How do special forces get away with dressing like civilians?

How do special forces get away with dressing like civilians?
Isn't that against international law?

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In that part of the world, those clothes would be considered 100% valid as military clothes. Also, if you look closely, you'll see that they actually are wearing uniforms. They're just wearing additional stuff on top of those uniforms.

No, you can wear what you like. All that a uniform affords you is protections under POW status if you're captured, but nobody cares about that because nobody we've fought in the last 20 years recognizes that shit anyway.

They're going to be looking for Army guys.

when asked, military officials deemed that special forces must wear one article of military apparel in order to maintain their status as a formal military member and not be charged as a spy if killed or captured. iirc this was decided around the time general tommy franks was in his position, and they had to insert advisors for the northern alliance in iraq.

>Joke’s on you Ivan. I’ve got my Army underwear on. You HAVE to treat me well.

That's so fuckin stupid. As if the Taliban wouldn't recognize one of thier own.

Besides I have never seen any American spec ops successfully speak another language, they dont even try.

>american special operators =/= american spies
this is by design

International law, like the "international community" is a US State Department meme for oppressing small countries and the US DOD. It doesn't apply to non-state groups or nuclear powers.

its not about being invisible like hitman or some shit, its about not standing out at a distance as the obvious American adviser to the 30-50 local fighters you're directing. Insurgents will know to target the one guy wearing full fresh 3-color desert and helmet among a crowd of people with pakol who aren't even wearing shoes.

why is delta so goddamn badass

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>blyat, foiled again!

If they have an identifying marker, which can be as little as an armband or a patch, it is considered a uniform. You can even wear the enemies uniform as long as you have your own little piece of flair.
Plus most of them are just tortured or killed if they're captured anyway. So why care about what laws are brought up at a trial.

Those are uniforms, unless the UN wants to get off its lazy ass and arrest every non-state actor wearing those duds.
Training and not bragging about every single completed mission they do like a certain other five-letter special forces group.

You can't commit war crimes if you're technically not at war

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Of course not, even if they could speak the language and looked local they would still give themselves away. Robert Nairac tried to fool Irish republicans by putting on an irish accent and going into IRA bars, so they kidnapped him and shot him in the head



shreks hk looks silly as fuck

It's not hov civilians dress.

>france, UK, china, and russia attack the US for breaking international dress code

this seems like an anime


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>Besides I have never seen any American spec ops successfully speak another language, they dont even try.
How many "American spec ops" do you know?
I've personally known 4 and they all spoke multiple languages.
You sound like a butt blasted europoor.