Balloon Warfare for the Common Man

The Japs did it. The Palestinians make fire balloons.

Lets wargame ideas.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (768x480, 115K)

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Plottwist: Those are condoms.

Hydrogen gas for balloons can be made with sodium hydroxide (lye) and aluminum.

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Just FYI i wouldn't build that PVC rig. I would not attempt to pressurize any caustic liquid just in the vessel fails.

The cooling chamber makes sense to remove steam and any droplets bubbling out of the reaction. Even a small drop of this caustic water will burn your skin.

Does anyone know how the Palestinian fire balloons work?

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I have a minor in chemistry
Ask me anything anons

what chemical are in grenade primers that make them silent. I do not understand why they do not pop compared to rifle or pistol primers.

>what chemical are in grenade primers...
not him but I assure you grenades are many things but in any way silent is not one of them

Maybe he listened to one grenade and now they are all silent for him, there is always just that EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE sound in the backround.

chem user here, I've never been in the military, so I wouldn't know the precise makeup, but from the diagrams I've seen it looks as though most grenades use a spring loaded trigger to detonate a pressure sensitive chemical (most likely a fulminate group, but not necessarily mercury fulminate) which then burns a time fuse, the timed fuse is likely a nitrogen based combustible mixed with a form of carbon to slow the burn.

>Confirmed neverserved idiots.

The M67 primer makes no noise when you throw the grenade outside of the spoon leaving the body of the grenade.

I understand that but so do rifle and pistol primers in a cartridge.

I have had other anons tell me that it is because the grenade primer has no air in the detonator therefore there is no way that it can make noise. Not sure if bs or not.

What is your full name and address

>Grenade primers
Uh, no. Grenade primers are just as loud as other primers. The only reason you can't hear them is that the noise is drowned out by the grenade.

Fuck summer.

How fucking retarded can a human be. Apparently this is it.

The primer is struck when the spoon is released and on m67 there is about a 5 second delay before the grenade goes off. Don't talk about shit you have literally no idea about.

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In the movie Terminator 1, Reece makes "plastique" with mothballs, ammonia, road flares and corn syrup. Are any of those components actually viable?

If i remember the commentary to the movie correctly those were just chosen to sound fitting, they aint actually supposed to make explosives.

We close air support now bois.

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True, seems more related to make meth than anything. What we didn't see were the lithium batteries, Sudafed and battery acid. Reece needed his perk me up

Whats the nastiest/easiest to get/make thing that can be dissolved in DMSO?

i know guys currently experimenting with automated drones to take em down, last time these were used in big numbers we had a unit of reservists using modified versions of their personal civilian drones to bring em down.
could always try a radar+high power lase like that drone dome thing

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they probably are

I assume that the point of these is to lift a bomb or similar device above an enemy, and design the balloon to pop at a specific altitude?

Trying to trap Hydrogen :3 1 lil problem there

Hydrogen gas is super dangerous be careful kids


They're cheap to make, hard to spot, and they can do large amounts of damage. Palestinians use them with incendiary devices, and burned tons of fields and farms. Explosives hardly do any significant damage to anything, but the psychological effect is huge, it's pure terrorism.

It's pure awesome. Fuck Israel. The only way it could be funnier is if the Palestinians accidentally burned their own neighborhood down when the wind shifted.

You can bet your left nut that when this happens they would just claim Israel had done it.

This sounds too maymay, did you came from reddit you faggot?

Nobody posted the most successful balloon warfare campaign yet?

> Operation Outward was a British World War II program to attack Germany by means of free-flying balloons. It made use of cheap, simple balloons filled with hydrogen. They carried either a trailing steel wire intended to damage high voltage power lines by producing a short circuit, or incendiary devices that were intended to start fires in fields, forests and heathland.
> A total of 99,142 Outward balloons were launched; about half carried incendiaries and half carried trailing wires.
> Compared to Japan's better-known fire balloons, Outward balloons were crude. They had to travel a much shorter distance so they flew at a lower altitude – 16,000 feet (4,900 m), compared with 38,000 feet (12,000 m) – and had only a simple mechanism to regulate altitude by means of dropping ballast or venting lifting gas. This meant the balloons were simple to mass-produce and only cost 35 shillings each (approximately equivalent to £94 in 2019[3]).
> The free flying balloon attacks were highly successful. Although difficult to assess exactly, they had an economic impact on Germany far in excess of the cost to the British government.

Attached: Operation-outward.jpg (819x345, 162K)

Can confirm. Former paratrooper here. We launched weather balloons to test wind conditions before a drop. For lulz we also filled condoms with helium. Those are condoms.

The primer is inside the fuse. It pops to the inside and is sealed.

REDOX reaction. Where is the fuel and where is the oxidizer? TATP, ETN, or sugar-clorate would be more realistic.