Shit on Russia and China thread

Let’s go bois they are getting too cocky

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Reminder that the J-20 is a rip-off of a failed prototype

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the chinese literally eat lead laced food and drink mercury filled water. i give it 20 years until the whole country looks like the delusional guy working the night shift at the intact Chernobyl NPP after he didn't see graphite.

As someone living in the west, I have freedom and opportunity. I don't need to waste my time shitting on aggressive assholes who are insecure about there position in the world.

Gutter oil

This. Hopefully they really believe their own hype.

War on Terror 9/11 Larry Silverstein Mikhail Gorbachev The Westington House Scandal Latin American Puppet Dictators Operation Condor Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein CIA Agents The Clinton Chronicles Waco Siege Kinder Egg Surprise The Clinton Blowjob Scandal Nixon Watergate Scandal The Fake Tibetan Protest of 2008 Staged Coup of Colombia Kandahar massacre War on Terror Patriot Act PRISM Edward Snowden The Guantanamo Bay Illegal Occupation CIA black sites Human Rights NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack by IDF Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange My Lai Massacre Contras 1973 Chile coup CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état United Fruit Company Cuban Missile Crisis and the Turkish Missile Crisis Bay of Pigs Iran Contra Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya Bombing of Yemen Bombing of Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson illegal Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii the Illegal Colonialism of American Samoa Guam and other Pacific Islands the Economic Embargo on Mexico haole invasion the rape of Okinawa Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages Russian puppet president Kinder surprise

Nice try Ivan but we have freedoms unlike China.

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I'm not even a yank but I don't believe that this meme would work in reverse as burgers won't get banned or arrested for saying any of those things.

But 1/2 that was good user.

Especially when St. Augusto taught communists to fly the hard way.

>Kinder surprise

literally available at any gas station

This. 80% of that shit can be found in our regularly used high school textbooks so it's not as if any of this information is hidden.

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> russian women > top tier
> nigerian women > oh boy.

no contest.

Afaik, Depends where in the US you are and what school you go to.
I grew up in the UK and Britain's history in Ireland was never even mentioned to us.
I knew that the IRA were terrorists and there was some kind of religious conflict, that was it.

In case you didn't know, the US arnt the good guys. We haven't been since ww2

>united fruit company

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>work in reverse
In reverse of what?

You never wuz.

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>he doesn't know about the first amendment

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That's where you wrong americunt.

He says this moments before being arrested for an internet hate crime. Truly some bold last words

No. We don't get shit for swearing amerimutts.

Uh oh you made a remark that can be vaguely considered racist, user I'm sorry but I hear EU prison isn't that bad

Just some GAYropean things. I don't give a fuck.

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How western posters always use the tianamen square original of that post to try and get Chinese users banned

As an American, literally none of that bothers me. Why should I give a shit about my government abusing foreigners?

Except for the fact that, ya know, they look entirely different and share nothing beyond two engines and canards?

Cope Chang it’s a mix of a mig 1.44 and F-35 rip-off

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Neither of them can into jet engines that don't smoke more than an eastern eurotrash whore.


Both Russia and China are incapable of engineering stable airframes that don't require canards. Until now I assumed that ony eurotrash this mentally challenged.


It only works if it's true, apply yourself.

>F-35 rip-off
Why would anyone do that?

Because the F-35 is a great aircraft

>Russian women

Don’t forget the conscripts

>(((Sergey Brin)))

Fuck Globohomo and fuck glownigger shills like you

i learned pretty much all of these in fucking high school, you do realize american's are critical of their past right ivan?


Russians must always know their place. They only exist because the West lets them.

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>top tier
Enjoy your crooked teeth, ultra tight dresses over pot bellies and leopard print leggings.

That worked out great.

I mean, it forced the Soviets into a quagmire that contributed to the collapse of global communism, so that was nice.

>you don't have free speech AND free healthcare

What's this a cosmonaut?

Based. Fuck ameripigs. Point fingers at them and laugh.

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Ameripig rectum inflammation.

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Because F-35 is the best aircraft available. The Chinese also don't have to pay their trillion dollars on R/D so they can make them at 1/10th of the price for something that performs 90% of the way.

Fucking glow in the dark CIA niggers.

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One big difference, Ivan: I don't get the CIA sending me to an internment camp for reading this. Unlike Chang does when the bug spray gets whipped out.

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This is what happens to chinks when they read the Tienanmen square pasta.

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USA btfo

but they canceled the J-31 after seeing how shit it was.

the police is not even armed, which is what a free society should be.
In America, there will be a SWAT team ramming down your door and beating the shit out of you.

>No manned missions to the moon
>No active self driving probes on Mars

Why are slavs and chinkiboos so subhuman?

Because SWAT expect to be gunned down as soon as they bust down your door for seeing something wrong online

Same result but you can put up a fight and make them think twice. You are a faggot.

>thinks burger-be-gone works on burgers because chink-be-gone works on him.
Oh my, what a laugh.

>Be me
>Be Donald Trump
>Be dead for 50 or so years, and decide to go back to Earth to check up on how things are after your death
>Go to some cafe you used to go while you were still alive
>Ask the bartender how the country is
>"Our country has grown in to a glorious empire, sir!"
>Confused i ask him how so
>"So no trouble with Iran,China, North Korea?"
>"We have conquered them all! Our glorious nation now rules the entire planet!"
>Relieved to hear that, i ask how much i owe the man for the coffee
>"That would be one and a half rubles, sir"

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>Thinking being taxed for "muh greater good" is good
I bet you love seeing your paycheck and knowing half of it has been taken away for things you will never see or benefit from

>great aircraft
>best aircraft

You fucking what?...
The propulsion burns off stealth plating.
It becomes a nice and sweaty 87 degrees inside the cock pit.
When its cold, batteries fail, and the cockpit becomes a freezer.
Cabin pressure fucks the pilots ears and nose, and gives headaches.
Exceeding mach 1.2, it causes structural damage.
Pilots have visual detection and navigational issues.
The list goes on.

Now, I'm no commie ching chong
Nor a vodka bath ruski.
But, I think we should of reconsidered investing into this piece of shit.
or at least make a strong overhaul, to its overall design.