
how to defeat? Shotguns?

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I wouldn't worry about it

nice try skinwalker-san

nice try mothman, but I am gonna find ya and kill ya and avenge the silver bridge

You leave those pale Gondolas alone, they didn't do anything to you.

or to anyone really.

Silver tipped bullets dipped in holy water blessed by the seventh son of a seventh son.

no, the dick.

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I love these guys, they're hilarious. Don't shoot them user, go find a wendigo to shoot instead, this pants man just wants to be with his son.

A little bit of tape, lube, and rape is my motto

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>implying aliens are cryptids
from OP pic I think you were attacked by the lonely pajama bottoms.

then I shall set of to tranq bigfoot and cut off his feet as proof then throw him back, catch and release

he's one of them, blast him!

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Gondolas aren't really know for doing things. They just kinda...stand there. Watching.

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what about fresno nightcrawlers?

*muffled säkkijärven polkka in the distance*

Why bother them they don't do anything. They just go on comfy night walks and chill, no danger or risk at all.

That's what I tell the police but they always take me in for questioning

Covering your bullets in ash is a skinwalker conspiracy to get people to load their guns up with ash and cause them to malfunction when it turns to bullshit paste mixed in the oil.

Obviously it's because the lads are white, the cops are just being racist at you.

Good read i wonder if he got teleported Isekai style

.30 cal or larger rifle rounds, handguns better be handcannons or blessed

Is that you, Ranger Park?

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This has to be true. If Skinwalkers function is some spiritual manner, surely everyone's autistic belief that 7.62 NATO being one of the great rounds fucking ever will give the ammo enough power to deal as much damage spiritually as physically.

only thing that spooks me

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>have spooky thread up
>deleted by the time I get my 2nd break
What the fuck jannies? Dude was talking about lights on Mount Olympus

Can't dogmen be killed really easily?

I don't have any big boi calibers yet. 5.56 or 7.62x39 for squatch defense?

They're literally just puppets on strings, all you'd need is a pair of scissors.

5.56, the AK will just get caught in their matted fur

.270 winchester should do the trick

I suggest a .45-70

You know the answer in your heart, comrade

For Skinwalkers? .45-70 hardcast lead. The heavier the bullet the better. Some hunters use smaller calibers, but in my experience, .45-70 does the trick. Just remember to burn the body and sanctify the ground. Otherwise it will come back.

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I forgot to add, the bullets must be treated with white ash. Not wood of the white ash tree, I mean the as from a fire that's mostly white, or light grey. You mix it with water and create a paste. Paint the paste on the exposed head and let dry.

Are you the user who hunts with the NA's on reservation land? Bump with stories

Guys plz

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Yeah, that's me. I've actually been pretty active since the last time I talked about it on here. Though being active, and removing a problem skinwalker are two entirely different things. Seems there are fewer and fewer problem skinwalkers lately. Either they're learning to be quiet, or there are just fewer 'shaman' actually attempting the transformation. The old ones still exist, but they tend to keep a very low profile.

I do still have a couple stories though. Had my first Sasquatch run in which oddly happened when I was not working, go figure. I've worked with some Nez Perce hunters up in Idaho, as well as some Yakima hunters. I also worked with the US Park Service on a fairly simple case in a big National Park in California. Won't say which one, but you can probably guess. What'd you like to hear?

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Why is there no official documentation on cryptids or samsquanch?

Because no one takes it seriously outside of those who are in the know. There are books out there, but they tend to be a little more obscure.

Do you know about all the exploration and discovery that happened during the Colonial era? Explorers would come back with stories of things like Lowland Gorillas, Orangutans, Okapi, Platypus, Thylocene, and the wonders of the cloud forests in Papua New Guinea. None of these explorers were taken seriously, even in cases where carcasses were brought back like with the Platypus. Science is keen on discovery, but sometimes fails to see truth right in front of their eyes.

Like I said, there's documentation out there, if you can find it. Most of it is oral tradition written down and kept by Native American tribal leaders and Elders. It is common knowledge among those people. That's how us Hunters are able to work. But really, there is incentives, especially in Casino owning tribes, to not have the public know about evil spirits roaming tribal land.

How is interaction between you and the park service?

It can be a bit tense. I know there are a lot of Tribal hunters that work with the Park Service, but they honestly don't care for us. I mean, there are some rangers that are friendly, but there's a lot who would rather not deal with us at all. Often times when a hunter has to go in, it means the Park Service has tried, and failed to deal with the problem.

