RIP Virginia

Local news will not shut the fuck up about the Virginia Beach shooting. Now they're tying it to the Pulse club shooting in FL. People are still getting interviewed about the shooting and there's non-stop shilling for VB Strong support shit. The governor is going all out pushing for gun control. Elections are coming up and we're more blue than ever before. Everything is fucked. This is it guys. It's over.

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You could always just fucking shoot someone, it's what our founding fathers did when voting stopped working

The tree of liberty is looking awfully parched these days

Nigger stop being such a defeatist cuck and grow a pair. Laws didn't stop a shooting and they sure as hell aren't going to stop most people from owning however many or whatever gun they want, except for you, cuck. Eat shit and die.

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4 boxes of liberty, OP.

>Everything is fucked
yeah, things aren't looking good

>This is it guys. It's over
it's not over till' it's over
talk to people if you can, vote, don't comply to gun grabs or anything like them, start shooting if it comes to the end of the line

>Now they're tying it to the Pulse club shooting in FL.
In that nothing of positive societal value was lost? Fags and city bureaucrats, I’m inclined to agree

Put aside some money to rent a small fleet of uhauls, learn the layout and traffic schedules of your state capital, and hoard ammonium fertilizer. You can do a lot of damage without firing a shot (in minecraft of course).

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The shooting was a gift from god

>grew up in norfolk
>ghetto as fuck
>non stop shootings
>gangs, drugs, drive by's n shiiiit constantly
>nothing on the news and nobody ever cared
>be today and get reactions like this over something small

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> the governor is either dressed in blackface or in a kik hood

Fuck all the fags that don't agree

When I was a kid I had a Jessie doll I would rub on my dick and physically abuse.

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You guys will be better off than us in Nevada, at least. Since the 2017 shooting, the our Democrat-dominated legislature only passed red flag law and universal background checks. Doesn't your legislature still have Republicans at a slight advantage in numbers?

Nobody gives a shit about you if you are poor.

Duh. Ya silly goose!
Not many millionaires living in norfolk lol

fuck off back to Jow Forums

>t. Post 2015
this board was a lot better without that fucking sticky and you faggots need to go back to arfcom

>it's what our founding fathers did
It's not, you fucking idiots.

Also I hope you know that your posts can't be deleted and law enforcement will find out where you are.
>inb4 hurr durr am using a VPN XD and or not even American
Then stay the fuck out of our politics and deal with your own third world hellhole before thinking you know anything about our country.

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Any word on what specific firearm he used? Or is that being slid to push the silencers are bad agenda? If they know that everything was purchased completely legally and that he passed multiple background checks, surely they can tell us what handgun he used?

Sperg much?

Make me nigger

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It literally is, you illiterate redditspacing cunt.

Literally just fucking come and get me queer. You can't do shit, do you not know what imminency is? Evidently not since you would also deny the fact that this country was literally founded on terrorism, from assaulting civilians to attacking the enemy on a holiday knowing they would never assume someone could go so low.

>implying advocating terror isn't sperging
The Founding Fathers and the American Revolution were not victorious through the means at which you advise.

How new?

>this country was literally founded on terrorism
>from assaulting civilians
Still wrong.
>to attacking the enemy on a holiday
Absolutely wrong.
The holiday was over when they attacked.

What part of va are you from aspie?

Stop with the blackpilled shit

>black pilling

Push back then. There's gotta be some politicians in your state that could make a statement against the narrative.

The Roanoke Province.

Wack. Not even part of the 7cities area.

>tarring and feathering didn't happen
>they didn't dress up like Indians exclusively to terrify the brits trying to unload tea in their harbor
No nigger, fuck right off, I know my country's history, you're just the same faggot in a new era

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Back to plebbit.

>I know my country's history, you're just the same faggot in a new era

which shithole are you from again?

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Is this like a default npc's response? I dont get it

My family literally came over before this place even was called America, sorry you're too much of a pussy to embrace the reality of the situation. The dumb fu k idea of America that you think is true never existed, it's always been a place where you just get fucking shot for stepping too far out of line

kys nigger

I doubt it, Chang.

