Canada General

New here? Want a firearm license? Read this:

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First for fuck burgers in /arg/ and their faggot meme-builds.

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Definitely going to need to see a face for such aggressive screeching. Just post your jaw line at least. Don't be scared of the bully, I'm sure you're used to it.


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>seething burger has no idea about history
>got their shit pushed in twice by french militia irregulars when you tried to take Montreal
>loyalists abandoned you en masse to fight for the English
>had to BUY Louisiana and the south from the French
>had to BUY Alaska

Sure as long as your okay being looked down upon, manlet 56% mutt.

This, how many restricted / RPALs is there in Canada?

We've had this discussion before door to door is suicide logistically.

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I remember Plett read out something like 2.96 MILLION licensed gun owners during one of the senate sessions

The irony of this post accompanied but exclusively chunk guns

That’s almost one in five legal adults. Does that not sound way too high to anyone else?

My last recollection was low 2 million from the RCMP report that detailed restricted numbers a few months back.

Its actually 1:7 adults. About 2.3M

I emailed the CFP asking when the 2018 Chief of Firearms was going to release the report. They told me no date yet. Waiting on those official numbers.

That's some shitty math there compadre. Try about 1/15


>counting the under 18 pop is mattering

Roughly two and a quarter million licenses. It's 1 in every ~14 people. A lot of families will have just one or two people with licenses or just never bothered to get a license (they might not even know they legally need one).

Attached: Canadian firearm licences 2016.png (700x433, 34K)

based plett

I unironically bought a old hunting shotgun at a estate sale several years ago, and the family sold the other hunting rifles to people without asking for a license or pal, and i informed them, and they sorta gave me a dumb look and went "Really?" I really don't want to think about it, because i think some of those guns were sold to retards without PALs. People really don't know the law around guns up here, and it still blows my mind.

Its my dream to find some people selling FAL's at an estate sale lol

the prohibihappening is upon us. Keep close eyes on boomers in your clubs anons, maybe get friendly with them.


tfw all the clubs in southern AB are full so I have to go to the public range :/. I think I might do some volunteering at the legion or something though and come through estate sales all summer, I mean I should do the legion volunteering anyways but its a nice aside that maybe I could carry on some history too

what would BC be after "independence"? A colony or a puppet state?

Does anyone know how to disassemble an old Cooey model 60 bolt? i need help and cant find anything.

do it and flex on arg and the poorfags

Cope harder
>You will never buy an AR for $350
>You will never see a 30 round magazine in person
>You will never stop worrying about RCMP b&ing your favorite rifle

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>You will never see a 30 round magazine in person
We can own pinned or blocked 30 rounders unlike some of your cuck states where hi cap mags are b&
Also hows your bump stocks and not being able to have 10 foreign made parts in your guns LOL

>You will never see a 30 round magazine in person
All of us see these.
Only the brave or foolhardy among us unpins them to their full potential.

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>b-b-but we can own circumcised magazines
Sorry you'll never have intact uncut magazines jew faggot leaf.

Did you have a look at these two videos, and did they help?

>Pinned mags
>30 round mags
Pick one and only one. Actually, never mind, its been picked for you

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Actually stores sell them with internal blocks that can be removed, seething amerifat

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>magazine designed for 30 rounds
>capacity is restricted to 5 rounds with a little pin
>owning a 5/30 in some US states is a crime
american education at its best

Damm the seethe is strong with these /arg/ cucks. How the fuck did one man cause this much butthurt? This is snacks level of butthurt.

LMAO you only get 5 rounds? Our worst state restricts them to double that.
The cope is real in Canukistan

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>no detachable magazines
>no pistol grips

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Well Jow Forumsanadians, finally decided to stop being a degenerate and am on the road to sobriety. Been smoking weed everyday for 2 years, now I'm going to take the money I would usually spend on weed and put it towards funs. Thinking about getting a Glock 48.

>on the road to sobriety
just stop lol its weed

>Be me
>Burger, living in occupied territory
>10 round mag limit
>buy 10 round .458 SOCOM mag

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imagine spending time in a general you hate just to spread your butthurt

Sent my PAL/RPAL application, hopefully I get to be hasgunz soon :3

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Why are Toks getting shilled so hard lately? I enjoy my m57, but its a POS compared to virtually every modern semi auto 9mm pistol. For the price, why don't people just get a sd9ve, or some other budget wonder 9?

