Wait does this mean I can buy a shitty Chinese ak?
Wait does this mean I can buy a shitty Chinese ak?
Plz be real.
if Trump ends up cucking the NRA endorsed import bans I will write him in for a third term
It means what's true of Trump's presidency as a whole: gun rights aren't going to get any better, but (a meme range toy that none of you had ever heard of a couple years ago aside) they're not going to get any worse either - which they absolutely would have if Hillary had won.
OP here. What am asking is. Are there any ramifications for Americans attached to this? Are we gonna be able to import more funs from ahitholes?
I wonder why he hasn't tried repealing the NFA yet. Does he not like us having full autos and shorty guns, or are there political hurdles to repealing the NFA that we're not aware of?
No, despite what many in this community would have you believe, the Arms Trade Treaty only deals with international arms trafficking to terrorists and rogue states. The 1989 import ban is still in effect and Norinco will probably always have extra restricts on what they can import because of the shit they pulled.
>Are there any ramifications for Americans attached to this? Are we gonna be able to import more funs from ahitholes?
Damn. Dumb question. Do you think he knows this distinction?
*extra restrictions
Those zip ties would melt, like wtf lmao
You mean Trump? I've never mistaken him for a detail-oriented person.
> Are there any ramifications for Americans attached to this
No. If there were, Trump wouldn't have signed it.
>Do you think he knows this distinction?
No. Trump never really cared about guns in the past and probably won't today.
next you'll say you were only pretending to be retarded
>No. If there were, Trump wouldn't have signed it.
just like the Bump Stock ban right?
If those chinks hadn't armed organized crime, we'd still have decent AKs. Fucking chinks.
Like. What I’m saying is, do you think the conversation went “give me a gun law to change ive got that nra thing coming up they went “ok so mild ones would be, UN arms treaty or the 89’ import ban” he went “yeah fuck the UN! Let’s import some guns!”
>If those chinks hadn't armed organized crime
the guns went to the ATF not street gangs
>“give me a gun law to change ive got that nra thing coming up they went “
most likely
>“ok so mild ones would be, UN arms treaty or the 89’ import ban” he went “yeah fuck the UN! Let’s import some guns!”
No, I'm guessing he undid it because Obama did it
*ATF pretending to be street gangs. The statement stands. They knew full well what they were trying to do.
The import ban was already in place, Norinco just got themselves more restrictive treatment after getting caught smuggling.
That is a sting operation
I just assume all his dumb ideas are borrowed from goobers on Fox News or Twitter.
The only time I ever know it’s not an Israelite shill or NSA glow nigger is when the word goober is used.
>buying Chinese
>buying Norinco
China isn't trustworthy. It is absolutely amazing that the Chinese government was able to pull shit like Tiananmen back in 1989 and was literally able to get away with it.
Even the smallest bit of criticism has you retards triggered
No. The import restrictions are ineffected. All this means is that it is now a little easier for the US to give weapons to ISIS and other "moderate rebels." Trump is a fucking cuck.
Technically he didn’t say anything negative about you
It's the fact that any criticism of trump has them screaming israeli shill despite trump being the most pro-israel president in recent memory
>implying the ATF didn't just turn around and sell them to the cartels
>any criticism of trump has them screaming israeli shill
When you become confused by whether you are supposed to be pro or anti Israeli in your criticism of Trump.
It means the US won't participate in EU dickery like when Germany went after Sig for selling pistols to the US government that we in turn gave to allies.
It means Turkey and Israel can dump weapons all over Syria.
How about the unconditional NFA, go ahead waste your vote, if your priorities are with fucking norincos vs actually important things. He did get rid of memestocks without a second thought.
Yeah I'm gonna vote for Biden, I don't need a fully semi auto rifle.
>He thinks Biden is getting the nomination
Dumbass comes out of the gate retarded.
You are resorting to ad hominem because you can't name a Dem candidate who isn't a gun grabber.
to paraphrase the man "you only need a double barrel shotgun to defend yourself, 2 blasts off the porch with that thing and thieves will be gone!"
I am the opposite of triggered. I genuinely meant what I said. It is comforting to speak to a human.
Yeah dude only we can smuggle arms!
>fast and furious
>arming "rebels"
Kek you america numba 1 fools
>The ATT has long been a target of the NRA, which claimed it would harm U.S. gun owners. Trump echoed that criticism on Friday, calling the ATT a threat to Second Amendment rights. "We will never surrender America's sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy," Trump was quoted as saying, in a White House statement announcing the change.
Why do they hate the idea of actually doing something for gun owners?
>Why do they hate the idea of actually doing something for gun owners?
They either don't know or don't care.
>Why do they hate the idea of actually doing something for gun owners?
Why do you insist on being treated like a special snowflake?
Cant tell the truth here on Jow Forums or you'll be banned but it has something to do with the fact that hes controlled by people like his son in law
Imports are more important to me than SBRs and suppressors, honestly. I want some fucking variety in the affordable modern semi-auto market. Tired of ARs being done six ways from Sunday. Also driving down prices and increasing consumption are extremely important long-term for gun rights.
Why are you satisfied with grammatically incorrect tweets?
ill take chink m14s over drumpfstocks any day.
Uh because they have you dumbass. I forgot the exact trial but it was like 80 years ago and it was ruled that the NFA is constitutional because they're not infringing on firearm rights, just restricting and regulating.
Give us a ultra-pro2A candidate that will win the nominee and I’ll give them my vote.
What do you mean, who was gonna stop them or do literally anything about it? Was America just supposed to invade mainland China?
saudi arabia got away with the assassination of a journalist this year.
No. Its regarding the export of firearms, not the import.
More "yay American business" hoo-hah.
