What oil did the t34 engine use?

The manual says avia mk3, what is the sae equivalent?

Attached: T34-008.jpg (700x623, 318K)

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Throw some 40w in and let er rip

Cod liver oil

Just use 5w, if its cold out use 10w. Make sure to put on winter tracks for the winter. I like putting rainx in for windshield wash fluid too.

This is genuinely more of an /o/ question but I doubt the soviets were that picky. For an ancient engine like that maybe just use some oil on the heavy side. Do you actually have a T34 lying around?

No, but im toying with the idea. The problem is the shipping costs much more than the tank and parts availability is a problem

BTR's and BMP's are also available in the market. I'd think their parts availability is better if you wanted to go that route. I don't know if you just want a tank or if it has to be Warsaw pact but you could get your hands on a M113 and probably deal with a lot less bullshit and at least know there is a good pool of parts lying around in the US.

>Engine: Model V-2-34 38.8 L V12 Diesel engine

My lord

There is a very good reason modern tanks use turbine engines.

Rotella t6

Probably a nondetergent 40 weight. Send some of the old shit to Blackstone when you get it and see what they say?

appalling fuel efficiency

Good idea

I want the t34 because its a ww2 tank, the only one that is reasonably affordable if you pinch pennies.

>Fuel efficient

Attached: 1560227192105.png (1575x1555, 766K)

The Abrams is the only tank to use a turbine engine. Realistically the US is the only nation that could manage to field a significant number of turbine powered tanks

Do you not know what the word appalling means? It's the opposite of what you apparently think it means

Drop in a chevy crate engine and keep the original. A 700hp motor is like 4k. Prop houses never do 100% authentic and they lease these tanks more than anyone else.

Attached: 350px-Namamugi_incident.jpg (350x163, 29K)

That would never be able to power a tank, not enough torque

This is the best answer. There may be components that will be damaged by modern oil with detergents. An oil analysis should help you determine this.

>more of an /o/ question
Fuck off with that

oh hi

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Dam, I didn't think to check the t80. But as far as I know those are the only 2 tanks that have turbines. The t90 doesn't even use one

t-90 is derived from t-72. also, oh hi (halfway)

Attached: 1200px-Stridsvagn_103_Revinge_2013-1.jpg (1200x812, 189K)

T55s aren't much more right?

>but you could get your hands on a M113

Lol no you can't.

Modern tanks don't use turbines. Tanks from the 1980s do.

>thinking some ~650lbft torks engine is gonna work for a giant piece of soviet shit
the minimum you need is a proper big truck engine and thats likely gonna run you quite a bit more than 4000

Mk-3 should be an aviation oil specification.
Here is a 1951 CIA report containing an analysis of the T-34. Engine oil is on page 373 & 376 of the pdf.


"The oil is essentially on SAE 50 engine oil with no additives."

Only at certain portions of the operational envelope. At full throttle a turbine is more efficient than a diesel. If it's been sitting for a while or needs to be started up, sure it'll consume more fuel than a diesel would, but that's what an APU is for.

15-50 should work