What do bong Army think of this?

>thot medic fucks whole platoon
>destroys unit cohesion
>burns career of beloved officer
I saw this and don't want to see the other seasons holy shit. How was this received in bongistan and specifically by the Army?

Attached: 71uhS2hl58L._SY445_.jpg (309x445, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>officer associates with military woman willingly
That's his fault.

>thot medic fucks whole platoon
>destroys unit cohesion
>burns career of beloved officer

More realism than most war movies

Officer breaks rules by sleeping with enlisted woman.
It’s totally the lower-ranking person’s fault, guys.

Even the REAL life actress couldn't survive a rough Malaysian jungle during shooting...



Attached: 1489736680806.webm (1280x720, 1.76M)

Hahahaha what a pussy we've been in Butterworth Malaysia since the 1950s.

I like how Inside Edition totally edits out the part where the other guy doing the march strolls right by her like it's a casual backpacking trip.

Its a bit of a joke to be honest, especially the whole SF love triangle shit in the later seasons. Bluestone 42 is the far superior squaddie show, shame its over now.

It's a relationship drama

Soldiers don't watch it

Does anyone have the longer version of this webm where you can see a man casually walking towards the finishing line with no sign of severe lack of strength?

never mind found it on youtube.

She's an actress... there should only be 2 kilos of foam in that pack

I made a huge mistake and looked at the comment section. Bleach my fucking eyes, what a bunch of normals and faggots.

>we've been in Butterworth Malaysia since the 1950s

I don't get it. Care to explain?

>lets get a bunch of stressed out men who deal with death on a daily basis and then stuff the units with random women
>surely nobody will ever succumb to temptation under stress, they're officers after all and not just human beings
Women have no place in the military.


I see. Thank you mate.

Are we reading the same comment section? They're all saying the same shit that everyone in this thread is saying.

Sort of makes me angry, they will reject me because i didn't finish high-school because i helped my single mother and worked 7 days a work, 14 hours a day to help pay for bills. Yet they will let in a female, who cant hack it, is flamboyant and fragile who never worked a hard day in her fucking life go right through because a piece of paper.

I know it's my fault, but still. What a waste of resources.

Attached: pOrL3yl.gif (321x213, 1.14M)

Completely forgot about that.

Attached: 543543.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

Yeah, there's those guys, and then there's the rest of them
>it's not about gender but *pussyfoots around the subject*
>well maybe the men could do it easily, but if I had to choose a medic who could breeze through the course and one who had to struggle and fought for it, guess who I'd pick ;)
>ugh, fucking bigot, women can serve in combat roles just like men IGNORE THIS EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY YOU FUCKING WHITE MALE REEEEEEEEE
>oh, I bet you hate gays and don't want LGBTQPQWERTY people of color to serve either you racist bigot fuck
>all of the above in response to a few people saying that the video isn't inspirational at all and is actually embarrassing
YouTube comment sections are living proof of mankind's failure.

Everyone acts like lower ranking soldiers are children. They're consenting adults.
I wonder what he was thinking about. I like to think about cats and Touhou during rucks.

Right now you could get in with a GED, on waiver. That's how bad they're hurting for people.

Sounds about right

> Going out on patrols with the guys was awesome! I would rather work with a bunch of “Type-A” males then a bunch of females any day! It’s pretty easy to get along with these types of guys
> Most people tend to give knee-jerk reactions to this subject, which drives me crazy! I guess I can’t fault them for being ignorant on just what women like myself have been doing
> Men seem to think that women serving in these roles would only exacerbate the problem of men and women engaging in sex during deployments. Well, I have a newsflash for them, people are going to have sex regardless of what capacity their serving in, it happens all the time.
> It’s a human element that you’re never going to get rid of and if you can’t have a “relationship” with someone and still do your job, then again, you have failed as a soldier.

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New recruit =/= fucking Captain

>> Going out on patrols with the guys was awesome! I would rather work with a bunch of “Type-A” males then a bunch of females any day! It’s pretty easy to get along with these types of guys
That's because the type A males give you allll the attention you ever dreamed of

>> Most people tend to give knee-jerk reactions to this subject, which drives me crazy! I guess I can’t fault them for being ignorant on just what women like myself have been doing

"I take miles of dick, don't judge me tho! ;) tee hee!"

>> Men seem to think that women serving in these roles would only exacerbate the problem of men and women engaging in sex during deployments. Well, I have a newsflash for them, people are going to have sex regardless of what capacity their serving in, it happens all the time.

"I SAID don't judge me! now get the whole squad to go pull security, I have to change my tampon"

>> It’s a human element that you’re never going to get rid of and if you can’t have a “relationship” with someone and still do your job, then again, you have failed as a soldier.
"You have failed if you don't carry all of my shit AND listen to me bitch the whole way too"

women in the military ruin everything

Attached: i am machine i hate women.jpg (404x630, 68K)

I just count 99 bottles of beer on the wall, replacing beer with different liquors as the hump gets longer. Helps me keep pace and keep track of time/distance in 99 bottles of beers.

It's almost as if men and women had different standards.


so long as enlisted aren't in the person's chain of command it's not illegal to fuck them, and if they are under you in chain of command it's illegal to fuck them regardless if they're commissioned or enlisted.

In what military? Is fraternization no longer a thing?

>didn't finish high-school
you know, in civilised countries that's illegal.