What was the thought process behind the F-22?

What was the thought process behind the F-22?

It's a land based purely air superiority fighter.

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China's J-20 would demolish that hunk of trash. Burgers cope

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Obviously it was meant to maintain air superiority in the operational area around the air bases it is currently stationed at.

>The F-15C is starting to get old, we need to start developing something to replace it.
That's the thought process.

Land based air bases are within touching distance of tanks and tanks bring along umbrellas. F-22's don't do SEAD, are they suppose to wait until SEAD is over before becoming relevant again?

J20 and modern russian MIG's outclass it in every category, We only made like 20 F22's and several have crashed and been destroyed.

F22 is junk.

it's shit

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VLO aircraft operate in non-permissive environments, SEAD is generally still a priority during the opening stages of a war.

F22 was defeated by a SU27 at area 51 during tests.

>trying to get a lock
>the pip is all over the fucking place
>he is literally 1km away
>only gets a thermal lock when the F-22 is ass end towards him

Fucking stealth aint a meme after all.

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... and by Rafale, Growler and Su-35S.

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I'd imagine they wanted a replacement for the F-15C
Aka a land-based purely air superiority fighter

>my dad worked at Area 51

What exactly do you think this is a picture of? Curious.

if you put down the mcdonalds ameriland look up the pics.

reverse search it. it's F-22 getting btfo by Su-35S over Syria. The pic was from one of these.

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Can someone explain to me how an IR-picture of a plane flying in tightly de-conflicted airspace turn into "btfo"? Are people expecting it to be invisible in IR/visual?

Odd, because thats a YF-22 in the display. Tell me, how did that happen?

The Russians loitered around a declared air corridor for forces in Syria so they could claim they detected an F-22.

>We only made like 20 F22's and several have crashed and been destroyed
its amazing that everything about this sentence is incorrect, but you're

and this guy

and this guy

really this whole thread is just you shitposting, you're also OP, replying to yourself.
this guy, samefagging

Nope, that wing sweep is 48 degrees. The cockpit is too far forward.

Either the airforce is flying YF-22's in syria, or the picture is a fake.

What’s that white square behind the “F-22”? What sensor is this allegedly through? Why is detecting an aircraft in an airspace where they regularly peacefully intercept one another considered impressive?

dat massive butthurt... seek help, nigger

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>What’s that white square behind the “F-22”?
Sensor has the ability to isolate targets.
>What sensor is this allegedly through?
>Why is detecting an aircraft in an airspace where they regularly peacefully intercept one another considered impressive?
Peaceful? LMFAO... there have been shootdowns of drones and IR flares being shot all the time. Nothing is peaceful over Syria you fucking idiot.

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So what you are saying is that the SU-27 killed everything in its sights?

US aircraft haven’t shot down Russian aircraft despite the Russians constantly ignoring the deconfliction protocols. It’s pretty goddam peaceful over in Syria airspace, at least between the Russians and Americans.

>there have been shootdowns of drones and IR flares being shot all the time.
Between the US and Russia?

>pulling shit out of my ass the post

>Imagine being this butthurt the world is tired of your shit and trash military hardware.


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Fuck SU-37 is amazing, if they actually honored our 2A we should be able to buy one of these.

As expected.

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Hell, the Coalition and the Russians have pretty much just conducted them self as if it was Baltic Air Policing: Desert Edition.
Its the occasional unlucky Syrian pilot or Iranian drone that has gotten dabbed on

Caня, ты в пopядкe?

Your own webm disproves your claim.

The Raf is literally right on him and it can't get a radar lock, only the IRST has a faint clue on where it is.

how many times do we have to do this armatrad
f-22 in syria don't give a single shit about vatnik planes so they just fly around not giving 2 shits about russian planes
vatniks literally are too afraid to shoot them down so when f-22 flies by take a picture and then parade it like they did something amazing

Hi chang

They could've also made a super F-15 that does have a bigger RCS but also has better performance.

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>new thread
>instant wave of curry and MIGA niggers spaming China and Russia bait
Why wont mods just delete this low effort shitposting?

>inb4 "not-Pajeets" assblasted about calling out Pajeets
>inb4 "not-shills" getting defenisve for shitposting

Why is Jow Forums so goddamn full of chinkposting and vatnikposting these days? Fuck off to your shitty coal mine relay race forums.

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what is MIGA?

>wow I hate these "chink" and "vatnik" shitposts
stop making them

They're shitposters, the whole of Jow Forums can't not reply to them so they multiply.

he has pictures. you have memes.
stay salty kid.


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they just people bro

t. buttmad muttnik

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Make India Great Again?

Who would've thought the butthurt generated from a realistic look at the f22 would cause.

F-22 fans are some of the dumbest, most delusional and most sensitive retards around.