One of the rangers I worked with really made it clear I was unwelcome. The other ranger that was assigned on this case was pretty cool and had a lot of questions. If they actually put in the effort to learn how to deal with a problem, they wouldn't have to call us.

Post pics of yourself to prove you're not an overweight neckbeard, or a meth enthusiast.

Skin walkers aren't really an issue.
Wendigos though, gotta watch out for them. Wendigos and BEKs.

Why do I have to prove anything to you? Either believe my stories or don't, that decision is entirely up to you. I'm not saying my stories are entirely made up, or that Skinwalkers actually exist. I am simply telling stories. I don't expect anyone to believe them.

But, for you information, the last time I talked about this I made it pretty clear that just speaking about it is taboo in my profession. Identifying myself won't buy any credibility from you and may only lose credibility and trust from others who do what I do. You are free to not believe me, but I absolutely will not be identifying myself to anyone in this thread.

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.17 hmr

user I am exceptionally curious about your line of work. Excuse my skepticism (not the user you're replying to). Why do you think skin walker stories became so common on Jow Forums? Do you think it was one credible story that caught on as a theme here? Or would you say these types of things are more common here in the states than one would guess? Are they common across multiple plains tribes? Or are they specific to certain Indians? I may not totally buy the existence of real spirit skinwalkers, but are Indian men going a bit wild with 'wendigo syndrome' what you usually deal with? I really would like to hear as much as you can tell me of your experiences. I do not deny the world is strange and much exceeds human knowledge- I would just find you more credible with more first hand accounts. Not proving yourself, but just sharing. Bigfoot has always been a favorite of mine, maybe start there before describing your hunts (without potentially compromising your identity of course). I am particularly curious about your resources, while you said most were orally preserved what books would you recommend? When dealing with the odd and unexplained it is hard to sort out the schizophrenic from the genuine.

I think the stories became common because they're genuinely interesting and fun to read. People like scary stories, and a Native American creature that can mimic your voice and endlessly hunts you through it's territory is right up there with really other really scary stories. I also genuinely believe some Anons on here have had real encounters with this beings. Their stories are similar to what I've experienced in my line of work. That and Jow Forums has a certain level of Autism to find this sort of thing interesting.

Every Plains Indian tribe has references to Skinwalkers. Most see them as evil spirits. Men who trade their humanity for power and immortality. Though some Tribes, Navajo most notable, see them as grey spirits who can do both harm and good depending on the purpose of their creation.

Spirit is a bit of a misnomer. They are not spirits in the apparition sense. They are very much real, physical beings. They just exude spiritual power that is beyond that of a normal man. The general term for these things to all Native American tribes is Spirit. So the name sort of sticks. They are most certainly NOT Wendigos. Skinwalkers and Wendigos are nothing alive save for their lethality. Personally, I've not dealt with a Wendigo, they are largely east coast Algonquin Indian things.

The best way to Describe what exactly a Skinwalker is...Imagine someone who is already in tune with the spirits as it is. To Native tribe, he's a Shaman, to others he might be a Witchdoctor, a prophet, or a Oracle. Now imagine him giving up his humanity for great power and immortality. Our Humanity is the binding which seperates us from Animals. In destroying his Humanity he becomes animalistic. His shape shifts to better represent his new nature. Thus the Shapeshifter part of the stories.


How do I join you? I want to learn about these beings and want to believe but without first hand knowledge its hard... Ive got my own weapons and willing to travel...

It's hard to recommend a book. There aren't many books that go into deep detail on the subject. The writings tend to stay with the tribal chiefs and elders. More of an item to be passed down to future generations. The best way to start is to understand Native American lore. The Navajo are intertwined with Skinwalkers. Start learning about the Navajo and their lore. Just don't go onto a rez and expect them to talk to you about it. You'll be told to leave, and Rez police aren't always the nicest people.

With your last point, I agree. Though there are times when Schizophrenics aren't far from the truth. No rational, sane, or well adjusted person should believe stories of 'spritis' in the woods who flay people alive for being in the wrong place. But sometimes reality is far strangers than what a rational person can understand. From my time in this line of work, I've heard stories about phenomena all over the world of similar things to Skinwalkers. Goblins and Faeries in Europe, Gnomish peoples in the American South East, Sand Worms of the Mongolian deserts. Some times truth really is stranger than fiction.

