Show me your pets Jow Forums

show me your pets Jow Forums

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Praise be to King Opossum.

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Fuck possums ill shoot your little nigger ass “pets” if they ever dare enter my yard.

Standard poodles are based as fuck

/trash/ says hi

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They eat their body weight in ticks and other undesirables. Don't really fight unless cornered or are with babies (like 99.99% of other animals) and get a bad rap because they're slow and blind and arrive late to the tipped over trashcan that was the coons doing.

damn, they actually dindu nuffin

wow, useful AND delicious

Do you know if they would get along with chickens?


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>Normie show

They fucking eat chickens the assholes. Thats why ill kill any that i see in my backyard. I lost a hen to a stupid fucking nigger ass possums. You Fucking faggot.

Oh, then fuck them I'll shoot the little fuckers.

I love trash cats

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Good. They deserve it. Preying on poor defenseless hens.

Looks like it'd feel do good to pet

Ah, the breed of peace. Truly a nigger's choice.

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Softest fur ever, also completely hypoallergetic so I can just shove my face in his neck fluff.

the chad trash cat asserts its dominance over the retard domestic fowl

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Is this your rat??

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I got nothing against the mighty opossum, but I just can't get over how ugly those lil guys are once they reach adulthood. They freak me out just to look at.
Anyway, what's the best way to humanely trap one? I see one that likes to hang out along my driveway or in my backporch sunroom, and I just want to relocate him to the local woods.

>They fucking eat chickens
Yeah. Most predatory animals do. I've been known to eat a chicken or two myself.

A cage with fruit and peanut butter worked for me, but that might attract alot of rodents

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What about the rabies? Just curious. I like them, think they're cute, but wouldn't start loving on them due to not wanting to get rabies. I'm sure it's different if you raise them by hand though.

>He doesn't browse /trash/

Thanks, I'll try that next time I see him around. I see him on and off, so there's no point of leaving the trap out if I don't even know if he's around.


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Their body temperature is low enough that I don't even know if there's a single case of a possum with rabies. It (if I remember right) actually makes it really hard for them to contract most diseases, too. Rabies needs a warm host to survive.


well shit you learn something new every day. i'm going to try to befriend my local opossums in light of this new knowledge.

any advice how to get on an oppossum's good side?


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We light peanut butter

Food, these smooth-brained dinguses dont understand anything else.

Squirrels eat birds, circle of life. Build a better coop.

Like any other animal, food. Try to slowly introduce yourself while feeding them. Not sure how it'd work with their bad eyesight, but you can get squirrels and foxes to hang out with you this way. Throw the food less and less far over time so they have to get closer and closer to you until they're eating out of your hand. Never done it myself, but I've seen a lot of people do it before and I don't doubt possums would work very similarly. If they won't come eat while you're there, leave food somewhere so they at least associate your house or property with food.

And ill shoot your ass too if i catch you trying to eat my chickens.
And i shoot animals that try eating my animals. Circle of life ends here.


youre retarded

>boxer and bulldog
lel u jelly of my sweet fat dog or my cool wood stove

Child number one

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Labs are best doggos

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Child number two
>tfw moving
>can't find an apartment that accepts snakes

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Goddamn n words

They always look so sad

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Ah a true patrician

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Do you know what yours is mixed with? Mine looks very similar. I think he's a lab/heeler mix.

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if they blind it means they have too much fat in their diet.

You know they kill ticks and other disease spreading critters you dick, right?

user I think you missunderstand

>meets me by my front door urry day for squirrel snacks
>him name is hanz

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A better coop would protect your birds even when you are working, sleeping, or shitting.

cunt. fuck you

I should get one of those for mine.

>leader of his clan
>hangs with me when im drinking n smokin cigs playin ma gitfiddle
>surrounds me with tremendous allies in exchange for salty/fatty snacks

Yeah im thinking hes a basedboi

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I have since built a better coop.

Its worth it. I know it works because the shelter told me he was part black lab and part golden retriever and obviously the genetic test correlated with that.

Suck it, fucking possum nigger. Next one i kill will be dedicated to you.

His name is plato. He sucks at hunting squirrels but I have a feeling he can retrieve a duck. Will report back if it happens. I know it has a Jow Forums file name but he is really my dog

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May his passing cleanse the earth

This is us in a kayak this past sunday, his very first time! He wouldn't get in with my wife but he listens to me better so in about 3 minutes we cruised around the bay. I only took him about 25 feet out at first, then another maybe 50 feet. After that we crossed our fingers and took him around a small peninsula that is behind the camera in pic related. His very first time every in a boat and he floated for about 20 minutes, twice, around fairly open water. He readjusted his seat but seemed to realize he shouldn't try to get out. We were so proud of him. Its gonna be a great summer.

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That thing looks fat as shit. You’re gonna give it the diabeatus.

cute pupper but dangerous spot for him lad
i miss my lab

also heres some opossum kino:

If that floor was dirty I would be too.

glad you like ticks and lyme disease you brainless degenerate

Absolute unit

how do you like that bm59 or whatever? the weird m14

It was a clean floor.
Love it. Seriously an awesome gun beyond all words.

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Love it more than bitch ass pussy ass possum niggers

>t. has never been in the woods and got his girlfriend stolen from him by a rodent
Sad sack of shit

>actually implying

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enjoy your RMSF and lyme cunt
ill look for your tent and throw some angry coons in there while you sleep

>fuckhuge cooler and gallon of water
t. camping behind his trailer while not torturing small animals

You are just a nigger

If you can find my tent or camp spot that deep in the woods, have at it.
Incorrect. I actually had two gallons but left one in the truck.

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He’s a happy boy in the water

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>deep in the woods
>huge ass cooler
summoning a skinwalker to your location

you sound like you have undiagnosed lyme.

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Beautiful doggo

Its the only cooler i have. What does having a large cooler have to do with being innawoods?

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Enjoy your red meat allergy lmao.

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I’m sure you carried your beer cooler miles and miles into the deep woods

He chubb

Cash: the lab in black

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I didnt need to carry it more than a half mile. I could drive into deep woods for the most part.

Why are you wearing your mom's hat?

My wife and I spent a few years as acid rats together despite being Jow Forums as fuck. The bucket hat is actually much less ostentatious than some of the fitteds with enamel pins

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Squirrels use to be very common pets in the colonial era.
Benjamin Franklin even wrote a poem to one.

The obvious point the other user was making was that the cooler completely betrays any story you might try to pass off of being far off the beaten path

i have killed 11 of these tree niggers this year and there are still a bunch of them in my yard every day. must have been a baby boom

Look up the coordinates I posted. Its right off a unkempt logging trail. Part of the road was washed out and i had to leave the truck about a mile away and carried everything further out. If you think you cant go innawoods because you have a large cooler, and it was cumbersome as fuck, you obviously dont live in a state with a shit ton of innawoods.