Will this change CA gun laws?

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It won't be reported on

Of course not, an uber driver in Chicago stopped his passenger from killing people and nobody talked about it the next day

This. I have not seen it mentioned anywhere

The kikes still want you disarmed user.

>good guy with gun

What the fuck do you think?

according to CBS the armed citizen was an off duty CBP agent and he did not hit the shooter but did put some holes in his car and caused him to flee the scene where he was arrested and gave himself up.

>suspect fled
These pussies never wanna tango do they?

nvm, PBS reported this as well

Detroit Free Press and USA Today included it.

>good goy with a gun

>border patrol agent
Well, I guess that means the news will doubly not report on this. Can’t shed positive light on anything remotely pro-borders

Won't hit the big news cause it doesn't fit their narrative. On all the other shootings cnn and the left jumped on them almost instantly. They will be nice and slow about this and try to let it slip under the mainstream radar

i swear its like you guys WANT them to ignore it so you can be angry.

>"Well if we took all the guns away he wouldnt have been there in the first place!"

They will just double down like they always do.

>Jow Forums 24/7 : kill da joos! Remove juice! Based Hitler! Good guys lost ww2! Jews are he enemy! Gas kikes race war now!
*somebody actually does killl a jew*
>fake news! Mossad false flag!

>AR-15 in a post BBRAW world
>Shooter was 19 when you have to be 21 to buy any gun in California
>Stopped by an armed citizen

We won't hear a fucking word of this in a day.

> 1 killed
> 3 wounded

>They will be nice and slow about this and try to let it slip under the mainstream radar

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Literally nobody said it was a false flag. Go back to plebbit with your strawmans and take your meds schizoboy.

If they weren't pussies they wouldn't be shooting civilians in the first place.

>australian commits a mass shooting
>50 dead
>american commits a mass shooting
>4 wounded

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This makes us look good you faggot. Poltards... honestly you people must have 70 iq. Who cares if a few Jews die or not. The press coverage is advantageous to gun rights and helps our cause which defeats them in the long run. Seriously the alt right is dumb as hell, you are nothing more than morons we essentially have to use you as dogs and let you and antifa kill each other. Both are incapable of higher thought.

Not to mention whatever pussy polcuck that tried this showed up locked and loaded with a rifle and kit and ran away like a bitch at the first sign of resistance from a dude with only a pistol. If he was actually a man he would've fought back and continued his murder spree. He was a pussy like you

> inb4 rabbi /schlomo
I'm not Jewish and I don't like them them either. This is a win from an objective standpoint. Use your head peabrain

visit Jow Forums right now, and see for yourself imbecile.

Yeah I saw something similar, it said that people in the congregation "engaged" the shooter, but it doesn't specify how they engaged him.

>"""""""""""""mass shooting"""""""""""""""

the nose knows eh ?

But both those people are law enforcement, which fits the "OnLy PoLiCe ShOuLd HaVe GuNs" narrative.

It's so hard to find good terrorists in this country, these days. I remember when some guy leveled a building over a police raid. Now we get retards who fail to use mail bombs, when using mail bombs at all is an admission that you're fucking stupid and going to use the least effective and easiest method because it's that or nothing.

>The press coverage is advantageous to gun rights and helps our cause which defeats them in the long run.

yeah totally whats happening right now
>Not to mention whatever pussy polcuck that tried this showed up locked and loaded with a rifle and kit and ran away like a bitch at the first sign of resistance from a dude with only a pistol. If he was actually a man he would've fought back and continued his murder spree. He was a pussy like you

just how obsessed are you ? whats your surname by the way ?

Jesus your IQ is fucking low, don't even bother coming back here reddit transplant boy. You're obviously too dumb to function.


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Its true fellow goy. Go see yourself! I literally just posted it myself. Guilty as a goy.

Just ignore everyone calling out the hypocrisy of us jews protecting our synagogues with armed personel while calling for gun bans for the goyim.

