Have you ever killed anyone?

have you ever killed anyone?

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i killed myself but it was so slowly i never realized until it was too late

Nope amd I wish I don't have to since the legal aspects usually bankrupts people

Wholly overrated. Killing people isn't half of what pop culture makes it out to be.
Also, just for the Jow Forumsacks that will inevitably shit up your juvenile thread:

hope you recover from cancer user

Pretty sure I did, but that fucker and his friends were shooting at me/us and I was literally defending my life. Also, insurgents/terrorists choose to fight and die to go to paradise, it's not like they were just doing their jobs or defending their countries or something. Before I went over I thought that this shit would bother me, but it really doesn't. I'm sorry for their families, but it was their fault to join Jihad, not mine. Their mothers should blame their sons, not me. I'm also sorry for all the times that I missed. Who knows how many pain and suffering could have been avoided for someone by just killing the terrorists before they can act out their sick ideology.

Idiot. First time I saw my target through a NV scope was a really big thing, before that it was just shooting at muzzle flashes. Couldn't pull the trigger for a few seconds that felt like an eternity, and never knew if I hit anything. The spot was empty after I shot

Yes. Self defense shooting in East-Nashville. Kid pulled an airsoft gun with the tip sharpied over demanding my car while I was filling up at a gas station, sitting in my vehicle. Cop tried to make me feel like an asshole but I had clear dashcam footage showing him pulling the airshit pistol and demanding my keys.

My trial defense was $30k all in on a Vehicular Homicide charge.
Was acquitted after an hour long jury deliberation.
Wear your seatbelts.
Slow down
Don't pass slower vehicles on the right.
Been almost 20 years now and it still comes to mind every time I get into a vehicle and snap my seatbelt.

Honestly, I could have dealt with intentionally killing some asshole better than being involved in an accident with an asshole driver and his innocent passenger being killed.
My Lawyer got credit card records and was able to calculate the other drivers average speed from Tampa to Metro Atlanta. He was averaging 89 mph over the day with two stops for gas and food thrown in. So his burst speeds were over 90 mph. I saw him coming up on me in the rear view mirror and was moving over to my right. He decided to pass me at the same time on the right.
It killed his wife.

how old was the kid

That pic must mean that you're still in the closet

>First time I saw my target through a NV scope was a really big thing, before that it was just shooting at muzzle flashes. Couldn't pull the trigger for a few seconds that felt like an eternity, and never knew if I hit anything. The spot was empty after I shot
I'm I pulled my first shot up and to the right. Daytime. The next one hit him in the upper chest. he fell, kicked and then died. My only immediate reaction was to scan for the next target; my only long term reaction was a vague thought of his family.
Don't pretense that your experience is universal or categorical. The man died, my part of it was frankly small and inconsequential.

o fuck

>I'm sorry for their families, but it was their fault to join Jihad, not mine
US fuckery in the middle east during the cold war is responsible for the resurgence of fundamentalist islam

the CIA poured gorillions of dollars into the early muslim brotherhood, the US props up the House of Saud and allow them to export Wahabism, the west gave money/training/supplies to the Mujhadeen, toppled secular nationalist/populist governments, etc
blaming some impoverished goatfucker for his adherence to an ideology that the worlds most sophisticated intelligence agencies helped propogate is dumb moralizing

Does Knowing that both sides enter the battlefield by choice make a difference?
Like the young kid trying to carjack the other user, he chose to threaten someone amd make them fear for their life even if he didn't actually have the real gun. If had a real gun he certainly would have used it to commit the crime.

Long time ago... I've got confirmed kill because I murdered my dreams and ambitions

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Get over it bro

>East Nashville
yikes. I'm going to go to the Lebanon area this summer. Anything I should expect?

Sorry man. That sounds fucked.

no but three people died in separate accident right in front of my house within one week

>US props up the House of Saud
Nibba you are dumb as shit if you think it is all the U.S's fault and post Cold War at that.

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Unless you are dead or in prison, some dreams and ambitions can still be achieved.
If you are under age 30 don't beat yourself up unless you are a registered sex Offender.
Then you need to take one for the team if you went after pre teen minors. The guys that get nailed because they are 18 and some 15 year old lied about her age, they get fucked over by the system and maybe can rebuild their lives. In your 20's or older and you should know better by then. You fucked up.

>by choice
Define that. I can say that the kids I killed (because that's what they were) didn't have a whole lot of agency: they had weapons thrust int their hand and were told to come back with empty magazines.
Likewise out of my platoon at the time I was one of maybe four guys who had other prospects.
I'm not trying to absolve guilt or erase agency. I just question how much of my own actions actually contributed directly to their deaths beyond guessing windage and elevation.

