Loadout thread

Loadout thread
When the man comes edition

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post templates dumbass

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so, when are you planning to do the school shooting?

i dont know of a single school shooter who would wear rural cultural shit

>chicom gear
>mag couplers
Oh my...

No template can contain the full extent of my autism.

Attached: Pleasebepatient2.jpg (6936x5136, 3.88M)

Your ancillary goods aren't that bad. The hats are peak autism. Those gloves are also basically good for nothing.

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They also make a weird fold on my hand, but I've yet to seek out better gloves. And I understand your point about the wool cap, but what's wrong with a simple cadet cap?

also known as how to hide in the woods until your ammo runs out

Attached: loadout.png (950x530, 327K)

or also known as paint spergs again

your ar is the color of poop/10

We bouncin out

Attached: Bugggggggout.jpg (1344x2568, 1.02M)

fuck around and find out l*wman

Attached: ye.jpg (679x778, 178K)

There is already a loadout thread with like 150 replies in it. These threads are cancer.

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Cancer is spreading fast. There are also like three P-52 Mustang threads.

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what jacket is that and where do I get it?

Will post others I have saved as well as my own

Attached: Muh bodily fluids.png (880x977, 238K)

Post them in the other thread, no need for two loadiut threads.

Attached: Экипировка для капитанов.png (880x981, 460K)

Wait there's another loadout thread? The old one still lives?

The fact that you’re not a cadet for one

Did mine with the stuff i'm wearing + the stuff i could grab, what's the mission i gotta plan for boys?

Attached: loading.png (912x1024, 864K)

Attached: loadout.png (1280x720, 360K)

Both the pants and jacket are Helikon-Tex, hol' up

>user sitting in front of his computer with a water bladder on his back

Attached: loadout (3).jpg (1929x1199, 500K)

Bladder goes in bladder holder. Had to add GORP.

Attached: loading.png (929x1036, 939K)


What's Gorp? Trail mix?

good ole raisins and peanuts

Ah, nice, didn't know it had that name (I'm not American)

I am American and I've never heard it called that either

That's weird, maybe it's regional

>He doesn't constantly wear his hydration bladder
Enjoy your kidneystones faggot

Blast him from the past.

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Pure unadulterated sex...


[Cries in dehydration]

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Are those the swords from the ring wraiths?
Checked and Nazgulpilled

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Attached: loadlo.png (1228x2164, 2.54M)

>scout rifle

Attached: 1517395659668.jpg (274x184, 8K)

Call it.

>When the man comes edition

What about when I come for the man?

Attached: One shot.jpg (1500x2253, 531K)

My northwest GA mountains loadout

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This is AMERICA jack

Attached: SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.png (1929x1199, 1013K)

Attached: bear arms.png (493x268, 58K)

stylish as fuck, thanks user

>bronk aid and caffeine
Ah, another man of culture I see

Based Mexi-Man

My pleasure

Attached: Cuhrayzee loadout.png (892x986, 593K)

Ruger gunsite scout in .308 was honestly one of the worst guns I've ever owned.

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based florida man

Why does that person want me to have sex with white people?

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He doesn't have a trench coat and a skull T-shirt

Because it can't.

Would Jow Forums enjoy being dominated by a female Russian mob boss?

The most based plate carrier setup, bluetooth speaker included.

>worst guns

How could that be?

Attached: Loadout.jpg (879x980, 133K)

>right wing authoritarian
Underrated desu

>Mystery Ranch backpack
Patricians taste

10/10 because short shorts and Mein Kampf

Chaotic Neutral

>file name
You’re beautiful user