Hey moron notice how they didn't mention that a gun was used in the title or headline to stop the shooter? How the title wasn't "mass shooting averted" like it should have been? How it says they "kept the shooting from being worse" without stating how exactly? They will loosely cover the story but they will avoid being open about how the threat was dealt with cause it opposes their narrative.

literally read Jow Forums. it's all there you fucking argument-less retard



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You already lost shlomo. You posting something doesn't mean people are actually saying it. Go back to plebbit already nigger lover.

It gives us an example to use in debates about mass shootings. Next time some libtard asks how a concealed gun would ever stop a mass shooting we have something to point to, and it even helped protect some kike minority which will make it even harder for them to argue against. Retard.

Here is the guys open letter.
Is this what happens when your brain is to fried by Jow Forums-memes?


i fell like i should make webm on how you debate while features on your AR disappear california style

Yup, fuck this figured l society man. They are citizens.

>muh Jow Forums

Jews literally mutilate infant boys. Please continue telling us how innocent they are.

maybe the kid bought the rifle before brown signed the new age restriction into law

The irony that the same people say that cops are evil racists on a hair trigger is not lost on me

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Too bad he was a christian. Many such jew worshippers that pretend like theyre fighting the will of the jew.

Many such cases

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>I’d rather die in glory or spend the rest of my life in prison than waste away knowing that I did nothing to stop this evil.
He's going to have a long time to think about how he threw his life away and then bitched out.

>australian commits a mass shooting
>near-immediate ban on semi-auto firearms
>american commits a mass shooting

Or got a hunting license.

ok retard

I bet the jews are seething, over the low score by their shill
>one dead!! I lost six billion grandparents innuh shoah!! I paid for more than that!!! you wouldnt even take my coupon you mamzer!!!


now off yourself, you fucking cretin

they used jew-do and jew-jitsu!

>Jews literally mutilate infant boys.
Thats not uniqe to them tho.

Only them, muslims and Americans. All subhumans. At least in the case of Americans it's dying out and some dont do it, doesnt excuse many of them though.

Even in south Korea they only did it on older men who had some idea.

Yeah, I think mutilating someones cock is bad too, but really, you have got to be insecjre as fuck if you go out and murder random jews over it.

So do Christians and muslims. There is no doubt that circumsision is a deranged act of sexual mutilation on an infant, but what can you expect from (((semitic))) religions. The reason Israel even exists right now is cause of the rampant support from dumb christcucks. So don't come crying to me about muh joos when the majority of the people supporting them in this country are Bible belt retard hillbillies which is where you poltards come from anyway. Fix your shit. if you weren't (((christian))) serving your overlords with money like a good goy the problem would have already been solved.

>youre just insecure if you care about genital mutilation

Whats up schlomo? Consider suicide.

Yep that's why people should stop following sandnigger religion. I agree 100 percent. Christianity has subverted and destroyed whites and morality. My dumb boomer parents mutilated me and praise jews.

There are always a couple of dumb faggots that keep pushing the angle that literally everything is a conspiracy. Do you really think Jow Forums is a collective hivemind?

>>youre just insecure if you care about genital mutilation
I do care about it. I would have hated my parents if they had done something like that to me. But I would not go out and murder some random juw because Im so buttmad about it, thats just autistic

Siegefags take yet another L.

>I dont suffer from it and have no idea what it means but youre autistic if you think people deserve to die for doing it

Anyone who mutilates kids deserves to die. If my parents hadn't apologized I wouldnt ever talk to them again, I still havent forgiven them though and probably never will.

Try it and then see if you feel the same way. Its easy to excuse it if it doesnt effects you.

Not when the officer in question is an ICE agent. You won’t hear many heroic stories about them.

>Anyone who mutilates kids deserves to die
Okay, then go murder your parents.

>If my parents hadn't apologized I wouldnt ever talk to them again, I still havent forgiven them though and probably never will.
Oh, so suddenly they dont deserve to die?

I can understand that you are upset, and I can even understand that you want to murder your own parents.

But murdering some random jew, a guy you dont even know, based on the assumption that he may or may not have mutilated his kids, wich may or may not exist is pure fucking autism. At least kill someone you know has mutilated kids, not just some random jew.