You keep thinking that, any time you'd like to join us in reality you can visit Plymouth yourself where we keep monuments to our conquest. That doesn't even get into the whole other thing where our national character is as such that we'll genocide an entire food source just to fuck with the people who won't stop raiding us. You deluded boomer fucks are unamerican in your insistence that you just need to bend over and take it because the law said so, that's literally what our revolution was over and you expect me to think it's okay just because it's some faggot in California calling the shots instead of in Britain? No, and fuck you for even pretending to be this retarded

Sorry, meant to quote

>My family literally came over


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Can't illegal migrate to a country that doesn't exist yet, and even if that logic followed, tell me how the Indians are doing these days, huh? You're only arguing in favor of restricting immigration

Just build the fucking IEDs and kill these motherfuckers. It is that simple.

While you are also at it, use whatever projectile weapons you have especially high caliber air rifles since they are quieter than a sound suppressed handgun to take out electrical transformers.

Seriously, death to the left-wing and death to any fudd that tries to protect them and their enforcers.

Move to Maine.

Edgy af

Reeeeee stay the fuck out unless you feel like shooting up a neighborhood of Somalis first

The fact that anyone listens to your retarded governor and haven't dragged him out by the limp ankles a few months ago is the most disappointing.

Isn't it funny how their zero tolerance thing fizzled out the second they realized the second in line would be removed for raping someone after the first got shitcanned for the blackface thing, leading to a Republican senator.

>It's not, you fucking idiots.

I’d love to hear your expert analysis

>buttmad police scared because he knows the rope is coming for him
burn your uniform piggy, if you do it now you get to live

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Can we get some brotherhood in this board? If I can't even be on Jow Forums without getting away from betas then maybe morale is as low as OP's talking about

Jow Forums is about community in individualism. If you want a hugbox go someplace else.

Hola Agent.

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If our gun laws get more restrictive I'm honestly gonna fucking lose it. There's already been tons of debate on a local level in VA on gun control, especially in Northern VA since it's filled to the brim with blacks and latinos. God forbid you live in woodbridge or somewhere like that since it's a necessary thing to CC over there. I'm in prince william so I always open carry no matter what.

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this niggerfaggot gets it

Buy 80's and Uppers before it's too late.

That is very much an exaggerated statement. There are ways to make yourself different, individualized, but there is also much that points the opposite way. Riddle me this: why is the default and most popular setting for a name Anonymous and not a randomly generated ID? The only place where that changes is where it is needed for discourse free of "SaMeFAg!!1!", like on Jow Forums for coin shills and Jow Forums for regular shills. I am not saying that Jow Forums advocates against individuality, but the basic build of the site does not promote it very much at all. Take reddit, that encourages individuality, with rankings, points, and recognizable names for posting. There, it is abnormal to have a board with anonymity on it. Jow Forums hampers individuality through outward identity but promotes it through freedom of speech with out fear of prosecution from social stigma or ad hominem (mostly).

>Also I hope you know that your posts can't be deleted and law enforcement will find out where you are.

I can smell the bacon on the skillet already

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>cop/bootlicker butthurt that no one likes hall monitors/tattletales
Have you tried not being such a massive fagot? It’ll make you a more likeable person.

Read some history dude. Loyalist civilians were tarred and feathered. Enemy combatants were murdered in their sleep. The Revolution and fight for liberty was vicious. If they could have assasinated King George, they would have.

>Anyone disagreeing with me must be Russia
Take that shit back to /reddit you insufferable, liberal taintbrain

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Pulse anniversary was yesterday
Post SIG's

take your ass back to plebbit

You first. :^)

I work with a guy who lives in VB and he says there's literally fucking orange ribbons everywhere. It's fucking stupid.

>Local news irrelevant because it’s not watched by anybody under 70 years old. Stop panicking.

You can't turn on the radio or drive down the street without seeing VB strong. We have it spliced into our commercials on TV. Locally, you'd have to be a complete cave dwelling hermit to not have the shooting continuously shoved in your face. It's bad, man.

Let them come.

This thread is glowing.

What you post and do matters more on there than your outward identity, when it comes to individualism thats as pretty free as it gets. Identity is a chain sometimes and it can keep you from developing truly independent thought through the fear of shame.