> I want to learn about these beings and want to believe but without first hand knowledge its hard

I was like this once, till I had to deal with one on my own land. I can't really offer up an answer to you about joining me. Hunters are better off when they keep a low profile outside of Mongolian underwater basket weaving forums where everything may or may not be a lie. Honestly, doing this sort of thing, looking for these things is not advisable. It's really something you do not want to do.

Like I said, I fell into it, and it nearly killed me the first time, and the second time, and a little less closely the third time. Start reading up on Native American lore, focus on Navajo like what I said in . But don't go seeking what you can't handle. Sometimes being ignorant of the true reality of some things is the best way to go about life.

Of Iroquois descent and open to the truth... And ready to rid the wold of evil! Although im more white than native at this point

Death does not scare me, Life is a blessing but death comes for us all. The chance to rid the world of true evil surpasses a life of "normal" existence in this rat race in my mind...

Then you're part of the way there. If you have local tribes, try and get friendly. Ready up as much as you can about native lore. But don't expect to get into it. They really don't like talking about it in the first place. That's about all the advice I can offer.

How do I "fall" into it then if you wont lead me into it... I do not expect you to hold my hand or be responsible for me only guide me and let me carry out Gods work!

Ohio does not have much in the way of local tribes...

Thank you for the reply user, and please continue to share your experiences. The way I'm understanding it is that the skinwalker has a profound spiritual meaning to the Navajo. I understand their secrecy as it is sort of like the mystery cults of Ancient Greece and Rome. I do not deny the existence in some form of beings that hold deep spiritual roles in shaping communities understandings of the world and themselves. It only makes the whole thing more complex and fascinating. It is hard to consider from an outsiders perspective and the sort of militant refusal to explain the phenomena is both an excellent strategy to maintain Navajo cultural identity, but also seems to up the danger. Please, if it doesn't compromise your security could you tell us how you got into this sort of work? Are you an Indian (is this an acceptable term? It seems disingenuous to call them 'natives') yourself or somehow affiliated with reservation police?

Id think the more lion hearted ready to take on evil on the side of "good" would be welcomed... Not looking to right a book or looking for glory amongst others only to fulfill my hearts desire to leave the world a better more pure place than before I walked it!

You have to meet the right people. Share a cup of coffee, grab lunch, what ever. It's hard to say what will work for you, but that's what worked for me after my first encounter with one on my property, er, rather the edge of my property.

That's more Wendigo territory anyway. Aren't there still a lot of Iroquois in Pennsylvania, New York, and New Hampshire? I am sure you can dig up some info with that.

The secrecy does pose a danger, but disclosure can do damage to the tribe's image, and like you said their cultural identity. You'll get warnings about areas with evil spirits and how you should never go there. That's usually a good indicator that they're in the area. Honestly people go missing in the desert and woods all the time, and are ultimately never found. At least in the west, that's the reality of life here. The desert is a cruel place to those who don't know how to handle it.

As for how I got into it? Story coming up.

These are all me... any way we could talk outside of this Mongolian basket weaving forum one on one without all the spectators and still preserve your anonymity and give me knowledge beyond what your willing to divulge to the masses... Hoping you are genuine... If you are the real deal may God bless you and be by your side through the trials and tribulations you face and may his might be at your hand!

I dealt with one on the edge of my property. It took one of my cows. When a cow goes missing you kinda notice. So, I went on a stakeout one night at the edge of my property with my .30-30, a thermos of coffee, and some cashews. About 2 in the morning I was met with this horrible stench of rotting flesh and copper. It was so strong I could taste it. The moon was full was bright enough for me to see about 40 yards onto the neighbors property. I saw it standing in the middle of a clearing off my property. It just stared at me before letting out a guttural scream. Today, that doesn't scar me, then it scared the shit out of me. I ran back to my 4 wheeler, and booked it back home.

The next morning fear turned to anger, anger turned to research. research turned up that the property that butts up to mine is owned by a local tribe and there's nothing on it. So, I pestered at the tribal office enough to actually meet with an Elder. Which eventually got them to disclose for 'my safety' what the land was for. I asked if it could be dealt with. I was told that it could. I asked if it was sacred to them, they said no, but it had not cause trouble before. They offered to replace the cow, but that was not a sustainable venture if it was going to keep killing my livestock. So, I convinced them to deal with it, and wormed my way into the hunt. That's how I got "in."