>one person killed

European culture was that of the greeks, the romans, the nords. Christianity destroyed that, all of it. And look at Europe now. The only hope at this point against the semitic mudslimes, jews, and jew worshipping cuck hordes are the men of the east. The west is so far gone.

>We won't hear a fucking word of this in a day.
Of course we will. Bagels to shekels, this will be blamed on Blumpf and the FuddRA.



But yeah, the CC being used to stop a mass shooting will be glossed over by the (((media))).

yet the gunman is alive

Read what I said. Jews perpetuate it for generations, they push it in the APA, they push it on their kids. My parents aren't going to do it again, my parents were told by doctors it was "healthy" doctors led by the APA and mainly jews.

Jews have a disproportionate responsibility for perpetuating this sickness here. Dont expect me to mourn any of them.

It might be too far gone. Sad how the superstitious nonsense of desert dwellers felled a people so great.

Let me guess, you live in the US dont you?

>my parents are dumb niggers that got meme'd on by a dead dude that shoved yogurt up his ass.

Also jews in the synagogue by definition support mutilation. It is required in their holy book. You'd have a point if it was some younger jew that might not give a shit about his sick traditions and practices but these jews definitely do.

Watch Eric Cloppers presentation sex and circumcision. Hes a jew and points out jews hands in this.

>mutilated white man
>let me guess you live in the us

Not much of a guess. Nowhere else would this happened .

>meme meme meme

watch Eric cloppers presentation you simpleton. This isnt funny

>be kiwi
>get shot
>be american
>shoot back

That's the difference in church shootings. One in New Zealand where a gymbro goes for the all time high score on unarmed Muslims meanwhile Jews in California being sometimes rightfully over paranoid stop the shooter after one kill.

Bullet Button Registered Assault Weapon. The 2016 Assault Weapons ban.

>Eric cloppers
gross. take your barney shit back to /mlp/ mutant dick.

Hahha so funny making fun of child mutilation. Epic meme my fellow redditor.

Puts it in perspective. People are chopping off pieces of their own child's cocks TO THIS DAY cause some literal jew wrote in a book thousands of years ago that God likes that.

Nature made us perfect the way we are. At the least circumcision should be done in adulthood with consent, a lot of kids DIE from the process and it can fuck with your sex life. So glad my parents weren't retards.

I'd give anything to be whole. Every single day I think about it and have to see it.

I hope my generation is smarter and stops this shit once and for all. The fact that having sex with kids is illegal but literally mutilating them isnt tells you how "moral" christian society is.

>lot of kids DIE from the process
Seriously, user. I may be cut, but I don't know any different. Does my dick still work properly? If so, I'm good.
That said, I won't do it to my kids.

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too bad your country lost to a bunch of flightless birds

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Yes. They can't stand that this was stopped so they have an excuse for worse. They have to fix that.

thx senpai XXDD

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I got lucky being born in Alaska. The doctor was a hippie that didn't believe in circumcision.

>I dont know the difference and my dick is mutilated but lol it works fine on my machine

stop coping tard. And kids DO die from it.

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>stop coping
I can still piss and I can still jizz.
>and kids DO die from it
Source: your ass

>Is this what happens when your brain is to fried by Jow Forums-memes?
No because I've endured over 5 years of Jow Forums tier shit and I still don't have an urge to chimp out. Your brain has to be already fried to justify going on a shooting a shooting spree in a group of unarmed people, even if said people are (((them)))

Are you retarded? People dying from a shocking traumatic mutilation is shocking to you? Spend 5 seconds searching. Stop lying and making excuses it just further serves to perpetuate it.

You can see objectively your dick isnt "just fine".

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die you fucking barneyfag

Yes they report moron but will they blast it on the airwaves for weaks and hold rallies over it? No itll be forgotten in a week

Thank you for putting it in words these morons can understand.

>"everything was shut down by (((them)))!"
Diggy shiggy


wake up

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>"we guarantee that iceland will be celebrated by"
of course they do, controlling the media and all.

>ar type assault weapon
at some the butchery of language crosses the threshold of silly to downright absurdity

There arent any men in the east, just insects.

The mailbombs were fake as shit.
Not defending the guy, just saying he didn't intend to hurt anyone and was just a retard.

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