Pretty much am over it.
No more dreams.
Financially recovered.
My wife at the time divorced me thinking I would get sued in civil court so she wanted the house first.
Been married to a great woman for 15 years now.
Kids all grown.
Still, every time I buckle a seat belt, it is a brief thought and I say a prayer and move on.

>implying i don't know about a*glos
that doesn't change the fact that the US kept the house of saud in power during the cold war

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>My wife at the time divorced me thinking I would get sued in civil court so she wanted the house first.

She didn't have any loyalty to you whatsoever? How did her friends/family react to this?

Please tell me she's living miserably now.

Yes but in a car crash. He was drunk and saw the red lights too late... Stopped in the middle of the intersection I tried to avoid him but was too late. I was in hospital for 4 months he died of internal bleeding I lost my left leg when the car crumpled onto it

And Israel bombed a Naval vessel within that same time frame in the same region.
All I'm saying is that if the Eternal Anglo hadn't set up shop there it wouldn't be as bad as it is, which arguably Islam isn't even that bad. At least they have children and keep their women in check.

Well maybe it was just me.

He killed himself.
Sorry about your leg.

pics of leg? or lack of one?

Child soldiers don't have agency as much as the person forcing them onv the battlefield. No telling how many suicide bombers were blackmailed into their actions because they had families being held hostage. Thise are situations they didn't have a choice and the person arming them or building the bombs are the murderers. Yes you pulled the trigger, but you didn't create the situation.

Everyone in your platoon had options.
There is no draft. There are trade schools and apprenticeships even in the poorest parts of the USA.

So is air to air combat one of the few situations where you can say two highly trained and educated people choose to enter the battle?

How about the Republican Guards?
They were Saddam's pet military units.
They were likely all gone by the time most people rotated through Iraq.
Would you feel that way about Iranian Quds forces?
I would hate to have to shoot a young soldier but I would hope that I don't hesitate on account of my buddies lives could be at risk if I did.
It would make me angry with the people behind the kid pushing them out to be wasted while hiding somewhere safe.
That is just evil and cowardly.

just goat fuckers

Heh, in her sister's basement.
She never remarried. Blew through her third of my 401k that I had to cash out and split with her, my lawyer and the IRS. She never took over the mortgage. Skipped out on it and I let the bank have it back.
Just Saturday my Son told me that he and my adult daughter and her mother and sisters are seriously thinking of having her committed for a psych evaluation. She is losing it.
Damn user. Hope you are adapting and the drunk had a good insurance policy or an estate with assets worth going after. Ignore the bastard.

I feel like you are the breath of fresh air this board needs so desperately, you glorious boomer

why were you in the left lane if there was no one for you to be passing?

Yeah, my hopes and dreams.

Ever seen the movie Water Boy?
I was that naive when I was young.
My Ex was a Cajun and when she was 19 was a Hot piece of ass like Water Boy's GF.
After 12 years she had turned into his Mother and was just as paranoid crazy.
The fatter she got, the crazier she got.
Not cats and cat brain worms. Just fat crazy.
I think she went dyke too.
Bitch had a tongue that could touch the tip of her nose.

that's pretty hot. she did he have an accent when speaking English?

Thanks man. Yeah I'm adapting...thr lawsuits are still with the lawyers but I should be seeing something soon. I feel lucky it was my leg I wouldnt want to lose one of my arms as I can still game, type do all that. Also learned who my real friends were... 90% of the girls I talked to stopped talking to me and a couple of my bros decided I was a burden because I need a lot of help doing everything in the first year of losing my leg. For those that did stick by me whenever we go somewhere I just slap the handicap sign on their car and boom premium parking everywhere.

Three lanes wide and I had just passed some slow trucks in the far right lane lane. Some cars were in the far left lane and I was in the middle trying to get back to the far right. He shot the gap. I-75 South Of Atlanta in the Northbound side where things started to get congested at Eagle's Landing Parkway you wver travel through the area. 4 lanes wide there now with a new toll Express lane extra.

16 is what the cop mentioned looking at his ID. Didn't hear much past that since there was plenty of video evidence in my favor.

I'm not too familiar with Lebanon, but further out from downtown the worst you'll have to deal with is trigger-happy rednecks.

The east-Nashville incident was five or so years ago. It's gotten better since then (sort of an artsy hipster area now), but I still wouldn't wander around at night.