The Hunt was a failure. The California oak foothills can be pretty dense and hard to navigae. I got separated from the hunter, and started calling out to him. Against the rules laid out to me. The skinwalker took advantage, but the guide got me in time and managed to drive it. He built a fire, spread ash around us, and we waited till morning. He was fairly displeased, but I somehow convinced him that I was worth keeping around. We took it the next night, and sanctified it's grave to banish it.

Shouldnt You and your kind be building your ranks and combating these evils on all fronts. Organizing and removing these evils wholesale? Maybe I am missing something but in my eyes the best defense is a good offense and bringing it to the evil would be more proactive then being a purely reactionary "force"...

Very engaging stuff user, please I can only ask for more of what you've. While we still have you please share what you can. Unless there are archived posts anywhere I can be pointed to.

It isn't proactive because the tribes would rather not divulge it at all in the first place. In all honesty it's not as common as you think. Many of them can be ignored because, due to their remoteness, they don't pose any threat to people or livestock. It's only when there is interaction that we're called in. You don't call fish and game to remove all Mountain lions from the state, you call them when one causes a problem to someone's livelihood.

They are not something that can be eradicated. There are still fools, to this day, who make the transformation. Some are changed as punishment for heinous crime. Some change to protect their families. We largely respect Navajo tradition on this matter. Not all Skinwalkers are inherently evil. Some are 'good' spirits that have changed to protect their homes and families from warring tribes. Many Navajo in fact turned during their war with the Apache. Skinwalkers were used as almost a defensive weapon, and to this day defend their ancestors who remain on earth. Most are indeed pure evil, but we can'd do anything about them unless they make themselves know, and if a skinwalker, especially a very old spirit skinwalker doesn't want to be found, they won't be found.

We have as many people as we need. I am an outside since I am not a member of a tribe. Generally, this is not a job for outsiders to tribes. The tribes prefer to keep things quiet and do things themselves. if that makes any sense.

I've seen a few screenshots of my stories from last time. Maybe someone has them still, not sure. I can tell one that coincides with my other reply. Give me a minute.

I was in the first thread with the HunterAnon, Please keep sharing your stories.

How to defeat? Shotguns?

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I wouldnd worry aboud id :DD

Gondola is your friend, please do not disturb

I guess that makes sense... Wendigos seem to be pure evil ALL the time though... Are there "hunters of these creatures that you know of? I respect the natives traditions and understand the reservations of letting "outsiders" in. Seems like the more you remove the creatures from existence and make it known amongst the tribes they will be actively hunted and exterminated the less they would want to "transform"... I also can respect one basically sacrificing himself to protect those he loves but is it really in the tribes best interest to let them live if there is even a small chance they could come after the innocent?

It was out near four corners. Well, rather, farther north on the Colorado - Utah border. I was working a case on Ute Indian land near Canyons of the Ancient National Monument. Not on the monument but near it.

We had reports of some local sheep or goats going missing. I can't remember the livestock exactly, nor is it really that relevant. Normally that's a Mountain Lion thing, but the skin was being returned to the ranch a few days later. That's not a Mountain Lion thing. A Navajo friend of mine was offered the job, and he called me to help out. Spent an entire week out there in the sticks hunting for this spirit. Night after night we'd go in, find evidence of it, and come out empty handed. But we figured we were getting close. Last night, must have been into the near dawn hours we finally caught up with it in a small depression at the edge of a forest. Bone chimes were hanging from trees, there was a medicine wheel in the center of the clearing, and feathers on posts around the outer circumference. It was very clearly a place of power and not something that young spirits make. This was an old spirit and we could absolutely feel it's presence. It stepped out from the treeline and watched us.

My buddy and I prepared to deal with. We steeled our hearts and drove any fear out when it did a most peculiar thing. It spoke to us, in a very gutteral voice. It told us in Navajo, "Leave this place." My buddy pushed my rifle down and replied along the lines of, "Are you killing livestock?" It replied back in it's guttural tongue, "Take what I need, return what I don't. Leave this place." It being a Navajo spirit tipped me off that this was more than a problem spirit. I asked, "Are you protecting your kin?" to which it replied, "Yes, will defend family from evil. Leave this place." It was guarding this place of power to protect it's family. We figured it was an ancient spirit. My buddy said, "Stop taking livestock, take deer, the ranchers won't mind." Then we left

Surrender and beg for mercy.

