Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo?

Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo?

Local Militia groups are threatening to fight the police.

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Something as small as this would never lead to a full blown civil war.

a Serb assassinating some AlpKraut would never lead to tens of millions of dead people

Is that your only example? Are you really not aware of the cultural differences between Europe and the US?
In another thread I mentioned how this MAYBE could be a John Brown's Raid kind of event, but even then, that raid wasn't the sole cause for the Civil War, just something that raised tensions before the first shots were fired on Fort Sumter for unrelated reasons.

Article completely fails to mention that Democrats from the same state did exactly the same thing years ago.

Those two things are so unimaginably different in scale it’s not even funny. That’d be like if some Mexican ran up and shot Pence.

Or maybe Ivanka.

Haven't they done this before in Oregon though? A militia leader also got shot and killed.

Oregon has had some militia stand-offs a few times none of them violent

all of those were because of land

how to run a good guerrilla war?
even just some good old sabotage to fuck with the govt. in nogunfag country

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>Some literally who state politicians thousands of miles away don't show up for work.
Well i guess i have no choice but to start pumping round after round of real fucking nato into my liberal nephew before he genocides me.

Who is ivanka?

Solitary confinement must have been a bitch. How’d you do it without going nuts? Anyhow, Ivanka is the daughter of the president. Very easy on the eye.

No but you probably will after they pass that stupid bill and come to crush your 2008 4WD Tacoma.

>he needs more than one round of rfn to kill a liberal
Go ahead and do that, then off yourself thanks.

Kinda doubt the bill authorizes them to create an expeditionary earth defense force that can cross multiple state lines and jurisdictions and seize/destroy private property for not meeting emissions standards in a state without private emissions law. And if it does i doubt their funding would put my 06 charger that high on their priority list.

Anything worth shooting once is worth shooting twice.

live in a giant forrest and live your autism out like in vietnam or be a grey man

That's why they thought about the first one

The legality of "authorizing" the state police to kidnap and force people to attend a vote all on the orders of some crazy control freak bitch isn't mentioned. They just want to raise taxes under the guise of climate change.

>oathcucks and threepers are going to kill those they worship
lol no. this is what we call posturing. it makes people feel important.

The first one didn't start with something small, it started from decades of build up and cannon fire.

Good job trivializing the absolute fucking political mess Europe was in prior to that you fucking idiot some radical group could setoff a dirty bomb killing thousands in a city and even that wouldn't make everyone here suddenly decide its time to boogaloo its still good to prep but you guys underestimate what it takes for shit to get bad

Are you referring to Bleeding Kansas? If so, yes they did which is why many Southern states began preparing immediately afterwards.

oh boy you havent seen the news

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Putin daughter.

>Are you referring to Bleeding Kansas?

Not him, but the reference is pretty fucking obvious.

Attached: John Brown's 20 good men.png (600x337, 281K)

>For unrelated reasons
fucking lmao this is some deluded head in the sand shit

Pretty sure harpers ferry was what realty put the fear of god into the southerners.

Whites killing whites was ok but negros stealing guns and starting a revolt would make any Dixie boy piss himself.

here ya are user...

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Union occupation of a southern fort =/= Zealous nut and a few black people getting smoked
One officially started the Civil War, the other didn't.

It was a combination

John fucking Brown and then Harriet Beecher Stowe did more to get the violence going than any others.

And brown was being a faggot back in Kansas to prior to harpers ferry.

It was a Federal fort protecting an American port which was fired upon by crazy rednecks

If you can’t see the thought process behind the south’s escalation I do t know what to tell you, you are either disingenuous, autistic, indoctrinated or stupid.

Possibly some combination thereof.

Except it wasn’t an American port at the time.
Like it or not secession is legal.

The constitution is not a suicide pact, it was voluntarily entered and can be left the same

You are actually arguing the constitution is a suicide pact. That the newly formed entity of the United States should cuck itself out of existence because of constitutional autism.

I hate America, but lets get real here, "muh constitution" is a dumb conservaboomer meme

The Constitution is our base, and our base is predicated on cucking the Federal Government. Our country was founded on the idea that we would fight, burn the country down, and have a hard reset if the feds ever got out of control. Leaving the union IS legal. Does it matter? No. But losing a state is the ultimate "Fuck You." And a defecto declaration of war since any state leaving, would immediately be invaded by the military.

The United States ought not exist, especially since its existence is predicted on the point of a bayonet.

It’s funny every single problem with the current US in terms of tension could be solved by breaking up.

But some assholes love being morally superior and telling other people what to do so this will end In war. Again.

The issue, is the federal government is perfectly within its power to decide what is a rebellion, should washington of just let the whiskey rebellion go on forever? where is the line. Lose one election and you just chimp out and leave? I dont think so. And either way, even if it was legal, now you are a foreign country that is ideologically opposed to the US, might as well push your shit in and collect you land like we did the native americans, or mexico.

Can i beat my wife until she wants a divorce then say divorces are illegal and beat her some more?

real strong argument.