Cody man accidentally shot with vintage pistol

according to the Sheriff’s Office investigation, it was determined Vermunt, 24, had been shot with a vintage World War II Tokarev pistol.

When fellow Pahaska employee Cal Clark, 59, of Thermopolis set his small backpack down on the porch of an employee building, the Russian semi-automatic pistol discharged, entering Vermunt’s right shoulder and then traveling on.

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Don’t tell me he was carrying a tokarev with a round chambered, jeez

It’s not the wisest thing to do, but he did it.

probably completely dropped the hammer on a chambered round instead of having it at half cock

>advocating Israeli carry

I see the boomers have arrived.

Seems like it.
Clearly he wasn’t one of the Jow Forumsunts from this Siamese craft forum.

>Advocating not NDing into normies cause you carry a war relic in your backpack.
Go tongue polish your glock millennial

They aren't. They're saying that the Tokarev design has a specific defect that you should plan around.

I bet his shoulder hurts

Attached: TB-Tokarev2A-1024x683.jpg (1024x683, 80K)

As I always said, have faith in Allah and keep a hidden pistol.

just dont drop it

Attached: spreitzerjpg-24795bef9160874e_large.jpg (432x655, 72K)

What’s the specific defect?

No fucking safety.

Attached: 1488865544412.jpg (1080x1093, 79K)

Which magazine is that?

you can get those base plates but they are expensive.

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>Cody man accidentally shot with vintage pistol

Thread theme

forgot the lanyard

Attached: 13023883.jpg (576x828, 104K)

>YWN own a North Korean Tokarev

Attached: North Korean Tokarev.jpg (900x700, 45K)

Toks are known to be extremely unsafe due to an absolute lack of safety. We're not talking "just cover the trigger with a holster lmao", we're talking "the things have a tendency to go off for minor bumps".

it's natural selection at that point

This is why you half cock toks.

>15 dollars

nothing wrong with that if it's on half cock

The actual designation is SMOKEREV

More like $25

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get a load of this newfag.