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I wouldn't say Wendigos are evil, they just have an unending appetite for human flesh. It's Instinctual, and it's more of a curse than a willing transformation. There are Wendigo hunters who do their level best to hunt every last one of them. I'm actually in talks about maybe going out there this winter, but I am still unsure. Skinwalkers, depending on the spirit, can be spoken to, reasoned with, and made to come to an understanding. Wendigos are just killing machines.

Skinwalkers have set territory. It's kind of like a binding, they can't physically leave. They don't leave their land and hunt only those who enter it unwelcome. Most spirits welcome no one and will kill anyone who enters their land. Some spirits simple guard the land they are bound to. The vast majority of people have nothing to fear from them because they'll likely never go into a place that has one. The spirits that show up in places hat are unsafe to people tend to not last long because of people like me. The vast majority are harmless by way of being remote. if there is no problem that they're causing, there's no reason to risk the lives of hunters to deal with it. On top of that, there are those in the tribe who would rather not remove them in the first place for various. Tribal politics is a bitch sometimes, and even stubborn Elders still have a vote in tribal direction.


Can you put me in contact with these wendigo hunters? I want to be educated on them as well as remove them! Proving to myself their existence and enlightening myself as to the things of the spiritual realm... Where abouts are you traveling and are the wendigo hunters strictly native as well? I have no problem diving in head first but would much rather learn from those experienced in these spiritual matters!

If one is entering a set territory and they are initially unwelcome, is there a way to ask for safe passage, like offering food?

And how does one know he is entering a set territory? Seems kinda fucked to just let them kill something that has no knowledge it is trespassing... This is why in my mind they must be eradicated

I've heard of Natives making offerings, but in my experience it doesn't seem to make a difference. If they simply don't want you there, they'll make it very clear. If they want to feed, they'll toy with you before doing so. They tend to be very territorial and will drive out anyone they don't want to be there. Or, they'll hunt one. Depends on the spirit in question.

There will be warning signs. Tribes were put out warnings of, "Do not go to this place" if it's on tribal land. Skinwalkers also put on a show of force too. Deer skulls in trees, branches broken in strange ways, animal carcasses, birds will be quiet.

Moving through during the day isn't a problem. Skinwalkers are nocturnal, the sunlight drives them off. Coincidentally, Flashlights tend to do the same too. As long as you don't camp in these areas, or try to traverse them at night, you should be fine. Unless you stumble on their lair.

Alright gents, I've got to head out. I've got some shit early tomorrow I have to do. Time for dinner, then some time with the wife, then bed.

Stay safe.

So that's interesting because here in the Appalachians, the Cherokee burial grounds here tend to have the side effect of killing whatever comes in them. I've been close enough to feel how off they feel, but never seen anything guarding them like this. Is this a common trend among all Indian tribes? Also, any general knowledge on what stalks the woods out here?

Nothing like delivering a 7.62mm high explosive payload direct to a skinwalker's head. And then incinerating the remains just to be sure they're dead

Do you have any recommendation of books with real stuff on them? like the ones you mentioned?

Friend and I considered hunting skinwalkers so we could larp in the woods. You ended up describing us perfectly what the fuck

Ive been wanting to go on nature walks with my .45-70 levergat up in the Sierra Mountains, how do park and forest rangers react to armed men going for a stroll? And how do I get in on hunting with NAs? Ive never hunted before but I want to and going after skinwalkers sounds up my alley

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Goodnight hunter bro

25 auto

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benis XDDD
Geddit? Ids a benis XDD

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How do you even get a job like this? Who did you talk to that let you start hunting cryptids? Do you get paid for it and what did you do before this?

its a shame nobody really answered OP's question

realistically what would you use to take down cryptids? personally i'd probably also bring a shotgun and a rifle that can punch through the bigger bastards, shotgun pellets might not always dig far enough in to matter

308 or bust my nibbaz pew pew

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Looks like a black man stealing a bike

Would using it to fill the cavity of a hollowpoint work?

i second
i want books. i pay top dolla and will hunt them down

you dont know much about cryptids do ya

no, but I know I like shotguns

very well. just don't start with it cuz you'll end with it just as well

i live and die by my favorite guns