Canada General

New here? Want a firearm license? Read this:

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Xristos Anesti and Kalo Pascha to all my Orthodox brothers online today.

2nd for fuck hate hoaxing, guilt peddling kikes and their muzzie tools, fuck shitlibs, fuck brownshoe cuckservatives, fuck jannies and fuck faggots.

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First for this is all satire

Also does BARN-ELL steel case run reliably in an AR?

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>Also does BARN-ELL steel case run reliably in an AR?

Id run your BCG wetter than normal with steel case. Expect a couple failures to feed. Steel case and bi-metal jacket seems to get stuck on feed ramps sometimes. Only time I ever had reliability issues with a Tavor was with Barnaul steel case. Otherwise it should be fine. Its dirty as fuck though, and not particularly accurate, AND it seems under-loaded with powder.

7th for stop fucking snowing already

more wkek 180 troubles


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Overgassed + bad heat treat?
They need to make an RCMP one, lol

Event idea:
>The Bayonet Bout/La Bataille des Baïonnettes!
>There are five man-sized targets placed at 100, 150, 200, 250 and finally 300 yards, respectively.
>The contestant must then charge at and impale a target with the bayonet of their rifle.
>They may start the round with the bayonet already in position or fire without the bayonet, fix bayonet and then charge the final target.

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lel i knew their internal parts were shit when I dropped the action rod housing and deformed a ring. Shit quality metal + zero heat treatment

How do people claim to get tight groupings at 3-400 yards with iron-sights?

My vision is better than average and I can hardly see a 12'' plate at that distance, never-mind hit it.

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>How do people claim to get tight groupings at 3-400 yards with iron-sights?
I would imagine by shooting frequently at those ranges with iron sights

practice makes perfect I guess

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What is going on with these WKs?
>inb4 plebbit

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Canadian manufacturing. Almost as good or on par with Norinco.

the disparity in mfg quality is huge, it's like there's no middle ground. You either have high quality like Colt Canada and ATR or absolute dog shit like SLR, WK, BCL, etc.

so basically a iron sight rifle stage with a 100m dash at the end?
practice to know where on your front post the impact really is.

Not necessarily 100m dash. The stabby target could just be one of those archery blocks 10 yards in front of the shooting position.

Then mix it up a bit like InRange at the WW1 Centennial match. rifle targets, move forward to trench, more targets, 'OVAH DAH TOP, LAHDS' then charge, bayonet and engage steel w/ sidearm to finish.
Doesnt have to be exactly that obv. but mix it up a bit.

When is G48 coming out?

Hotel user here

I wish I could put myself into a 50 gallon drum of cosmoline

I want nothing more than to become a mosin

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Should I do a 10.5in IUR kinda like this or a “proper” C8 clone?

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I'd say IUR, either csor or sas style

that's what you get buying from a literary who company. Stop buying shit rifle because dude its nr ar lmao and take the rpal pill.

short barrel ARs are fun, light, and handy. the reduction if velocity is negligible since that only matters around the same ranges that 5.56 becomes anemic anyways. If you want a long barrel NR, you'd be stupid not to build one on a NR platform like the MS or consider the upcoming Troy NR AR.

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Anyone know the parts compatibility between an AR 102 (like the Troy rifle coming out) and an AR 15?

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The most aesthetic AR.
C79 is fine. Outdated, but fine. Especially for someone who likely isn’t going to beat the shit out of a 15yr old example until it fails like a grunt.

Fun idea: Every time the shitlibs come up with a new anti-gun bill, a Canadian firearms manufacturer should name a new gun after it.

>WK C-71
Something like that.

kek. that sounds like a good idea. Just another way to DAB on the gun grabbers

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>Outdated, but fine.
it's grossly overpriced for a ancient fixed 3x. Money wise you're not far off from the Spectre DR and other gucci LPVOs

>C79 is fine.
It's like 10 lbs

>It's like 10 lbs

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Also it's shit at holding a zero.

>paying a thousand dollars per pound on a scope
Total onions indeed

>do any sort of walking in the woods
>have to hope it doesn't fall off

kek that would be awesome

Yes we know all about a gun that doesn't even exist yet.

>that doesn't even exist yet.
Its based off of the AR102. I was wondering if any anons had any knowledge on the 102 and what changed/stayed the same during development into the AR15

going for my rpal, can i get a no bully pass for this thread

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please don't shoot up any schools Mehmet

lissen m8 the only things i will be shooting up is grease into my arteries



Lose 25% of your weight and 30% of your melanin content, and ffs shave

that's not him you dumb dumb

>no bully wide lads pls

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In what direction should I go with my build? Not a very flattering pic of the "tactical" concept but you get the idea

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If I took off that extra chin, would you die?

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swapping out the buttstock and dumping a can of paint on it doesn't make it a build, don't kid yourself.

The top one is a hundred times nicer than that piece of shit you posted below it

Top was infinitely better. Sorry. Swing and miss bud.

Why is the RCMP so fucking autistic when it comes to classifying firearms? What's the god damn logic for allowing things like
>Type 81
>redone Type 97
but then they cockblock things like
>Blaze 47
>805 Bren
>the fat fucking beretta 5.56 gun


Because they hate you, dude.

