Would allowing teachers to keep a gun in their classroom be an effective deterrent to school shootings?

Would allowing teachers to keep a gun in their classroom be an effective deterrent to school shootings?

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No. Probably not. Maybe. Yes.

Yes, I believe it would.

Fuck no. But if some teacher can actually shoot worth a damn and doesn't panic, they might lay that fucker out before he can put someone's kid in a coffin.

Without a doubt I don't know

I don't think there should be armed guards in schools. If teachers want to carry that should be their own business.
The solution to these shootings is massive cultural change, but a small yet important step would be to stop publicizing them. That will never happen, so they will never stop, so your enemies will never stop using them to chip away at your rights

No, but they can at least defend themselves.

Nah, We can't only trust teachers with guns. How many times you see on the news they snap and abuse the kids they have power over? To really deter school shootings, everyone in the school should be armed, especially the kids who are physically smaller and weaker.

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Teachers snap. I think there should be a very in depth psychological evaluation along with multiple references in order for a teacher to be allowed to keep a gun. They must be responsible, mental sound and skilled. It would be hard to implement a system for that.

No, if an individual wants to do something evil they will regardless, but as a teacher, I would feel I could protect myself and my studentsin my classroom more effectively if I could carry my p10 on school grounds concealed.

I'd rather arm all the children

For several of the opportunistic shooters, targeting schools was to ensure they had minimal resistance. Anomic student shooters also frequently do so in class with the knowledge that the rest of the school is unarmed. Those people are afraid of pain and pretty much everything else. Knowing that an undetermined quantity of the active staff at every school is trained to kill in that exact situation would deter a certain percentage of shootings. The ones with no convictions, intense feelings of revenge, etc. that are aiming for a few people in particular are very easily deterred. They are just as easily swayed into committing suicide and many of them are choosing to do so with a final act of violence because they are cowards.

So tl;dr yes I think it would deter a specific type of shooter, usually ones that are students or Lansa-type psychos. There is no magic solution to ending shootings. It's just one component of what needs to happen to deal with the current circumstances.

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No but it would make school shootings less effective maybe school shooters change to bombs but who knows.

More people you KNOW are armed will assuredly be a deterrent to most people. You never see people going to shoot up a gun show or a Delta squadron bay for a good reason. But lack of reason is also what leads mass shooters to do what they do, so, who knows.

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No, it just means the problem kids are gonna be looking for teacher's gun.

the probability of a school shooting happening is astronomically low, arming teachers may help but its a very drastic measure to solve a problem that barely exists.

maybe instead we should stop using ham-handed methods of dealing with problem kids so they don't come to resent everyone around them.

>very drastic measure
I wouldn't trust public school teachers to read a prepared lesson to children still swimming in my nuts, no way would I trust them with firearms.
The difference between private and public sector educations is night and day.

kids shoot up schools because they are angry at the people inside them. same reason why churches, mosques and synagogues get shot up.

Armed guards would be smarter. Armed teachers is just asking for problems. Many teachers are women and those who teach high school are weaker than many of their male students. All it would take is one incident to see how bad of idea it is.

plenty of schools have an cop that works there.

>be kid
>piss off the teacher
>teacher goes full autismo and shoots me in the face
they should only alllow teachers that arnt mental to bring a firearm to school

they should only alllow teachers that arnt mental to bring a firearm

pretty sure you aren't allowed to own a firearm anyway if you have a mental disorder.

The entire idea is that those who are qualified, and have training, would be allowed to carry. Nobody wants to give every teacher a gun. Most schools already have Student Resource Officers but honestly their performance during shootings has been mixed and I feel like a teacher with a gun would be about the same; in the unlikely event they are actually needed, some will become heroes by taking down the shooter and some will panic/get pinned down by fire.
Overall I think creating a policy like this for something that is a statistical rarity is approaching it the wrong way. Want to reduce school shootings? Give kids the mental help they need (counseling and parenting, not just drugs), let some things be resolved with a fist fight (within reason), and teach them the value of life- theirs and others. Also enforce the existing gun laws & tip-offs that are designed to catch people who may be planning something.

Speaking from experience probably 70%+ of teachers are liberal pussies so I don't know how many would actually arm themselves but having armed people on the premise is a hell of a lot better than waiting 5-10 minutes for the police to show up.

>Give kids the mental help they need (counseling and parenting, not just drugs),

but thats hard and expensive so no one wants to do it

And they usually kill themselves or surrender as soon as they meet armed opposition
Again, who knows, it may make some sperg even angrier at some bull-headed teacher who has new found confidence with his sidearm, spurring attacks of a new kind.

