New moderate Al Qaeda FPS pics from North Hama

new moderate Al Qaeda FPS pics from North Hama

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ARMA 3 graphics are getting really good...

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>Abercrombie shirt
I'm assuming things ended poorly for our stylish friend. I know people just wear whatever they can get over there, but it seems like a bad idea to wear a t shirt like that in a war zone full of anti-western militants.

it kinda looks like a rescue. Maybe? I mean normally sand niggers shoot people first and over kill for that matter.

I mean, maybe. I'm sure they don't mind taking cooperative POWs for execution videos, though.

>but it seems like a bad idea to wear a t shirt like that in a war zone full of anti-western militants.

implying they can read english

I've actually seen a truck driver in one of those photoshows wear a "DDR" Shirt with the seal of East Germany, in the middle of Syria. That stuff takes strange ways sometimes.

Even if they can't fluently read English, "NEW YORK" is pretty easy to figure out.

>implying they can read english
Contrary to liberal propaganda, islamic terrorists are often well and western educated so they likely can read English.

you do know those guys have a different alphabet, right? could you figure out "Damascus" in Arabic?

English is pretty ubiquitous in global media compared to Arabic. If you live anywhere with even a minimal connection to the modern world, you probably know at least a few words in English.

>moderate Al Qaeda
What does that mean, they're willing to negotiate to attain the destruction of all non-Islamic ways of life?

I think he was alluding to the "moderate rebels" meme.

Not to those guys. I work with Arabs, many from Syria. The ones that speak English are the ones that come from more educated and wealthy families, mainly druze, alawites or assyrians. If you want to study in Syria you have to pay a shitload of money and learn some English. Everyone else, about 90% of the Sunni muslims, don't speak a word of English and can't read Latin letters.

Yes I thought that too after the post sent. I for one would never let them take me. Knowing what they do to you after I would rather die from a bullet than a knife or some det cord.

I know an Arab who has "evoli" tattooed on his arm. He said it means "i love you" in English. Took some time for me to figure out that he completely got the letters wrong, it's just "i love" backwards.

Most of those guys can't read English for shit, just like we can't make sense of Arabic

the guys who carry out terrorist attacks are educated sure, but the random-ass fighters in the ME are basically just inbred serfs

it’s a pow, or his face would be blurred
HTS and friends
yeah the baath banned instruction of latin languages a few decades ago

A lot of them are actually from Europe.

55 dead of their elements in a failed attack on the axis of Qasabiyeh Hama villages 27 6 2019

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>it’s a pow, or his face would be blurred
Unless they are proving they rescued him if it was released by the gov and he was a pow it would be blurred too.
I don't care who he is I just wouldn't want to be him.

>from Europe
He already said inbred serfs.

alot more arent though,they justget more attention. But irrespective there are tons of studies showing that arab foreign fighters and terrorists are on average more educated than their peers, with a higly disproportionate amount holding EE degrees. they broke the conditioning,the serfs are happy to stay under the ZOG hamburger boot

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if you follow scw at all you should know that killcounts are absolutely retarded and or it didnt happen is actually applicablebecause everyone has a camera,and 90% of the time it didnt happen

Those are ISIS statistics tough.

>impliying they can read

More dead sandniggers means fewer coming here

They can tho

you are assuming they can read

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No you fucking idiot. More fighting means more refugees. Use your fucking brain you moron.

That's some fucking inefficient fighting then.

it’s high level gang warfare,more people are violently killed in brazil per year than syria. But far more just gtfo and end up in wect. The popular “less sandniggers” statement is 89IQ,even without counting the fact that sandnigs breed 3-4x replacement rate

>More dead sandniggers means fewer coming here

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Ought to round them up and send them back.

Oughta slap your stupid head and make you stop posting

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Awful lot of 5.11 stuff in pics from Iraq and Syria



It's the new cool operator gear to make you look cool, plus it's bootleg Chinese made garbage so they can actually afford it. Even the kurdish stores that were on the base I was at in Syria was trying to sell us bootleg 5.11 gear, along with bootleg airpods, redbulls, and nike clothes/shoes.

>Even the kurdish stores that were on the base I was at in Syria was trying to sell us bootleg 5.11 gear, along with bootleg airpods, redbulls, and nike clothes/shoes
You have never seen a Kurdish shop in your life, and you were never in Syria. Stop making things up on the internet.
They don't sell those things in Syria, you can get them in Iraqi-Kurdistan though. And there's no "Kurdish stores" on the US facilities in northern Syria

I was in northern syria, on a firebase that operated within a larger YPG base, and we had both a kurdish run store, as well as a kurdish run cafe.

I didn't take any pictures of the kurdish run store, but here's a picture I took of the outside of the cafe.

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>But irrespective there are tons of studies showing that arab foreign fighters and terrorists are on average more educated than their peers, with a higly disproportionate amount holding EE degrees. they broke the conditioning,the serfs are happy to stay under the ZOG hamburger boot
To me it looks like they are right atop mount kruger. Smart enough to know they are being oppressed but dumb enough to blame the jews.

