Moving to TX from IL due to work

Moving to TX from IL due to work.

Redpill me on gun culture and communities down there.

lots of fudds and boomers? ammo prices? dos and donts? etc.

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Buy guns and shoot them?

>lots of fudds and boomers?
Yes, the ranges in Texas are run almost entirely by fudds. All the images of ranges with absurd rules come from ranges in DFW or Houston.
>ammo prices
Buy online
>dos and donts
Don't move to any of the major cities in Texas, especially not Houston or Austin.

There's a huge difference between the big cities and the smaller ones. The absurd range rules are typical for big cities. Ranges in smaller cities are far more relaxed. The one I used to shoot at before I bought land had very relaxed rules.

If you are moving to the DFW area Defender Outdoors is a top tier range. Its not fudd at all and they have it on Fridays you can shoot full auto guns for only 10$ a mag with no range or rental fees.

Buy land and shoot there.

>especially not Houston or Austin
Chad Antonio raping all the lesser cities

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Stay in your shitty fucking state
Fuck off, quit telling yankee niggers to buy land

1. Buy whatever you want, as long as your on the right side of federal gun laws
2. You don't need a FOID card or whatever that nonsense is
3. Open carry of rifles is fine, but open/concealed carry of pistols requires a license, unlike OK who's kicking our ass in this regard right now

Now that the gun shit is out of the way, get used to never seeing snow again unless you live in the panhandle or near the Red River. Straight weeks if not months of 100 degree temps are common, and the eastern half of the state often sees 60-90% humidity with it. Don't brag about getting used to it though. See pic related. Tornadoes, 70mph wind, and quarter sized hail can be a weekly or even bi-weekly occurrence from March to August, so covered parking is a priority.

Oh, and don't sit outside at night without DEET, and don't fuck with fire ants, yellow jackets, or tiny brows spiders unless you know what you're doing.

Welcome, have fun, and shoot coyotes and hogs on sight.

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Texas has absurdly friendly gun culture. It's one of the most universal interests I've found amongst adult men here.
You'll get funny looks from some if you decide to OC but it'll be a conversation point for others.

Fucking fire ants. I can’t keep them out of my yard. They don’t play around either they will fuck you up quick.

Befriend someone with land. Otherwise you'll be paying $5-30 every single time you want to play with your funs

Texas discord link

discord is a bit of a clusterfuck
can get kinda circlejerky
some decent people but others are iffy like most discord servers
i get they dont want to get waco'd but you legitimately cannot even talk about form 4 items without getting a stern bitching from the mods


TX is Mexico now. Learn Spanish.

tell Californians to get out and you're ok in my book

Depends on where youre going.

My favorite gun store: RifleGear in Plano. Its fucking awesome and you’ll love it if you move to DFW.

Good range (indoor): Crossfire in Grapevine. Great range for only 25yds and RO’s are nice as can be

Dont listen to most people here. The biggest and shittiest thing about TX is no state land to shoot on... kind of. Go to a state hunting land and shoot

Texan here. What part?


Be prepared to sweat your balls off. Winters are mild, though.
Be polite and smile a lot. We tend to be overly friendly down here, but that's a good thing.

Don't:..... Not really sure about this one. Just don't be an ass, I guess.

delet this

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Fort worth is where it's at.

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If your anywhere near dickinson, there is clear creek outdoor gun range, its very laid back and a nice place.

Holy fuck are you me??
Literally just moved from Naperville to Plano TX (ironically I also lived in Plano IL for a year, so I kinda like moved from Plano IL to Plano TX) a few days ago
Moving all my shit was expensive senpai. I didn't think I had a lot of stuff but it ended up being $3,000 to move all my shit, plus the truck is taking fucking forever to get here.

