How did you get tinnitus?

how did you get tinnitus?

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Wojak has nothing to worry about because he doesn't have ears

woke up with it for no reason before I got into guns

Loud concerts in college without earpro.

8mm mauser right next to me without earpro

Sorry, I missed that, what?

I dont
its a Jow Forums myth just like shooting indoors will destroy your ear drums
Ive had to shoot inside my house because reasons and it wasnt louder than shooting outside at all
if there is a difference in volume its negligible

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I worked commercial construction before I joined the army as an eod tech, then went back to commercial construction

Concerts, shooting a few times without earpro.

>loud gaming
>not using earpro around machinery
>not using earpro around guns
>chronic ear infections
>excessive ear wax buildup
>excessive use of earbuds

Shockingly can still hear to up to 15k Hz.

listening to music too loud

I went through a nigger phase in high school. I had a loud as fuck sound system in my car with subwoofers and tweeters and 7 or 8 other speakers for the mids.

Have shot a few times without earpro as a kid, pretty mild case in all honesty though

techno parties

Listening to loud music on headphones and riding a motorcycle for a while. Oddly enough, my hearing isn't too bad according to tests. I just have the eternal EEEEEEEE.

An acquaintance's shitty punk band at a small venue with a shithead white guy with dreds as the sound tech.

One time I went shooting with some folks, absolutely nobody besides me brought ear pro, Mr.bitchboi Mc.pubg spewer shooting his right handed AR with his left hand asked to borrow my plugs because his gun is too loud, didn't return it for the rest of the trip. The noticeble hearing loss and ringing lasted for about a day but my ability to tell the direction of sounds have been fucked with since then.

It's not quiet, you just can't hear it any more, and why is that I wonder?



no earpro

Dozens of TICs and three blasts at close range.

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Got slapped super hard as a kid by my older bro.

being the cymbal carrier in the percussion section in marching band.

Father and I shot two different deer at the same time in the same box blind. He had a 7mm Rem Mag with a 26 inch barrel and I had a .243 with a 16 incher. Permanent EEEfag since 9 years old.



>be me
6yo boy
>Swam in gamgams pool
>no one around
>complete relax, head underwater
>always hear it now
>MFW 29yo visiting and still hear Eeeeeees underwater

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One part severe ear infection, one part too many metal concerts with no earpro in

stood next to a 240 without hearing protection for an hour

I got tetanus from stepping on a rusty nail once. Those shots suck, but I don’t have it anymore.


Being a retard, at the explosives range in BCT we were warned at least 4 times to wear hearing protection but my 20 year is ass wanted to hear what explosions REALLY sounded like so I didn't wear any. The claymore took 25% the AT4 took 50% and the rest has slowly been deteriorating due to me being a mechanic and being exposed to prolonged periods of turbocharger whine.

Flew on a plane while having a head cold.

Also, shooting my mosin nagant in my cinder block basement while stone cold HAMMERED didn't help any... my ears were ringing for 4 days.

forgot to double up ear pro for 50bmg

Listening to music too loud with earbuds. Way more damage to my hearing than the probably few dozen gunshots without ear pro I’ve experienced in my life

Working in a machine shop for years with no ear protection, was young, did t think it mattered as the employer never said I needed it. My fuckup

concrete cutting
this actually works
you gotta do it like every day but every day it keeps working. so, yeah I could cry. please try it

Hit a couple IED's overseas
But the VA added 10% (couple hundred bucks a month) to my disability so I could care less
Also hunting without earpro probably didn't help

gave my earpro to my little cousin cuz i didnt want her ears to hurt

Wholesome sacrifice user

Born with it most probably.

concerts w/o earplugs. definitely don't have it as bad as some but it is noticeable, and it feels like music doesn't sound as good as it used to.

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>Not calling it tin-EYE-tis

This video is bullshit

Work probably, lots of compressed air from blowers and sandblasters

An indoor Slayer concert. I can barely pass the hearing test to keep my job.

