Computer, display the best match for the following specifications

Computer, display the best match for the following specifications.
>sub compact
>optimal cost to quality ratio
Have a 7'9" naked Dr. Crusher present it to me as a stand on a hill composed of 75 to 100 naked Diana Troy's and the Enterprise D burns in the distance.

Run program.

Attached: 1494597371539.jpg (559x454, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Reggie is horny right now

I forgot how fun trek threads were. Off to /tv/ I go

Ian made an accidental Sig 365 commercial recently

Steyr S-9?

You're correct, but the shield is still ugly.

>sig p232
if 9mm short counts, or if you want the better version
>pistolneet makarova

Glock 26

Shield or g43


Attached: 1860army.jpg (2896x1944, 221K)

Attached: 20190703_092149.jpg (1080x1014, 379K)

You warm my heart user


>Match found and displayed
>Cannot fulfill final request without removal of safety parameters: Proceed with removing combat safeties and prophylactics?

Attached: walther-pps-m2-le-9mm-5_3.jpg (825x550, 48K)

>didn't disengage safety protocols

Attached: 1503082478683.jpg (694x530, 83K)

>Computer, run program "Miles' Spoonhead Kiddie Massacre"
>Increase scotch and lube content by 47%
>As usual, disengage safety protocols

Attached: 1521392682557.jpg (705x530, 75K)

>Have a 7'9" Dr. Crusher
But why

fucking kek, this thread reminded me of these videos

snoo snoo

Why not Natasha Yar?

Sig 365

We all know it.

Computer, boot up Celery Man

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 47K)