The drive down fucking sucked man. The Chicagoland to St. Louis drive was alright because I'm used to Illinois drivers, but God damn Methsourrians are such slow fucking drivers it 'drove' me insane. I think it's a result of all their hills and mountains and shit, I definitely noticed fellow FIBs with Illinois license plates getting aggravated and driving fast
There's a stretch of "highway" from the eastern part of Tulsa OK that extends down into highway 75 in DFW called highway 69. Worst highway I've ever been on. There were like 1,000 stops because it passes through a bunch of towns and in each one you need to pass through a bunch of traffic lights. Biggest waste of time I've ever seen.
Also since coming from Naperville (conservative, affluent suburb of Chicago) and coming to Plano (conservative, affluent suburb of Dallas) I've noticed a shit load more "no guns allowed" signs for some reason in Texas than in Illinois. Go figure. Also I've yet to see someone open carrying. I guess it's not very popular here, when I went to Arizona on vacation I saw a shit load of open carriers.

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I plan on moving there once i get a job lined up, i hate east coast and my states absurd gun laws, i visted recently and was never cut off in traffic, people were nice just need to buy land for funs

Samefag, would invite Jow Forumsommandos to shoot on land if they helped build the range


Hearty Kek

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Illinois conservative =/= Texas conservative
In Illinois there are cities like Evanston, Winnetka, Highland Park, Deerfield, and Buffalo Grove that have assault weapons bans/magazine capacity restrictions and safe storage laws. What do all these cities have in common? They're some of the most affluent, wealthy cities in all of the Midwest, let alone Chicagoland. The fact that the northern DFW suburbs don't have any firearms restrictions is 100x more conservative for an Illinoisian like me

I can’t tell if this is bait or what. Clear creek is one of if not the shittiest outdoor ranges I’ve ever been to

>mud everywhere
>shitty shooting positions
>no “rapid fire”
>the staff range from clueless chucklefucks to power tripping old guys
>skeet shooting range is an absolute joke

If you’re going out there you might as well drive a tiny bit further to Texas Citt Municipal. It’s cleaner, cheaper, the staff is nicer, everything doesn’t feel like it’s falling apart, and there are next to no rules outside of basic safety. It’s like you want OP to hate shooting

But definitely get a friend with some property, it’s better than any gun range

Fuck off! We're full!

Plano - McKinney - Grapevine area is great. King of the Hill was filmed there as a documentary. We would literally drink beer in the back alley and have conversations just like Hank. I shit you not.

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San Antonio is a decent city even with all the spics

A couple stinkadena ranges you can rapid fire. 1 rents f/a
Hotwells aka widowmaker range in cypress tx where the autist employee KILLED A CUSTOMER
has gone full nazi

Wait what’s the drama with hotwells?

I wish I was leaving Illinois

I’ll sponsor your Texas immigration if you promise not to vote in any elections for at least 10 years

Fuck you im gonna keep writing in Harambe and Andrew Jackson.

Texas is a third-world shithole with the last few white people hiding in their gated community hoping they can purchase segregation with unaffordable prices. Demographics show about half of Texas is white now but the majority of those whites left are old, dying boomers and illegals aren't counted so the young and working-class areas have ten shitskins for every white.

Employee working on a rifle did not check to see if it was clear or not, pulled the trigger and the round went through a window and hit a guy in the parking lot. Poor SOB had a wife and triplets. Happened 13 days before Christmas.

Poor guy

Surprised they haven’t been sued into nonexistence yet

Good fuck white dying boomers.

Bailey's house of fudd south of the dome those tards actually prohibit mags in rifles.
Ever tried to load an ar15 one round at a time while seated? Pure faggotry



>overly friendly
This is blatantly untrue when compared to other south eastern states. People in Texas have that mentality of poor and rude in many of the small towns. You know the type, scowl on their face and throwing their trash anywhere because they are bitter trailer trash.

The cities are shitty for their own reasons. Austin is like a mini Portland trying to let their homeless run wild. Houston full of Katrina nigs. San Antonio is filled with fat Mexicans with neck tats trying to LARP as gangsters. Dallas is full of nigs. Reminds me of any east coast city.

