Things to know when concealed carrying

I live in a land that was once very peaceful but now is filled with viscous pit-bulls and savage religious zealots throwing acid into the faces of young babies. I need to start concealed carrying to protect myself and my family but I cant ever get caught or the state will destroy me. What do I need to know? If I do not start fights and always try to keep out of trouble will i be alright or will the feds still catch me? Id only ever use it if it meant protecting or avenging my children to be honest.

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How so? I always thought dogs were pretty solid

>What are the most common ways they catch you?

>what is a good brand of concealed holsters?

>are they safe to buy online without getting red flagged somehow?

>anyone know how to make a good concealed holster?

New slime type breed, very hard to beat. regens fast.

Maybe you shouldn't carry bud

Pitbulls are bred to murder other dogs. Their entire existence is based around existing to kill other dogs in dogfights. They are genetically inclined to violence.


Ahhhhh thanks, science these days huh

>I don't know what viscous means
Ok bud

You shall end up in prison for carrying illegally and "avenging" or retaliating against those who wronged you. Go ahead and carry bud no ones stopping you but you're more likely to get into a traffic stop than a defensive shooting.

That's vicious dog. This is a viscous dog thread.

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>A pitbull/T-1000 cross

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T. seething faggot

If you are right then itll be harmless for him to carry.

Ok ill keep that in mind and I wont avenge my toddler if someone acids him in the face. my bad. I just want it to prevent a face aciding anyways.

Whoa! Truly a viscous dog! Here's ome for ya.

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The issue you will run into to is if you carry, you may end of having to use it. If you country will punish you for even carrying, the penalty for using it will be magnitudes worse.

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You slime pit-bull mommies make me sick with your "look at this cute pic of a slime pit bull I found" vs the actual statistics on slime pit bull face acidings.

I'm not seething at all, I carry legally every day, however when giving advice you shpuld take into account the reality of the situation. Is your family safer with you in jail or prison for carrying illegally? If a "viscous" dog mauls you are you better off shooting it and telling the authorities you're carrying illegally? The best advice here is relocate. But if you want to be a smoothbrain and get thrown in jail leaving your family to fend off niggers and "viscous" dogs without you then go ahead and carry and sperg out when a cop pulls you over and sees you tugging at your shirt and sweating profusely like the autist you are.

Not an issue. I'd rather be able to protect my family and myself. I wont be pulling any hero moves or doing anything but avoiding potential conflict. I am seeing more and more people in my home land subjected to mutilation, robbery and even rape at the hands of the slime pitbull religious zealots. I wont be a passive victim if my number is called.

relocation takes time, you take time and wont be given more unless you have actual advice.

Then carry bud. If you want actual advice on concealed carry you should leave oyt the bits regarding the legality of your carry. You're quite obviously set on carrying regardless of the law and consequences.

Fair enough. I do wish you luck and hope nothing happens to your family.

my frendo

you need a polymer/kevlar

ice pick with a very pointy point on the end.

aim for the eyes, the throat and the heart.

They're nigbulls. I've been trapping ones in my neighborhood then releasing them in the woods. Having good old fashioned hunts. Chased one down with a spear. Killing deer from a distance just doesn't appeal to me. They're too fast to chase down and wouldn't fight back even if I could catch them. These shitbulls fucking deserve to die, it's pretty damn fun and satisfying. You gotta piss em off first though, once that stupid fake smile goes away they get fucking mean.

>the joke
>the viscous mass in your head

England? Get a license for that knife.

Move dude, seriously. Get out as fast as you can, that sounds like a no win situation. Best case scenario is your family dies and you go to jail forever? Fuck that.

can he move in with you?

Moving is tough and requires money but it's not impossible by any means. If you're so worried about where you live you're willing to be a criminal by carrying illegally maybe your priorities are a little mixed up.

just scrollin through and stopped to say fuckin lol

Do they come in different viscosities? I’d think that something like a 90 weight slime bull would be easy to take down in winter. Or are they multi-grade?

Take up MMA and Muay Thai.

nothing you can do, time to be culturally enriched
you will be the lesson to the rest of the western world