Gun money budgeting

How do you guys balance spending money on guns, ammo, range trips/ innawoods trips, accessories, nice scopes, etc. While paying rent, saving for a house, or paying that mortgage, car payments, fuel, car repairs, groceries, bills, other hobbies, dirt bikes, boat, etc..,.

Attached: always-be-safe-carry-a-gun_o_5282921.jpg (500x530, 55K)

Dude that is way too specific a question for this thread to turn into anything other than shit flinging.

I properly budget out my paycheck into everything unlike a nigger who pays for shit without thinking.

not being poor

I just have an income that is disproportionately high compared to my cost of living. It helps that I am single, am content to live in budget housing, and have no strong desire to own nice things.


I have a budget. In the budget I have money for the necessities, money for fun (entertainment, toys, etc), and money to save. Whether you make 500k/yr or are living paycheck to paycheck on min wage you should still have a budget.

I pay my bills, budget out groceries and then put a little bit into savings every month. All the money left after that goes to guns and gun related activities for the most part. The way I see it is as long as your savings account is increasing in size you aren't doing that bad.

I budget. I put aside 50 a week for ammo and clays and that comes put of my fun fund.

>t. consumerist urbanite
I choose to live cheaply and recognize that simply possessing objects doesn't make me happy. I still own a few nice things, such as firearms, because, while simply owning them does not make me happy, they allow me to engage in shooting sports, which does make me happy.
I am choosing not to needlessly spend the money that I have, while niggers are defined by their showy spending of money that they don't have.

Budget, getting overtime or a second job for big stuff, using small budgeted sum to pay for small things. Have equal amount saved to what you want to buy. New $200 optic? Put $200 in savings first.

>how do I budget
Do you not know how or something? Break it up into main categories, savings (which you should be investing), rent, food, and entertainment. Keep an emergency fund for 3 months of expenses in case you get fucked, and delegate savings after that to meet your goals. You decide which fund gun money comes out of

>all this sound advice

This thread is un-American as shit. Buy whatever you want, whenever you want. If you don't have the money who cares, that's what credit cards are for!

Seriously though, whatever you do, don't go into CC debt. It's just the accepted norm these days to carry credit card debt. It's pretty fucked. The only acceptable debt to have is a mortgage, MAYBE a car payment, MAYBE student loans if they are pretty low and the degree is actually getting you a valuable job.

Biggest budget advice I can give.

Add up any bills for the entire month and decide by the number of paychecks you get. It should be 4 if weekly.

Open a secondary account that you can manage through a mobile app and connect that to auto pay on your bills. This will save you a lot of late fees.

Lastly, although most months have 4 pay days, there will be 4 months that have 5. Since you planned to take out a quarter of your monthly bills post paycheck, when this extra pay check comes you suddenly have a few hundred dollars

Also, don't be rich poor. Getting approved for a 500k mortgage =/= being able to afford a 500k mortgage. My bro-in-law and sis-in-law are like this. Bought way more house than they can afford, drive new cars every 2yrs with super high payments, buy all kinds of shit (new furniture, expensive toys). They make very good money. But they are fucking tapped, lots of CC debt, almost no savings, no emergency fund. If one of them loses job, gets hurt and has to be out of work, etc they would be fucked. They don't really look down on my wife and I, but they always think we are weird for the house we live in and cars we drive. Well guess what, I could lose my job and be fine until I get a new one. I am on track to retire at 55. You aren't gonna thinks it's so weird when you come to us for money to pay for your bankruptcy attorney.

You allocate your paycheck
10% to rainy day savings
10% to 401k
10% to charity/church if moral fag
Remaining 70% is to live on and spend as you choose.
As a young bachelor I made about $2500 a month after taxes. I lived in a shithole part of town and rented a room for $350. Walked to work. Didn't need a car. So for me my finances were;
$250 401k
$250 tithe
$250 savings
$350 Rent
$200 a month on food, could have been less but I wasn't home much, lots of long days while I was still making close to minimum wage.

Remainder of my paycheck went to saving for specific purposes (engagement ring, house downpayment, car, funs)

So the answer is to be responsible. Plan where your money goes according to your needs and priorities. I put about 5% towards guns because it was what I could afford. Saved 2 months, bought a decent 22lr boltyboi, went to the range as I could and saved up for an SKS back when they were 300ish.

Also, if you are stuck at minimum wage eternally I recommend trying to save more than 10%. I had a job where I was going to be making more as I got experience. If ultimate poorfag you have to live like it and save money everywhere you can.

What is a simple budget?
Total monthly income
Less monthly expenses
Less % for a savings account
Equals disposable income.

Also, cars are depreciating assets.
Buy used cars, let someone else eat the depreciation on a new car.
Never, never, NEVER! buy a car on time. The interest you pay is a loss. Always pay cash for a car.

I didn’t become a rich fag by wasting money.

Big yes on buying used, get a 2-3yr lease turn in, usually are low mileage and certified pre-owned with good factory warranty still active. I agree paying cash for your vehicles is preferable, but it's not possible for everyone. If you absolutely can't save up to buy a car with cash then a) focus on making sure you have an excellent credit score so you can get best interest rate, and b) try to save up as much as you can for downpayment so you are financing the least amount possible. My current vehicle I paid 10k cash and financed 10k at 3%.

Another issue is people want to drive a $40k car instead of a $15k car.
Reliable transportation can be had for less than $20k

1. Be single
2. Have job
a. Be employed most of the time
b. Make sure you are paid well

same. I make decent money for the area, live in a cheap apartment, drive a 15yr old used car, and don't waste my money on frivolous crap. I'm just living within my means.

>other hobbies, dirt bikes, boat,
there's your problem. If you're not rich AF you can't afford multiple expensive hobbies.

Hi Nick.

Bro, niggers are all about owning nice things they can't afford

>range trips/ innawoods trips
I shoot in my back yard
>accessories, nice scopes
Most of my guns are slavshit with no need for extra accessories
>While paying rent
Live with parents
>saving for a house or paying that mortgage
Even if I could afford to move out I wouldn't want to
>car payments, groceries, bills
No need to worry about these
>other hobbies, dirt bikes, boat, etc...
"Other hobbies" for me are vidya/anime, working out (at home), and going to anime conventions with friends

My only expenses are phone bill and fuel/lunches while at work, so I have more disposable income than most my age (yes I do also save some of my money every paycheck)

Simple. I live within my means. Cook my own food, walk to work, shop at thrift stores if I need clothes, and aggresively hunt for deals when I want to get firearms.

Just be patient and wait for good deals on everything.
For accessories, you can buy chinkshit knockoffs first to see if it's going to work for you before you buy the real thing. e.g. you don't want to drop big money on a high end red dot only to find out you have astigmatism.

Why's astigmatism a problem with red dots?

Instead of being a perfect dot it's more of a blur or a starburst. Depends on level/severity of astigmatism. I have it but luckily not too severe, can still use red dots fine just get a slight distortion.

Read a book about personal finance you manchild. This isn't hard if you're not already in massive debt.

I'm single, have a decent wage, and live with friends. I'm eternally alone, and crushingly depressed, but it means my bills are low, and my income decent, so I can afford funs.

Dots are meant to be a crisp, clear perfect . (Period) But my eyes, it's a , (Comma) or comet, the tail goes to the bottom right. Shoot fine, but I can see how it drives some.people.nuts and they go 1-4x instead.

Math,planning,common sense You know adult skills