Europeans produce quality firearms

>Europeans produce quality firearms.
>Chinese have loads of cheap firearms
>Millions of people live under strict arms controls or outright ban of civilian ownership entirely.
>Meanwhile their products are exported to the enjoyment of the USA, or the misuse of primitives such as Middle Eastern/African warfreaks and criminals.

Am I the only one who feels sorry for the millions of potential gun enthusiasts- common people- unable to enjoy the products of their own labor?

Attached: Feelix Bum.jpg (678x520, 87K)

Humans don’t have inherent rights.

Have you ever been to Europe and engaged them in conversation on guns? Most of them turn into giant cucks as soon as you show them a picture of one of your ARs or AKs. "Why do you need that!" Etc

The most you may get from them is "yeah I hunt with my dad, don't much enjoy target shooting though"

Were I ever an eccentric billionaire I'd be flying cargo planes over fagged up countries between the Atlantic and Russia and airdropping firearms and ammo.
But you Euroshits talk so much trash online that I'm just going to sit on my couch and not do anything to become rich. Ha!

Yeah I feel for them got lots of buddies in the far East that are envious of our gun laws and call me lucky

I just wish Japan would sell some of their standard issue howa rifles from the jsdf
And that the Chinese could send us some of those sweet c9 broom handles

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this, i live in the EU and collecting guns is quite a closed circle with a few people inside, vast majority are hunters that still own multiple rifles but mostly because there is one for deer, one for boar, one for ducks and so on, and then there is the rest of the "populace" made of bootlickers and tools

if only you knew how bad things really are

And all of them are rich, because only the rich can afford all of the time and money to go through the licensing stuff.

>TFW when bought my second ar15
>TFW when you don`t even care about the ammounts of money spent on guns and ammo anymore and just buy them.

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not in my country, guns are still widely available, it's just that no one want to bother with the papers, a hunting permit only cost 40€ and it's for life, range subscription is yearly and can vary depending on the owner but usual is 200€ a year ( still cost less that a gym membership )

No, these people are literally NPCs. I’ve come to understand how few people are truly free.

I'm hoping that you can you use it for more than just glorified paper shooting at the state designated range. If not, you'd better keep it safe with you forever. I can only imagine that the laws get worse in the future.

I'd argue that fudds are the first ones being bootlickers, probably not as much as the Olympic shooter crowd, but still

I'm French and own both European and American legal guns, your point?
The jewish-communist regime is doing its best to reduce our freedom but I'm still there, for now.

European AR15 SBR with 30rd mags owner here.
up to 2 kilometers shooting field 15 mins from home. AMA

I own guns in the EU, shit's pretty cucked, but members are rising, some countries are seeing 3x-4x more applicants in the last 3-4 years than previously. Sadly they take quite a lot of time and money to get and even then the guns themselves and ammo are a lot more expensive compared to the US. Range rules and limits are also pretty bad and pointless. We'll see how the EU is gonna keep cucking us in the future. In any case, in its current form, it's a hobby only for those who have good jobs.

Also most people to who I mentioned that I own guns were pretty enthusiastic and thought it was cool. Most even want to come with me to the range and shoot them. Some people were against it at first, but when I told them that they can come with me and try them started warming up to the idea of guns. I think gun ownership in Europe would soar if our laws would become more lax and prices of various things fell.

But why do you need them if you don't have the balls to use them?

Attached: muh guns.png (816x766, 38K)

Price isn't an argument, it's economics 101 called supply and demand.
The problem is Statism and anti-gun laws.

Are you assuming I'm one of the people in that militia? Because I'm not. This might blow your mind, eurotrash, but America isn't a solid bloc of ethnicities and political views.

Also, the border militias are just the beginning. Give it ten years when the border patrol is defunded by president AOC and there is no federal authority there to stop anyone from smoking beaners coming over the wall.

>unable to enjoy the products of their own labor?

Attached: Grot.jpg (3264x1836, 1.18M)

>*gets raped to death by somalians*

Aand here's my own basedboyblaster. I don't actually own that Grot, just a range rental anyone can shoot. Wouldn't buy one anyways, at least not until FB releases an improved version and they get cheaper.

Attached: 2.jpg (1184x888, 134K)

You do realize that the southern border is thousands of miles away for most Americans.

You've been giving it ten years for the last fifty years.

>Range rules and limits are also pretty bad and pointless.
From the stories I sometimes see here, it seems like my euro range is actually much more lax than some ranges in the US.
>no "no rapid fire" rules, shoot as fast as you want
>no "no singles" rule, you can shoot your own guns or rentals just by yourself as long as you are 18+
>no membership required
>pay for a lane (if you have your own gun and ammo) or ammo (if rentals) and stay as long as you want

When are you going to use it for something interesting?

Exactly, we have a high import tax, as well as gun tax, not to mention gun registration fees and all that after a purchase. Maverick 88 that goes for 200$ in the US costs around 500€ here. We also have a limited selection of firearms and not a good aftermarket.

Depends on the country and range I guess. Sadly a lot of laws are changing, becoming more restrictive, because of the EU. The state of ranges last year and now are a lot different.
My range has added cameras everywhere, an extensive check in book, where you have to write in your license number as well as the firearm serial number, etc. Also they stopped allowing people without a finished exam to shoot without a range instructor. Meaning if I bring a new guy to the range to shoot my gun and my ammo and I show him around, that's not enough, the instructor has to be present. Just last year at around this time none of this existed. The range instructor gave me and my buddy the club handguns, a few boxes of ammo and went to grab a coffee with his shooting buddies. We were alone at the range, had no exams finished and had some experience before, but shit like that happened often, now I can't even bring a buddy to shoot my guns with me present.

>rapid fire isn't restricted, but most people don't do that anyway
>for the better ranges membership in a club is required
>those that do not are pretty expensive to rent, 20€ for 1h, 50€ to borrow a gun and 25 bullets

Like I mentioned, in the last 1-2 years a lot things in a lot of EU countries have been changing for the worse and becoming more and more restrictive. It's obvious that these laws are completely pointless and made by people who don't know shit. Hobbyists, competitive shooters, instructors, stores and even government officials who have to deal with this pointless shit are fed up. Everyone in this hobby/sport knows that this does nothing to increase safety, but is there just to restrict us and siphon more money.

european detected

Thank you for supporting us, brother.
t. Poland (lowest firearms ownership in europe)

You have the right to your shitty opinion

>t. Poland (lowest firearms ownership in europe)
Coincidentally, the only guns posted in this thread so far belong to a pole. Poland has actually pretty good gun laws compared to the rest of Europe. Getting a sporting/collecting license is about as hard and expensive as a driving license. Thelaw isn't too restricitve either, anything semi-auto chambered for

Millions without freedom? More like the vast majority of 7 billion people.

Have you ever done a killing?
A NON-State sanctioned killing?
Do you know what its like to take a life?
Do you know what its like to take the life of someone that isn't immediately trying to do you harm?

Have you ever killed someone with an ICE PICK?
stabbing them over and over in the side of the head
ramming the pick into their brain and watching the
small holes ooze blood.

see your ego out of the door child.
Theres nothing simple about any of this. And judging by your fuckwad comment, you have no ideas about the topic. I suggest you reflect on your life and whats going on in that thing you think is your own mind and your own thoughts.

This. Just like goats and spiders doesnt.

You guys are allowed to conceal carry, too, yeah? How long does it take to get one of those carry licenses? I know you don't have it written into your constitution.

nice pasta

the light skinned ones definitely do