No, because we're not going to give them the training they will actually need. At best we're going to give them 40 hours of training like cops get. New York police have about an 18% hit rate in real world shootings. When you have dozens of kids running around you don't have the luxury of hitting your target 18% of the time. So if we're giving teachers guns we need to give them training going into the hundreds of hours, they need to be trained in close quarters combat, cover, and pretty much anything else a swat team would need to know. But we're not goi to do any of that. We're more than likely going to give them an 8 hours class on par with a standard handgun carry class and a box of ammo to train with because we're not going to spend the money same way we don't spend money on textbooks or salaries.

School shooters are a response to the bullying problem.
The bullying problem results from the loss of the nuclear family and the prevalence of people who have no respect for the system they're in.

Stop Immigration.
Stop bullies.
Stop shooters.

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just put remote triggered 00 buck underneath every student's seat, if any of them start acting up, they get the chair

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you do realize bullies have existed since mammals were a thing, right?

No shit.
But you're fucking stupid if you're going to tell me that there isn't more bullying now.

VR chat school, no more problems

theres more bullying because the internet exposes kids to millions of people instead of just dozens. its not because of degeneracy or brown people.

Teachers should be able to defend their own lives, everyone else can. Why shouldn't they?

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so should hospital personnel but oops gun-free buildings.

The schools that need guards the most have the shittiest budgets and can't even buy new books. Not all of the guards that sign up for that crap are exactly skilled either. I recall some story about a doofus that got shit on by the kids all day and had his gun stolen from his holster at least once.

Also I don't get why so many people think a teacher will go nuts and become the shooter, that's pretty damned rare and they usually just bring their own gun so it's a moot point. Complete apathy on the part of teachers is part of the problem. They're also on the receiving end of a lot of abuse from minors in some schools and are fairly jaded. What's more likely is that they're fucking the kids or selling them drugs. And in some of those schools, let's be honest, a lot of those kids could get shot and it would be a public service for keeping them out of prisons after they graduate.

Even schools in decent areas have one cop around though, I believe as a "resource officer".

>in their classroom
On their person maybe. Leaving a gun unattended in a classroom sounds like a terrible idea. Frankly I'd rather if the State would just muster the nuts to hire actual fucking security guards. Employ some goddamn veterans.

We're past the point of deterring people. We need better tools to react to shooting incidents.

What if kids knew that a certain teacher has a gun in their desk and came to take it? If we do that the teachers need to be anonymous and have that shit locked.

Two deterrents won't stop a kid from stealing a gun to strike at the people that make them miserable. It takes a real fool to think that children that shoot up schools are somehow inherently broken or 100% responsible for the situation. It takes a lot to drive a child to mass murder but the finger never gets pointed at the "victims." Their grieving parents won't allow it because then they might have to blame their dead kids AND themselves and that won't happen. Ever.

I live in a big urban city in the east coast. Here, police officers patrol the schools and resource officers are armed with tasers and pepper spray. My roommate is a teacher in the district and although guns arent allowed in the district , he keeps his mac 10 in his briefcase. He teaches in a public high school, fights are normal, bullying is normal, it's when niggas take shit too far that other niggas snap.

1. What are the qualifications to be a teacher?
2. Do you feel that having those qualifications prepares someone for the responsibility of owning, storing, and being expected to use a firearm when under attack?
3. Think of the American teacher. There are many; some liberal, some conservative, some bad and some good. Think of the ones you wouldn't want your child to have. The whacko teacher who inserts their politics into the curriculum, doesn't stand for the pledge, spouts bullshit or otherwise pisses you off as a parent. You attend a parent-teacher conference, but afterwards things don't improve. Now imagine this person carries a gun in the classroom. Around your kid. Do you trust them? Do you feel your kid is as safe as they should be while at school? How about before the PTC, when your kid was new in class and was first telling you things about their teacher that upset you?
4. What would it take to ensure that every single teacher in America (a) has a gun (b) follows the four rules of gun safety at all times (c) never loses control of the gun to an unruly student (d) stores the gun safely (e) knows how to use the gun effectively to stop a school shooter.
5. Take your answer to 4. What's the price tag for those guns, the training, the insurance, etc? Add that to the education budget and tell me where all that money is going to come from, considering American schools are ferociously underfunded as is.
6. How effective is this policy as a deterrent? Considering that many shooters don't intend to survive and instead expect to be shot to death by cops, what makes being shot to death by someone else a more effective deterrent?
7. Compare 4, 5, and 6. On a national scale, 4 and 5 are the cost, 6 is the benefit. 3 is how every parent with a bone to pick with a teacher is going to react, also nationwide.

Anyone and everyone should be allowed to be armed any time, anywhere, with anything.

I think if they should be able to if they want to.

Have you seen how bad niggers are in classrooms? I don't blame teachers for snapping, in fact, I fucking wish they did it more.