And honestly if people wanted more tools for identification and clan thought, they have the entire rest of the internet to play around with.

>It's not, you fucking idiots.
Yes it is. The American colonists had no voice in British parliament, so they kept getting shit on with taxes and shit that they didn't ask for. Eventually, they just started their own country and killed the British.
The problem with today is that people still believe that modern democracy isn't just for show and that they will be able to vote their way out of what is to come.

Well, I would say the real problem was the treaties with the natives. The British intended on honoring these agreements, but the Americans chafed at the restrictions. Now, what you say can be indirectly true, but it is not the true story. The initial rebellions had nothing to do with tea and taxes. That's just national myth making.

This. Become this generation’s Patrick Henry.

>OP posted a thread discussing gun legislation/grabbing
>LoL go to Jow Forums
He hasn't even used the word nigger or kike once, perhaps your the Jow Forumstard and are projecting? Just a thought.

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Hmmm, it's as though Mainstream Corporate Media has the power to manufacture consent, maybe actually try calling your local senators and congress and argue politely on why you think the shouldn't do this?
Seriously, they're all boomers and think CNN and other shit is how the majority of people feel about issues.


How do we stop politicians from cucking our state?????
>lol just don’t comply
Shut the fuck up I want an actual way to keep my legal rights!!!! How the hell do we save Virginia???

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> t. post 2009
this and all boards were better pre-pol

You mean pre-Chanology.

You mean pre-habbo hotel.

They’re going hard at suppressor ban, it’s the first step towards total awb. Virginia is a hell of a bellweather state me boy. Btw how long are those form 4s taking nowadays?

Argue politely yes (realize you’re talking often to Freemasons at the state level, always at the federal level), speak irl to neighbors moreso, and stock up like mad. You might have to take your hobby to the next level in your lifetime; shit sounds like more fun than dying a cuck desu.

Call your reps and politely explain, in a rational and well reasoned tone, why this is a bad idea.

cyberbolice backtracing it as I type this

as a hard conservative californian, this is so fucking gratifying to hear. for years all i read from you faggots is "you cucks this, cucks that, mentally ill stop voting for cuck shit, stay outta my state, no gun sales to california, lol you are mexico"

fuck yeah. now you bitches know how it feels to be cucked by powers beyond your control. maybe this will be your wakeup call. maybe now you will realize we need to work together and are being systematically picked off one by one. you stupid motherfuckers think illegal immigration is a border/sanctuary state issue? where the fuck do you think these migrants go once they cross the borders? your demographics are literally being transformed before your eyes. by the time your children are grown up, USA culture will be a minority. barely anyone will hang out american flags at memorial day. you wont hear many fireworks on 4th of july. public infrastructure like parks and roads and hospitals and electric grid will be neglected and overburdoned. their kids will be minority whites in schools which teach primarily the bastardized form of uneducated spanish. gun culture will obviously be taboo and all but relegated to the white stronghold holdouts of wyoming and nebraska. all happening right before your eyes. enjoy watching the glorious AMERICA of your parents and grandparents fade away as your inability to pressure lawmakers to stand up for our values paves the way for the AOC versions of braindead socialism to prop up the communist party members. maybe this wake up call will motivate you to become involved politically. maybe you will volunteer for your local conservative rep lawmakers office, or become a candidate yourself. maybe you will donate to a gun-rights org and lobby group that spends millions fighting the neverending leftist gunban bullshit in the court systems. or maybe you will just slowly fade away, state by state, until you dissolve into the murky ocean of foreign born uneducated proletariats

your choice. stick together, or squabble amongst yourselves

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>Seriously, they're all boomers and think CNN and other shit is how the majority of people feel about issues.
I once subscribed to WaPo just to shitpost in the comments. Someone unironically said that the comments there are "how most Americans feel".

Dis gon 2 b gud

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That's what got us into this mess though

I'll see you all in the pokey, anons.
We can share a cell and sing God is a Serb together

This Also start working to get into political positions yourselves.
You literally just need to be a resident, have a good political platform that people agree with, and understand the basics of debate.

It's never over, you whiny, histerical coward!

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Cringe and Fagpilled.

There's literally nothing wrong with being diplomatic.