Jow Forums Myths and Superstitions

Why do they still put Charms in rations if everyone refuses to eat them?

Also other Jow Forums related myths, legends, and good/bad luck omens

Attached: charms-hard-candy-2ct-10.gif (793x460, 62K)

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Cause someone said they were lucky and the pentagon went and bought the wrong ones at ten times the price!

Are they that bad? They dont look bad at all

It's not because they're bad, it's some bullshit superstition.

Charms are gr8 i buy them at the dollar store all the time for my dad since theyre his nostalgic candy

Some chubby fucker started it so that he'd get a bunch of free candy
Guarantee it

SteveMre said something that the old charms(the red colored ones)had some chemicals that had cancer causing chemicals.

it's the red food coloring, there was this type of red food color that can cause cancer

Everybody says not to eat MRE gum because it has laxatives, however, I've heard from plenty of trusted sources that there are zero laxative elements in any MRE.

>Why do they still
They don't.
I was in from 2010-2015 and never saw them. So they probably took them out sometime in the mid-late 2000s. I remember getting twizzlers, skittles, and reeses pieces in mine for those that had candy. Twizzlers were always hard as shit and reeses pieces and skittles usually melted. First world problems.

I heard this a lot too but never got proof. Just like I heard they put saltpeter in the eggs at bootcamp. Just boot lore.

Also this. I was in jrotc and in between taking dicks in the ass on the delaware river rafting field trip, i over heard the same rumor but our shits didnt come out until a week later after eating those mres and chewing that gum

From my personal experience they has the opposite effect on your digestion.
When you combine unbalanced diet and MRE, then there is kind of "stopping power..."

But, I still believe that MREs are stuffed with libido-reducing agents.

hate that scented candle wax, the taste lingered in the back of my mouth for a month

Gods forgive me, but.... "that's what she said."

Fuck you i eat them

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Mmm jam

Because the people who make MRE's don't care that some crayon eaters think candy is cursed.

MRE's cause constipation.

They're for giving to Hajis
Hearts and minds, nigger

Yeah, onions. Almost every single item in any mre has it.

>Also other Jow Forums related myths
They say that traps are gay.

But they aren't.

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Used to smoke heavy while I was serving (0311). Theres a habit of flipping the first cigarette in your pack over signifying it as you "lucky" cigarette. Apparently started in 'Nam where if you made it your last cigarette at the end of the day you were lucky.

This is everywhere. Did this when I was 15.

On minesweepers in the navy they do steak and lobster day on occasion while deployed to middle east. No one eats that meal because that's how you get your deployment extended. Old salty fucks literally make new guys work through that meal. No. One. Touches. It.

I thought this was considered fact not myth depending on the MRE

You'd carry two luckys. One for good luck, one for a̶ ̶g̶o̶o̶d̶ ̶f̶u̶c̶k̶ good luck.

>No one eats that meal because that's how you get your deployment extended

It's just a superstition. Its rooted In on small crew ships when captains wanted to break bad news they got everyone together and tried to put them in a half decent mood before breaking the news. So steak and lobster day became also bad news day. So now it's an unspoken rule that everyone avoids steak and lobster day. The captains know all about the superstition. It's common knowledge, so it doesnt work anymore. But everyone still doesn't eat that meal because after 9 months of living on a 300 foot ship with 90 other dudes, you just want to fucking go home.

traps are doublegay, doublefaggot


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The MRE laxative gum is indeed a myth. The true purpose of the gum is to freshen your breath, keep your mouth from going dry (chewing), and it contains Xylitol, which is good for you teeth in preventing cavities.

>acquire vidya

>Deployment sucks less

>be captain of minesweeper
>need to break news to lads that deployment is being extended
>plan steak and lobster day to break bad news during
>nobody shows up to steak and lobster dinner
>can’t break news so can’t extend deployment
>sail back to US
That’s retarded. If your deployment is extended it’s getting extended. At least eat the fucking steak.

>logistics fucked up ordering food
>not enough food to provide every meal
>have steak and lobster dinner
>don’t cook food
>nobody shows up

Just like how eating charms gets you killed.
That's why it's a fucking superstition dumbass

Everyone has their ways of getting through. Some people play video games, sure.

Xylitol is also a natural laxative

Which is, of course, bullshit. We didn’t have red m&ms for the same reason- rat poison used the same red dye and pearl clutching busybody housewives got their panties in a bunch. Yellow #5 and red #3 used to be in literally everything

And the military can cook a decent steak, at least the army can. Letting perfectly good steak go to waste should be a crime

>zero laxative elements
Isn't the FRH chemical a laxative?
Not that you should drink the FRH water

>On minesweepers in the navy they do steak and lobster day on occasion while deployed to middle east.
That's not a myth or superstition. In the Navy, it's standard operating procedure to serve steak and lobster right before fucking everyone over. And everyone eats it, because not eating it means you missed out on a meal and still get fucked.

I can't speak since I've never served in the navy but I felt that anyone complaining about boredom on a cruise just didn't plant it out well enough

Sorbitol is an ingredient in many sugar free gums which has a laxative effect, although you'd need to chew a lot for that to work.