An F-15C Eagle from Kadena Air Base, Japan...

>An F-15C Eagle from Kadena Air Base, Japan, crashed last year due to a pilot error that caused the fighter jet to spin out of control, according to an Accident Investigation Report released Wednesday.

Why do Americans think they are better than the Chinese? I've never heard bad incidents about Chinese Navy or Air Force. But there is a lot about America.

From ramming merchant ships to Americans acting like subhumans and crashing overly expensive yet inferior planes, the Americans have it on them and yet they act arrogant when pointing out a single door that has been installed backwards which is a single incident and hasn't been found on other ships.

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op is an american acting like a chinese to make americans mad about the chinese. Everyone here is retarded except me

>Why do Americans think they are better than the Chinese
We have safety standards while the Chinese have to worry about deadly everyday obstacles like escalators, and plastic rice.
>I've never heard bad incidents about Chinese Navy or Air Force
They rarely publish any that gets traction worldwide. China's military isn't really an interesting subject outside of China, and most people would rather read about celebrity clothing.

>Everyone here is retarded except me

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Actually believing that a Mig-31 fired a missile at another Mig-31 is easier to believe even if the source is a blog page that said it has a secret leaked document made by an anonymous individual not connected to the Russian military because it speaks bad things about Russia.

While this F-15C bit is hard to believe because has actually some connections to the US military and the US Military always lies so this should also be a lie so they could get more money from Congress for more 'training allowance'.

>op is an american acting like a chinese to make americans mad about the chinese.
Chinese existing is reason enough to exterminate them, any shitposting either by them, for them or against them is just more reason on top of that.

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not gonna happen buddy

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>why is a country notorious for its censorship not being open about its military fuckups
1989 Tiananmen Square protests


>We have safety standards
flint, mi

>safety standards
Thats a nice way to say Piss Bottles

>China's military isn't really an interesting subject
Yeah, right. They lead in innovation and development and are the number one subject in military forums that matter. There are sources and factual information being provided when talking about Chinese military while American discussion centers around China bad! Russia bad! Orenj man bad! Americuck numbawan.

>There are delusional chink retards on this board right now who think China would defeat the U.S. in a war

You mean militarily? Or do you mean asymmetric like China controlling American industries by taking hold of factories and manpower? Or maybe making sure the American public cannot leave without a Chinese made iphone or android? Maybe even put a Chinese backed President at the White House?

China has already won.

>never heard anything bad about china

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With the amount of cellphones and social media around, you think you can still hide from the internet? Even hidden news like golden showers gets released in America. Face it, China is clean.

holy fuck you are retarded
lurk for 2 more years before posting again, zoomer

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You really don't understand china do you?

ie. What happens when us cities adopt Chinese style governance.

>I've never heard bad incidents about Chinese Navy or Air Force.
>expecting them to tell you

Attached: firedrill.webm (480x284, 2.91M)

Tremble before the Chinese Dragon, silly round-eyes.

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Doesn't work if internet in china only allows you to post on government run social media, VPNs dont work and the social credit system discourages you from posting anything critical of the government on fear of punishments like not being allowed to obtain visas or leave the country.

>Pilot error
even the most advanced jets wont save you from fucking up

>Metal shore to wood cross-brace, to wooden 45 brace with no top pressure.
Gee no wonder that doesn't work.

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China covers up there accidents. The Chinese military does not have a lot of public information on it

Like the Chinese would admit to doing anything wrong or making mistakes, ever.


>expecting them to tell you
>posts a webm of them telling you

Yeah. Intellect isn't America's strong point.

Guy departed the jet during BFM. It happens.

>a pilot error that caused the fighter jet to spin out of control
Pretty pathetic.

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Actually that’s not what happened. A lot of it had to do with federal level oversight. I’m talking about the EPA.

>rides his scooter down the fucking hole
they really are like bug men