Denkt nicht an Hunger und Erschöpfung

Denkt nicht an Hunger und Erschöpfung
Denkt nur an das großartige deutsche Reich
Das preußische Volk erwartet einen neuerlichen Sieg
Für den Kaiser!
Lasst euch vom Schicksal leiten
Möge euch der Geist des preußischen Volkes mit Mut erfüllen
In den Kampf, Männer! In den Kampf!
Ihr seid die besten Männer
Handverlesenen aus den besten Armeen
Ihr seid Deutschland's Elite
Ihr seid Sturmtruppen!
Das preußische Volk erwartet einen neuerlichen Sieg
Für den Kaiser!

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Let me translate it for you since I'm german.

Don't think about hunger and exhaustion only think about the great German empire! The Prussian people expect anew victory for the emperor! (Kaiser) Let the fate guide you! May the spirit of the Prussian people fill you with bravery! In to the fight, man! In to the fight! You are the best man handpicked from the best armies assault troops! You are Germany's elite you are assault troops! The Prussian people expect anew victory for the Emperor (Kaiser)

Good game. Are the ps4 servers still somewhat alive?


>Prussian people

Hang on sec, the Prussians were people? I thought they were a form of invasive species of vegetable

But kaiserschlacht isn't on now
Verdun and brusilov is

what game is this

The one and only

Caporetto è alle nostre spalle, il monte è davanti a noi, noi siamo come i mille: troveremo la vittoria oppure la morte, avanti savoia

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Écoutez-moi, vaillant soldats! Nous nous laisserons pas prendre vivants! Nous nous battrons jusqu'à notre dernier souffle! Jusqu'à la mort, soldats!

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>good game

t. Buttmad kike

very alive, if you play what's in season.

Grazie Per Munizone!

I saw the same video too, OP

Grazie per munizone!

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