Babies first technical vehicle project makes a little progress

So, I got the belt fed gun running, and modded a shield for it. I have the PVC bits so I can build up the stanchion soon.

But, I got distracted when someone said I should make it a ZPU-1. SO I went and found one of those. Needs some electrical work, but I've resolved most of the problems with jamming, and have started gutting the governor resistors. I also found a trailer for it, on which I plan to rig it up.

So in a week or so, I think I will have the stanchion mounted belt fed gun and truck running, then can get on the zpu trailer.

Picture of me just setting them in there and scheming the trailer setup. (Gun is backwards for starters)

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Babies first technical

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Not your personal blog, faggot

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Dear diary:

> Today, June 14th of the Christian calendar. Op was not a faggot, he gave me some great ideas to outfit my preschoolers kiddy atv.

Thank you OP

Mashallah brother
Gotta start em while they're young

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you need to plan out a course with targets they can go through

You could be this poor bastard.


Can you just picture it.

> op’s rugrats rolling three deep launching airsoft and nerf ordinance everywhere.
> all the suburban moms in the neighborhood won’t let their kids go play at OP’s house.
> at school OP’s kids are like mythical beings.
> did you see Johnny and sally chase the neighborhood cats out in their John deer apc. They are so lucky.

Happy Father’s Day OP, seriously making points in the dad book.

Fuck off, fruitcake. Lurk moar, you prancing la-la girly man cock mongler. This shit is totally Jow Forums related, which you would know if you’d been here longer than whenever school let out.

Will there be a stereo playing nasheeds?

No, only blasting Yugoslavian polkas

I already have US army brand toy RPGs, and some nerf knockoff remote activated claymores.

The easter egg is gonna be fun in a couple years.

"Is that candy egg, or is it hooked to an improvised nerf device?"

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Bad dad hall of fame.

You could rig up this model rocket engines in the rpg’s, possibly do the tennis all match head grenade at the end of each one, although that might kill or make your kids, so maybe not. Imagine the fun tho.

The claymore uses a rubber band to launch foam nerf darts.

I wish you were my father, all I got was a shitty lightsaber as a kid

Sorry neither of your dads were this cool.

I just want to put a fishing line into a few easter eggs set up to trip nerf IEDs when pulled. Unless he cuts it.

Gotta make that candy hunt serious.

>Be 5 year old, on my Babies First Technical.
>Routine Backyard patrol. Dad command told me to watch out for charlie.
>Couple of squirrels to harass, but only require warning shots, plenty of darts in the belt.
>Making the way back to base, technical running a little low on battery
>Notice a plastic Easter egg in the garden.
>"Yeah buddy, free candy!" Dismount and run over, pick up the egg, see a small fishing line string, hear a beep
>Jump behind technical as a nerf IED pops
>Recover for a moment as the foam balls bounce against the fences and bushes
>Jump in and hit the gas
>Return to dad command
>There was a booby trap, nearly nerfed me, but got out alive
>"Good boy, here have this roll of smarties"

>proceeds to get chewed out by mom command for smoking the smarties

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>mfw this dad actually deserves his world's greatest dad mug

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I cry myself to sleep the post

>defending normalfaggotry
You don't even know what Jow Forums stands for, normalnigger

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God I remember this being a thing in elementary way back. Got so bad at one point that being caught with Smarties was an instant 7 day suspension.


>provides no argument

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>using normalfag as an insult on Jow Forums

Just because you are a degenerate living with their mom who owns a nugget they never shoot doesn't make you a part of some special club. It makes you a loser.

OP is doing something interesting and different on this board that involves raising the next generation of Jow Forumsommandos and I support it. Think about how much less of a failure you'd be if your dad did shit like this with you when you were a kid. Keep us updated OP, my boys have the same gator ride on.

you wrote so much

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We had candy cigarettes. They had that sugar dust on them that you could make look like smoke. Miss the 90’s man

god those were so fucking cool before concerned mothers got them all pulled from every store

Fucking rah OP, get the kids some airshit AKs to go along with it later on.

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Those had candy smoke in them? I just ate them like chalky candy

I remember setting up an MG nest for an ambush on my parents with that belt-fed. Good shit, user.

fucking nice

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If you blew on them when you first took one out if the box there would be a little candy dust cloud. Used to larp as the Marlboro man.

noice, keep it up

kys fag

If he's old enough to get fragged by a lawn-side nerf IED, he's old enough to smoke smarties.

as cool as the technical is, i think you're cruisin for a brusin by giving your kids toy RPGs and IEDs to play with too

Jow Forums stands for Jow Forumsilling
Now everyone knows

Jow Forums ackshullay stands for Jow Forumsusanagi

nice, I would recommend having one rear facing and the other for the passenger.

>then you and your friends can chase them like "dinos" and they have to fight you off.(

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I see one guy being a cool dad and passing on the Jow Forums torch.

I see some fag whose dad touched him or something.

I'm keeping one boxed just in case. They have the US army trademark.

We'd be in a whole new level of clownworld for me to get in trouble with the government for giving my kids toys sponsored by the government.

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Bump, I have nothing to add but this is a good thread

That probably depends. Right after halloween or easter, when he has a giant bag of candy and is going insane one a sugar rush after smoking a half dozen rolls of smarties, probably all The Doors and other psychedelic rock from that era with helicopter sounds spliced in now and again.

The rest of the time? Yeah, Serbian Polka.

I didnt consider adding a small MP3 speaker and player though, good idea. Low priority, high hilarious.

Power Wheels didn't exist when I was a kid so my father and grandfather collaborated to build a little Jeep out of plywood and an old garden tractor for my brother and I to play with.

They made a simple ladder frame out of 2" rectangular steel tubing. The front axle came from the garden tractor and was welded directly to the frame with some mods to the steering linkage. They bolted the transaxle from the tractor to the rear of the frame. (A three speed unit with a sideways "H" pattern. R-1 on the bottom, 2-3 on top). Grandpa made adapters for the front so he could use some rims off an old farm trailer instead of the undersized tractor wheels. With bald 13" snow tires all around, it looked okay. The tractor had been junked because the engine was shot. The solution was to "borrow" the engine from Mom's garden tiller and swap it back when she needed to work the garden. When we outgrew it, the Jeep was sold at a yard sale. I can only hope that it still exists and that some other kids are having as much fun with it as my brother and I did.

I had a homemade minibike that looked like a real motorcycle as a kid.

Ran on a re-purposed snowblower engine.

Man that shit was fun out in the middle of nowhere PA.

Bump rad dad

Stuff like this is why I keep visiting Jow Forums

It stand for
>moot doesn't know kanji for shit
F a m

My dad was a combat engineer for almost 30 years, large parts of which were removing mines and IEDs. When I showed him a nerf claymore, he had the biggest grinch style grin.

>I wish they had these back when I was a captain I would have rigged up my whole office

God I hope you make a PT boat for your kids next