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>What was the thought process behind the F-22?
No foreign power will ever mount a military invasion of the CONUS or any NATO ally ever again while America exists

Shit works like a charm, son.

People that use solitary examples of BFM exercises as proof of an aircraft’s capabilities are some of the dumbest, most delusional and most sensitive retards around.

>No foreign power will ever mount a military invasion of the CONUS
1.5 million mexicans/hondurans etc are arriving in 2019 alone. 37,000,000 illegals in the country already. kids of illegals are a majority in under 10 age group.

what went wrong? how did F-22 fail to protect us?

Thise pictures didn't prove shit you just ignored all the anons that pointed it out

kek... thanks for proving my point. stay mad.

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>Land based air bases are within touching distance of tanks and tanks bring along umbrellas. F-22's don't do SEAD, are they suppose to wait until SEAD is over before becoming relevant again?

You literally do not understand the operational distances of jets or how borders work

Well, it's a 30 year old plane with 30 year old avionics technology

no will to use it, or much of anything else.
dems want the votes, chamber of commerce wants the cheap illegal labor

People who dont understand how fixed training exercises work are quite retarded themselves.

still a kill.

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Yes, they're excersises where in there are rules as to how the opposing aircraft can fight the defending aircraft so the defending aircraft can have a chance of actually engaging it.

look at dem kills.
start crying, f-22 tards.

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kek... stay mad

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Shhh, don’t fight him. Let him live in his delusional world where rules of engagement aren’t a thing

So if Rafales are better than Raptors. And we all know Raptors are better than Flankers.

Does pic related mean that Phantoms are better than Rafales? Which would also mean that F-4s are infinitely better than Flankerd

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>still a kill.

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stay mad

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Oh, I see.

This also means MiG-29s, which the Luftwaffe deemed a deathtrap for its pilots if used as a front line fighter, are also better than F-18s, F-16s and F-15s, and F-4s,

Y’know, it makes sense that he doesn’t know how exercises work, since Russia is too poor to actually do any.

Dude, i am a eurofag. Still think you are a total retard on equal levels as a vatnik.

Lmao. “Deathtraps” are still much, much better than the latest and greatest Rooskie 4++++ gen fighters

>kill marks from an exercise

Can someone expain why is there F-22 marks on German Typhoons?

When you havent had a single air kill as a nation in like the last 50 years and more, you eventuelly start painting "kills" from an exercise on your plane out of shit and giggles.

t. german

Red Flag and the like. Western countries actually get to train their pilots in international wargames teaching bfm. Russia is... left in the dark.

Even A-10 trashed that """stealthy""" F-22. kek

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>all those marks
A-10 confirmed chad

>this looks fake
>reverse search image
>9gag, reddit, 9gag, 9gag, 9gag,...

>Even A-10 trashed that """stealthy""" F-22. kek

I like how you put stealthy in quotations, as if the A-10 even has a radar.

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cope harder. even F/A-18E has a kill.

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Yeah, BFM is highly dependent on pilot skill. Ask any seasoned US pilot what they think about F-22 BFM capability and they’ll say it’s nearly invincible unless they’re up against a junior officer with little seat time.

Still, while the F-22 is great WVR it shines much more at longer ranges so using this as “proof” that the F-22 is bad is flat out retarded.

There, your turn to post and cal me a buttblasted amerifatt of muttnik or whatever since your incapable of actually forming any kind of counter-argument.

>muh illegals

Don't hurt your back moving those goal posts...

>even F/A-18E has a kill.

Even? It SHOULD get a kill, if you know anything about its AoA ability and turn rate. Most 4th gen fighters given enough chances will get a kill in a close in fight on a 5th gen. The problem is people like you dont understand anything about air combat.

For the US, demographics is the only existential threat. Everything else is bullshit and scaremongering.

>you are saying stuff against russian interests
>quick, we must talk about your country instead, it is way more important, quick talking about stuff not in russian interests, this is forbidden
Wish i would get a penny every time it happens. It is ultra uncanny how that happens with such a high frequency in that same set boundries.

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Make Indole Great Again

ban on russian and chink IPs when

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>One dog has been deposited into your wok

>dat massive butthurt
kek'd fucking hard.

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>claming yuo butthurt when he gets owned

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>act like an idiot
>get called an idiot
>somehow the people that called you an idiot are supposed to be butthurt
That aint how it works, that aint how any of that works.

>dat massive, unrelenting butthurt

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armatard how do you make any money?
i thought russia didn't have neet bucks


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Apparently neither do you, as russia's long range Air to air missiles have a 30 mile advantage to the US's longest.


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>armatard now trying to pretend like he's not him
except everybody knows your style of posting you schizo

ah, you're that schizo jew poster who things everyone's schizo. go away retard.