Obviously you boycott and sanction them. That's what we did with Iran.
But no. We shipped all our manufacturing to them and helped their economy grow into what it is today.
Fucking boomer
you're thinking of miller v us and it was a fraudulent case that only determined that short barrel shotguns weren't protected because they didn't have military use (even though they do)
I hope not, as I'm considering selling my MAK90 and this would effect the price.
got bad news for you
>country arming and training terrorists and criminals for the past century >complains about this farcial excuse and knowing the feds probably just another hoax, to ban leading competing Chinese arms dealer
Unlike the very real Tiananmencaust for which there is mountains of testimony reports and no pictures of lynched policemen, this never happend and there is no proofs.
He prevented Hillary from loading up the courts with grabbers. If he does nothing more, I'm fine.
>Why do they hate the idea of actually doing something for gun owners?
Because if we win they stop getting paid, that's why you never ever trust activists who do it for a living.
I'm calling Joe Biden a dumbass, dumbass. All Dems are grabbers.
This. What y'all motherfuckers need to understand is that this isn't about the president's policies, this is about packing the Supreme Court with constitutionalists. Any president that is capable of getting elected is going to be shit. All we can do is pick the one who's most likely to nominate intelligent non-leftist judges. He's replaced two so far and done a pretty decent job both times as far as gun rights are concerned, and since he will almost definitely win in 2020 due to Democrat incompetence, he'll probably get to replace Ginsburg too.
Will this make my Norinco .22 with Tasco scope a collectors item? Asking for a friend.
It won't lead to immediate improvements, but what it does is prevent some problems down the road. Canadian gun owners have been concerned about the UNATT for quite some time because of what it can force members to do.
> “When the UN Secretary General said in his statement to the Security Council last year that, “Guns can be licensed, marked and confiscated…”, he confirmed the fears of many people about the UN’s agenda towards civilian firearm ownership. Such statements are alarming to members of Canada’s recreational firearms community.”
he did not understand the nuance of your post and may not have been the person you were replying to. trump shouldn't have banned bumpstocks but anyone who says that he shouldn't be voted for is effectively a traitor to the second amendment.
hell the 9th circuit is almost balanced at this point
Can we start a petition or something to get the import bans repealed? I want one so bad boys
> It is absolutely amazing that the Chinese government was able to pull shit like Tiananmen back in 1989 and was literally able to get away with it
Because you're a brainlet that doesn't contextualize things.
Tiananmen wasn't some Berlin Wall moment for China and only involved Beijing and fucking college students - half of which were hardcore Maoists- pissed off at Dengist reforms while the rest of China was enjoying the fruits of such reforms.
And frankly the average Chinese peasant couldn't give a fuck if politically active students were dying because 20 fucking years ago those same kinds of people roamed around the countryside with guns enforcing Maos political will. Hell, the average Chinese probably got a laugh from it.
>lmao I’m not infringing your rights, I’m just telling you what you can and cannot have while I can still have anything I want
Fucking feds
In the past 3 yrs the government bailed on suppressors, cc reciprocity, and confiscated bumpstocks.
Fill out whatever petition you want, if they're willing to cuck on stuff like that then we ain't getting shit.
you dont even need to repeal the NFA, just open up the machine gun registry and it would be the greatest thing to happen to the gun community since dc v heller
the HPA is the most unforgivable. it was a fuckin layup. REEEEE
it's always possible, but you're right
Speaking of courts, when was the last time Ginsburg was seen in public?
Can someone just explain to me what this really means?
Fuck meme stocks I want some c9s and m14s
She does a daily workout that makes the average adult male that writes for Vice almost puke. She's going to outlive us all.
The 2nd Amendment is just a political talking point to win elections. The second their stance on guns starts costing them votes, our elected officials will roll over and sell us out without a second thought.
Things will never get better. Buy more guns, buy more mags, buy more ammo while you still can.
>Supporting any government killing it's own people
Lmao bootlicker
I want full-auto back, assault weapons and fuck yes Norincos
For you and me? Absolutely nothing. It only benefits gun manufacturers. Trumps announcement was just more political pageantry.
I had a feeling that it wasn't for us.
So what are the gun manufacturers getting out of this?
I believe (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) that not signing the treaty makes it easier for manufacturers to sell arms to foreign countries.
There's probably specific language in there to cuck the Chinese.
He's not going to sign anything that the Chinese can benefit off of.
Nope. Literally nothing will change for the average American gun owner.
>"The ATT is simply not needed for the United States to engage in responsible arms trade," the White House statement reads. "America will continue to abide by United States laws that ensure our arms sales are implemented after careful legal and policy reviews."
>Blue lives matter!
Zastava is setting up shop in the US this summer aren’t they?
Assuming they don't get the FB Radom treatment from the ATF that's their goal, though their pistols and bolt-actions should be a cakewalk for approval. Pricing has jumped up from the days when Century was their importer but iirc they're still under Arsenal/WBP prices
Yeah hoard everything like a panicky bitch. You are the reason stuff gets sold out every time politicians takes a dump.
Was there an announcement I missed? I’ve been saving up for made in USA m70s.
Fuck you faggot. Buy now or cry later.
But I already have everything I need and so do you.
nah just move to a Jow Forums part of the country if you want security, then the worst that will happen is that they WACO you, which is pretty cool I guess
I like guns and the 2a as much as anyone here but you guys aren't actually serious about voting for Trump right? A literal sociopath with nothing but contempt for all humanity other than himself, a fool who dismisses advice from wise council for the sake of being contrarian, a literal manifestation of Dunning Kruger in human skin. Have some dignity and vote Libertarian, or at least vote for Bill Weld in the primaries if you're a registered Republican.