Hey man... Okay yea maybe you're right lol

And yet you never will, because you a good little leaf that would never break the rules. You'll just posture on line about how you could.

>How the fuck did one man cause this much butthurt?

You tell me, have you seen all the (You)'s I've harvested? Like getting syrup from a tree. Even the mods didn't give a shit enough to ban me after they baleeted some shit posts from you faggot leafs crying.


you might be cranky or have trouble sleeping for a week or two, but thats litterally it. just quit and spend money on boolits

>be me
>living in Canada
>10 round pistol mag limit
>but 10 round pistol .50 beo mag
>fits almost 30
>RCMP get mad and ban it
>mfw its still legal to own, just the rcmp says you can't

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Anyone interested in buying an HKMR223?

I shall. And yea with sleep my dreams have been fucked, not to mention the cold sweats

its newguns zoomers and their memes, we all were youngins at one time and thrilled about our first funs user, let them have fun

You'll be fine, if you have trouble sleeping then either just don't look at a screen within the hour before sleep or take meletonin. You'll be alright fren and you'll be saving a ton of money in no time

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Because poors gonna poor

Im up to 6, how many syrup flavored tears have you drank?

How much fagola

I forgot about the weird dreams. hope you get fun ones

>how many syrup flavored tears have you drank
I will drink until my cup overfills and the streets run brown with syrup.

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Checked, based Lucky 7 trips of KEK

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Some are saying it might have been hijacked and is nuclear capable. I haven't found anything to back it up yet though. Anyone found anything?

Post guns

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As I see that there are a bunch of Americans on the thread, I can say that I hope your import laws get unfucked, and soon, along with some improvements to SBR and SBS rules. It's not like things are great up here, but I can't help but feel frustrated when I see bad gun laws anywhere.

If nothing else, all the Norinco shit that will flow into the US will lead to more accessories and replacement parts.

A free and independent republic that will be renamed to cascadia when we conquer Washington and Oregon

My palms are sweaty and ready to buy this thing

silly user exif data is purged by 4chin
When did ya build your AR?

>yfw it was me, Soup buttblastinf those fatties

>its another butthurt burger edition

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>yfw half those states dream of a foreign government even trying

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Fuck around and find out

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>SVRREYITE militia of BROWN gangbanger warriors led by chink crypto-commie revolutionaries invades PNW states
>fierce guerrilla resistance
>complete depopulation of Washington and Oregon followed by recolonization by British COLVMBIANS

>rcmp decides to go door to door
>video related
imagine a cluster fuck like this across canada


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3 grand

Canada more like gaynada

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lmao are you the guy who complained about it being too heavy?
Don't sell it dumbass.

Is there any aftermarket kit or parts to make the vz 58 trigger any better?

more like

No. git gud

should have just bought a DD, feelsbadman

Can i get the rundown of what happened here to make them kick the door in?

>Liberals and niggers are ruining America REEEEEEEEE
>This is actually the greatest country on Earth


A few months ago. It was super easy, like building a dangerous Lego.
Currently I'm trying to find an Enfield but the fucking boomers on the EE need 48h to answer to a simple message...

DD is overgassed, overpriced shit. If you want a DI AR, building in Canada has never been better. At least you have a neato piston system. Keep that shit and save up for a lightweight DI gun in the future.

nothing honorable thats what

How can one bowl of Minnestrone be so based?

Whats up with all the butthurt burger in here? I thought we wuz all friendz n shiet

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Reminder there is literally nothing wrong with the TAR.
Sold mine to my koreanbro. He fell in lice with it in the spring.

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I actually ordered an X95 on Canada Day sale for $2050. I chose EMT and am still deciding if I want to pay. Do you recommend?

You are our neighbors to the north, so long as you remember your place.

your friends with based korean user?

For that price definitely worth it. I doubt youll be disappointed. Dont expect better than 3 MOA though. When you can afford it buy spare parts from Chadtech like bolt and pins set and firing pin

>your place

lmao shut the fuck up Burger.

No sorry dont know him. I just meant my based korean navy bro

Sweet. Been on the fence for like 2 weeks watching every possible YT video. How do I reach Chadtech?

Their email is listed on the site