an export permit we just need to fill an atf form
All and all im glad you guys are getting better gun laws state by state and we are slowly reaching the T I P P I N G P O I N T where we have to many guns for libtards to b&
buy a crate of 1400rds/300$
everything about this image makes me want to vomit
reminder the yugo m59 is the best SKS.
Is corrosive ammo really such a big issue to worry about? The price is great obviously, and I'll just be shooting in the woods so range restrictions of any kind aren't an issue. Found a guy with a crate of 1200 remaining that he wants to sell for $100 leafbucks.
it will fuck your shit up in days if you dont clean well afterwards.
other than that its g2g.
Any particular cleaning practices to suggest? I've heard that warm water works as well as anything for dissolving the salts left behind, but any actual experience with it would be welcome.
I, too, have heard warm water is gtg, but I'm no expert.
>tfw live in arizona
>don't clean my guns after corrosive
feels good man.
All you need to do is pour some boiling water down the bore and then give it a generous coating of oil.
If you don't want to boil water, windex works well.