Would pic related be practical?

How much sense would it make to have MK-15 turrets on ground vehicles?

Attached: MK-15_Tanks.jpg (1381x717, 676K)

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they already do this, but any nation that can afford to relies more on air to air interception or long range missile defense

Attached: 1531356159696.jpg (636x602, 22K)

It's called the C-ram instead, and similarly it's meant to shoot down mortars/artillery/rockets.

is right, though. Only real action the C-ram gets is that it protects Israel from Palestinians lobbing RPGs or mortars, I believe.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 189K)

>How much sense would it make to have MK-15 turrets on ground vehicles?
Assuming you sized those correctly, not much. The high profile would constrict mobility and shipping. Now something like pic related would be useful, though.

Attached: Dw2iYEyW0AMxsmg.jpg (606x408, 36K)

They use them in Afghanistan as well.

Apparently, they're loud as fuck, and it really sucks if you're unlucky enough to be near one if it gets triggered.

Since C-rams actually exist on land vehicles? how would they fair on aircraft?

The USAF is trialing laser turrets that could theoretically intercept incoming missiles. There's already deployed systems that use lasers to blind IR seekerheads, but as power storage/generation capabilities increase, a system which destroys weapons is in the realm of possibility.

Naval kit is usually too bulky and vulnerable to vibration for land, while land kit usually rusts too easily and isn't stabilized correctly for sea.

except we already adapted the phalanx for land use. google the c-ram.

already did it

Attached: General Electric DIVAD.jpg (600x401, 57K)

Holy shit. Imagine using that against insurgents or other light infantry.

The US has a long and sadly unfulfilled history of mechanized BRRRRT

Attached: T249 Vigilante(1).jpg (1024x768, 143K)

Attached: M163 VADS.jpg (2840x1880, 1.21M)

Attached: LAV-AD.jpg (753x471, 81K)

Too big and heavy for a proper mobile air defense. This is not to say those weapon systems couldn't be applied to a mechanized vehicle, but a significant redesign would be needed to optimize for a vehicle mount.

This has /b/come an advanced game.

You're kidding right? Phalanx and SeaRAM are much smaller than the turret ring of an abrams. The OP just has terrible photoshops.

They're still too large to be practical. The whole idea of mechanized SHORAD is to be able to keep up with mechanized units, and to survive in the same environments. Having a fuckhuge dome sticking up like that isn't the best idea, both for concealment and survivability.
That being said, using the weapons themselves as a basis for a SHORAD system does hold water, mostly because VADS and C-RAM are pretty much the same gun as Phalanx.

The VADS uses the exact same gun, you could probably mount the entire MK-15 or a stripped down version on something about twice it's size, or have one vehicle mount the weapon and it's partner mount the sensors and computers.

Attached: ad_spaag_m163_v2.jpg (630x480, 53K)

You could have one vehicle carry the big radar pod and have it talk with several other vehicles which only have the FLIR and weapon systems to coordinate their aim. Obviously this would make the formation more vulnerable because all you have to do is destroy one vehicle to blind the rest of them.

>reactivate B-52 tail guns, slave them to modern CIWS electronics
>B-52 continues in service for another 100 years

Attached: 152342342344.jpg (774x1033, 94K)

Pretty sure C-RAM is literally just Phalanx on a truck.

Much like feminists really

What about a Naval cannon?

They would have to build a much larger hull for more ammo storage.

But just imagine something with a naval cannon firing 85 rounds/min over 16 km.

Attached: OTO Melara 76.jpg (1280x720, 119K)

It is.

You could just mount it to a bradley chassis sans turret and it would be fine.

I'm suddenly reminded of how 40k has used M1911s and M2HBs for its "ancient stub guns" and if that shit can survive for the next 38,000 years, there's probably some Stratofortresses in the Astra Militarum inventory somewhere.

Planes are far harder to maintain than guns
Also, aircraft are the jurisdiction of the Imperial navy, and their aircraft are all SSTO space planes

it would fall over all the time

Italy already did this

Attached: Otomatic.png (1280x760, 1.11M)

This thing was overpowered as FUCK in Red Dragon
>stunlocks your tanks
>stunlocks your planes
>DELETES light vehicles

super strong in warthunder too

USA doesn't get the Chain Guns upgrade, and it's not really worth it without.

Attached: Chainguns.png (60x48, 7K)


Attached: Gatling Tank.jpg (800x600, 168K)

>there's probably some Stratofortresses in the Astra Militarum inventory somewhere.
But user they would have had to have survived to at least this point in the first place.

We already came up with the idea of sticking a SHORAD turret on a Humvee

Attached: Avenger.jpg (1200x789, 165K)

>aircraft are the jurisdiction of the Imperial navy
>laughs in Elysian

Attached: 1358661047704.jpg (300x429, 37K)

If you mean a Self Propelled Anti-Air vehicle? Yes. We have those.

If you mean a ship based point defense transplanted to a land based vehicle? Iffy. Design parameters for sea-based weaponry assumes different weight and power restrictions and basically no recoil restrictions.

It's been done but honestly, I'd take an SPAA modified for anti-missile use.

those sirens

Just bring sead retard

>*hits bump*
>*tips over*
Just tie a bunch of baloons on top of the radar dome. The more colorful, the better.

Attached: good idea, mate.png (680x680, 221K)