The hill country area is the only nice area but it’s still full of trash. In the summer Mexicans go there with their family to drink and drive and throw their beer cans.

The state is not “based” as many of you say. They are allowing Kinder Morgan to take peoples land to run pipelines and are even routing it right through the Edwards Aquifer Which is the drinking water for a huge number of people. KM has a history of leaks and environmental damages so the hill country and San Antonio can look forward to cancer in the future.

Seriously, fuck Texas. Mexicans driving drunk, trash everywhere, government sticking their dick where is doesn’t belong.

>t. Lived in Texas from 08 to 17

>I've noticed a shit load more "no guns allowed" signs for some reason in Texas than in Illinois. Go figure. Also I've yet to see someone open carrying. I guess it's not very popular here, when I went to Arizona on vacation I saw a shit load of open carriers.
So let me address two things as a resident of the north Dallas area.
First, there are definitely a good amount of "no guns allowed" signs, though the store often mis-posts the sign and it holds zero legal weight (the signs must conform to certain standards, like 1 inch block letters and a specific paragraph in english and spanish and it must be posted on all entrances is a noticeable place).
Second, ignore the signs anyways. The law has been updated and the worst thing you can get is a very small fine basically, and that's only IF you're a retard and don't leave after being verbally told to get out. So carry into any store you want, really.
Third, open carry is not that popular because it is still pretty new, so we never had the open carry culture that other states had. I've seen open carry a single time in Dallas, and that guy seemed like he was a professional car repo man. I've seen it a few times out in the small town where I'm originally from, however.

Plano is definitely conservative, but its a bit more of the boomer style conservative, with a mix of yuppie liberal stylings, which is why you tend to see many trendy stores posting no gun signs.
I will say, however, that upon inspection, most places post 30.07 (no open carry) signs, instead of 30.06 (no concealed). Most Asian places, especially, NEVER have a 30.06 sign. Its very interesting, and tells me the Asian stores support carry.


>Ignores the fact major cities in Texas all tried to block open carry in their limits when the legislature passed it

This. Thanks to leftist taking points they have really taken to the "gibs me dat or you racist" mentality. The school systems have created many programs to teach in Spanish instead of putting them in English classrooms to integrate. I've had illegals damage my property just for Mexican American police officers to show up, lets them go, and tell me to call my insurance company.

RIP Wimberly, TX. Beautiful small town destroyed by hipsters, LGBT, and Cali tumors.

San Antonio is what you get if you told a border town to become a city. The Mexican leadership fo the city blocks building permits of white trying to fix up downtown because of "destroying hispanic culture". I guess living in filth is Mexican culture.

This negro right here.

Again, KINDER MORGAN PIPELINE RIGHT THROUGH YOUR DRINKING WATER. Private companies set their right without government approval with no environmental study and hiding behind the the utility laws.

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>Also I've yet to see someone open carrying. I guess it's not very popular here, when I went to Arizona on vacation I saw a shit load of open carriers.

It's a weird, fudd, historical tradition that's finally wearing off. Pistols are what Mexican criminals use and ditch before jumping the border. Law-abiding ranchers and homeowners sling a rifle while checking their fenceline.

Fuck Texas. Let the liberals and spics have it. Just build a wall around it and let Mexico take it back. I'm happy here in TN.

Me, too.

Shitcago wants to ban sparklers, which means statewide soon.

>Asian stores support carry
I get businesses posting 30.07 because of their clientele, but yeah, who would give a shit about 30.06. You never see it unless you're explicitly looking for it.

> .30-06 signs only enforceable after owner has asked you to leave now
Why even have the .30-06 sign at all then? Kind of flies in the face of property rights, and might as well just go with a No Guns Allowed at that point and use a trespassing charge if some boor wouldn't go put his gun in the car after you asked him.