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Reading comprehension, bro. Neither of those shotguns are mine, and the bottom one is literally a garbage photoshop I made.

I have a shorty barrel and receiver and I can't decide how I want to dress it up

To be clear I don't think anything should be cock blocked but it just doesn't make a lick of sense they're not even remotely consistent with their decisions.

there's no consistency required in their subjective opinions as to whether receivers are "easy" to convert to full auto or not.

The Blaze 47 was retarded, but the others all basically just took drop in full auto trigger packs, or would accept them with the absolute minimal amount of machining.

The consistency is a lab team with hundreds of thousands of dollars in equipment to convert them. Once they do convert them, "any joe blow with a steel mill in his garage can do this"

exactly. it's consistently inconsistent. pretty sure everyone but newfags understands it and doesn't feel the need to whine about it constantly.

Hey guys, what should the price range be on a used beretta 92fs? I just got my license and I've always wanted one. My local place even has a nice used one I just dont want to get screwed

Daily reminder all subhuman RCMP faggots deserve death.

$550 for one in used condition to $725 for extreme light use

500-700 depending on condition. ive seen new ones going for around 850 on sale.

slow day huh officer?

Take your meds schizo.

Thanks guys. The one near my house is 950 I probably would have bought it like a retard just because I love that gun

Some companies didn't take no for an answer and were willing to keep trying until something got through. ATRS is a good example of that when they got the Modern Hunter through the system.

Probably moving to Calgary soon so that I can actually afford a house (wife and I both have work there), any suggestions for ranges? I seem to remember one that was like 45 min south or something that looked cool but can't remember what it was called

So i realized that ny m305 (2017 production) has a bad bolt. Now im afraid to fire it. Is there any way i can get a bolt thats not gonna blow up? Or should i sell the rifle ?

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Dayum, I've had so many movies/games/shows spoiled for me by Jow Forums. Strangely enough, the only thing I've never been spoiled on was anime, even when I'm on /a/ or similar boards.

Kek. I got banned from /tv/ this morn for spoilers. I haven't even see the movie. I just do it for laughs

>watching capeshit movies
fucking zoomers you deserve it

anyways, just loot for an american made bolt. aztech armory stocks them once in a while around the 300 usd range. look at the cgn thread for the work you'll need to do to your bolt and receiver to make them compatible/safe. if you've lost interest at this point sell your gun.

>around the 300 usd range.
Yea, nah. Just gonna sell it then.
Anyone from the 519 wanna buy a m305? Less than 500 rounds through it.
$450, but you have to call me "a big guy"

Oh no, I actually managed to watch Endgame just fine. But I have been spoiled on the following:

>Star Wars VII
>Star Wars VIII
>Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
>Star Ocean 3
>Phoenix Wright trilogy

Before I discovered Jow Forums, I said "Snape kills Dumbledore" a lot.

Hardly anyone wore capes though. Doctor Strange (whoops, spoilers!), and maybe Thor.

>he takes capeshit in the literal sense

>caring this much about derogatory terminology
In that case, you, good sir, are a Melangat Dengalor. Good luck figuring that one out.

Ranges around Calgary can be a bit tricky. Indoors, Calgary Shooting Centre has decent ventilation and few caliber restrictions (.50 BMG is allowed in the theatre range).

Outdoors there's a bunch of groups out at Kananaskis, but I'm not sure who's accepting new members at the moment:

There are some other outdoor ranges, but I hear they are hard to get into. There are also a couple other indoor ranges, but I don't have much experience with them and can't comment.

pajeet pls go

Get a lot of this Fengalay over here!

>designated shitting speak

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>memeing with cats
Why don't you take that shit back to r/eddit, you Schmendelpfeiffer?

Stop, your superior IQ cannot be contained under your fedora and is spilling into internet quips with strangers. I cant handle it
There is no logic because it wasn't done by one person, or body of criteria that has been applied the same way over time. Also, you do well to not expect logic and rigor from an entity that is accountable to no-one.
Top is hot, id show it off to my firends
Bottom is when its 11:55 and ive struck out at the bar all night, but gotta make my time worthwhile.

Caturday was a thing before lebbit even existed, newfriend

I don't wear a fedora you Yampatlan, I wear a Drongus Trempilon.

Too bad it's currently Sunday, you Klonderson.

Go back to plebbit nigger lover.

Why are you so obsessed with sexual fetishes? /lgbt/ seems right up the alley for a Rengulus Whampion such as yourself.

back to niceposting pls. we were doing so well.

You're right, friend. Back on topic

I got my hands on a stripped 870 receiver for free. Downside is its literally bare metal with no finish. What Kind of rust-proof spray or bake-on finish can i get for it? Should i send it off to get Cerakote? How do I get a proper finish?

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Sweet man, thanks for the info. You in Calgary? I'm going on a prospective trip in a few months to get the lay of the land. Any sights to see or recommend?

Keep the wood. 1975 cop esthetic is king.

What's the best NR gun to fight alien greys and reptilians?

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You expect me to use a cork gun against aliens and reptilian shapeshifters?