200 rounds cyclic with a m249 in afghanistan

>loud music as teen
>worked construction
>shooting without earpro in early 20s
>worked airline ramp operations

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>airline ramp operations
earpro is required for that, innit? Was it not enough? Thinking about a job in that arena

How am I supposed to concentrate on shooting or doing anything remotely loud at all? Even if I go to the range with doubled hearing protection I'm certain it's worse and I can barely even play video games at normal volume (I have a severe case of hyperacusis)

From working on the flight deck in the navy. Jets are loud.

I ND'd my 14.5 inch ar in my small bedroom

When I was 8 my dad thought some 12 gauges and a mini 14 wouldnt hurt my hearing and when i complaied it was to loud he gave me toliet paper as ear pro and when i told him my ear were ringing he told me to man up and i was making it up 16 years later i still have it

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When I was like 7 I thought that listening to Eiffel 65 - Blue at the loudest possible volume on my Discman made me look cool so I would do it all the time. I was a fucking retard.

As of yet I haven't.

Jet engines. Worked around them for a few years before I went in the army. Got sort of shit hearing by that time. Fast forward to a couple indoor gun battles in Sadr City and wham. Theres the eeeeeeeeeeeeeee

10 years of steel factory working

Dad didn't even know you should wear hearing protection or what loud noises did to ear drums. So all my shooting until I was an adult was sans ear pro. I also listened to and played music very loudly. I thought everyone heard the ringing and it was just the background noise of the universe.


>22yo now, been working in refineries since 2 weeks after I graduated HS
>used to travel state to state for a month or so at a time for big money and 84+ hours a week
>did not give a fuck about safety due to the amount of money I was making
>rarely wore earplugs like I was supposed to when I was working in active process units, running impacts, etc
>lines are always supposed to be depressurized when we start to work on them for obvious reasons
>breaking open a flare line with no earplugs
>was probably not even depressurized
>sound of the gas coming through the crack at such high pressure isnt quite like an explosion, but like a shrill scream
>we were hooked up to fresh air bottles with masks on so we had to pretty much just push through the sound
>had to endure the sound for probably 15ish minutes, was the loudest sound I have ever heard
>couldnt hear shit but REEEEEE for a few days, had the worst migraine for like a week
>after that incident and a few other close calls I got a full time maintenance job at a local refinery
>only get 40 hours a week and about 10$ less an hour but its worth the extra safety


>years of playing drums without earpro in enclosed spaces
>blasting music loud on my headphones
>loud concerts/raves
>shooting a couple of times without earpro

already had tinnitus before getting into guns, still have exceptional hearing, I double up on earpro to atleast preserve my hearing nothing I can do about the eternal eeeeeeeeeeee

They only supplied us with in-ears and I can recall countless times I forgot to grab them before going outside and didn't have the time to run back in because we were on a schedule.

WHAT? how did I get tennis? I dont play tennis

played Trumpet for ten years, started in elementary school. Did marching band for six years.

It's nothing like a gunshot, but young teenagers in Marching Band LOVED sneaking up on their buddies and blasting their instruments full-bore right next to the ears. After a few times, I was already on the train to EEEEEEE town. It only got worse when I did college marching band and ended up being placed right in front of our loudest players in 80% of our drill. Left after my second year, but the damage was already done.

I've never had any earpro mishaps with shooting. It's all the Trumpet.

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thank you mr skeltal

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.50 cal muzzle about 3 feet away from ears.

Communists of K rise up

Kill the polfaggots

Mad minute at grandad's farm over memorial day weekend

Kill a commie for mommy

Fireworks when I was a kid and now it has been made worse by my working on aircraft. I don’t know what true silence is except on dreams.

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Since I remember. I asked my mom about the ringing sounds I heard all time when I was 7 or 8 and my mom said it was normal. Didn't know it was tinnitus until 17/8.

I just woke up with it one day

good headphones and am a metalhead

Same, also dad was in a local country band 20 years ago and I used to go to his shows sans earplugs

Shooting AR 15 without proper hearing pro. Happened when I was 20. I’m 30 now. Fully expect to be deaf in my right ear by the time I’m 40

Shooting guns without earpro because I was a johnny badass in High School