Ok. I was with YPG for a few months in 2015, I have never seen any of that stuff in Syria, only in Iraq. The 5.11 stuff was of great quality btw, it was actually so good that I made a thread about it a few years ago to check if the pants I got for 20$ in Erbil/Iraq might be legit 5.11

Shit's going down in Idlib right now.

I don't know, these guys don't seem to have a problem wearing shirts with European soccer team logos on them. I doubt they'd even know what Abercrombie even is, much less care how he got it.

Link for the video or only pics?

Honestly the two videos I saw where I thought "that wouldn't be so bad" were the det cord and the AA gun executions. Everything else you'd rather just die fighting, not even from a dignity standpoint.

I guarantee the Kurds under anarcho communism would work far better for them then whatever fake Democracy we'd try to bring into power.

More like anarchism(it's pretty cool)

I don't think they care.

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>anarcho communism

why can't all the refugees bring this good shit to europe

Most kurds don't understand the ideology. They're fighting for ethnic nationalism really; not Bookchin-inspired-eco-conscious-leftist-libertarianism.

>ethnic nationalism
would you really say so? Rojava is almost 50:50 kurds/arabs

Look at him. He's clearly an overweight neckbeard. He probably painted that himself.

Yeah, the kurds are tired of being pushed around and are taking sides with the us to get their kurdistan
wish we wouldve let saddam finish them off

>latin languages
English is Germanic, but you're technically right, it uses the latin alphabet.
t. linguistics student

Is that...real?

No, that truck had some dudes plumber business due to it being his former work truck that somehow ended up halfway around the world in a warzone with a ZU-23 AAA autocannon on it. The anime shit was just fags being fags in MSPaint.

That was delicious ty

Still Muslim fuck the based Kurds meme

Christ I hate these deranged freaks

>Contrary to liberal propaganda, islamic terrorists are often well and western educated so they likely can read English.

Most middle Easterners cannot read or write in their own language, it is forbidden in most of the countries for women to even attempt to get an education. Of course liberals pretend this isn't so and pretend it is the west that is in the dark ages.

Ah yes, I remember that truck, the guy got death treats and all that jazz

Everyone reads arabic,the language of the koran,or islam is redundant. the only ME countries with restrictions on female education are yemen and afghanistan. Even in iran/saudi it’s women that are overwhelmingly more educated then men.

Imagine being dumb enough to think a Texas plumber drop shipped his entire truck to Syria to support ISIS. Most Americans would never guess how many of there used trade ins end up in auctions to get shipped over seas.

> AK with silencer in the wild
kek, never seen that before.

The Ruskies need to sack General Tiger. He has so much boy pussy he forgot how to war but seriously he got his shit kicked in Idlib years ago. Not exactly a good record to start with.

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>the guy got death treats and all that jazz
sounds like some people need their asses kicked

My only reference point for Assyrians(aside from the genocide) is a guy I went to school with. Very intelligent, very fat. He goatse'd me.

Large group of Turkistan Islamic party jihadists reinforcing rebel lines in Hama. TIP are ethnic Chinese btw.

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Not even the same truck model retard

Back to hell.

these guys remind me of some kind of jihad version of the mongol horde.

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>mfw I read the logo on his cap as ass

It's a lot more complex than that. More fighting means more experience in battle. It's not the dead ones that arent a trouble anymore, it's the surviving ones with combat experience that know how to cause trouble. I'd rather have the three stooges trying to jihad me than some one person who knows what they're doing.
thread theme

part of the western nation lend lease program to terrorists

Still nothing happend. I remeber a year back when some ruskies start talkting taking Idlib in a quick Blitz.

>Ethnic Chinese
Wut, how does that even happen

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They're not ethnic Chinese, they just look Asian.

>ethnic Chinese
That doesn't really narrow it down.

>dumb enough to blame the jews
>blaming the jews

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This lmao kinda funny when you break it down
>people rallying to end female suffrage
>government reluctantly does so
>girls who previously spent all day, every day locked inside now have freedom of education
>within as little as 2 decades females dominate ME acadamies and schools because the men are totally contempt peddling onions with a 3rd grade education
Nothing like stirring the pot

Uyghurs. Technically ethnic Turkic, but Chinese

No, those guys are Turkmen. They look east asian / Turkic.

>those guys are Turkmen
Turkestan is how Uyghurs call Xinjiang. Turkestan Islamic Party are Uyghurs not Turkmen.

Oh, I've misread that

Because most of them are muslims that still believe in democracy just because they never seen it in action.

There was one tho.

>Oh mister Duke, your boots taste so good
If you think a white boot on your neck is better than a black/yellow/brown one, you are truly mentally handicapped.
Direct hit with a ATGM on a group of SAA near Tel-Malah . Rebels claim several of these type of ATGM strikes today.
Where are these rebels getting so many ATGMs from? Turkey and also they got a shit ton of grad rockets from them as well.

Power is a zero sum game. You and your tribe either have power or you don't. If you don't, you better believe somebody else has power above you and they are utilizing it.

No it's not you fucking moron. Next time maybe spend .5seconds looking up the truth before opening you cock holster.

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People deprived of education are the ones who appreciate it most. Slow-witted arab dudes are a pita to do business with, I hope their women btfo them and kick off a new generation of people who give a shit about 'trying' a bit.