Weaponizing fish

How would you guys use fish as weapons? Squid launchers, swordfish bayonets. I wonder what you glorious bastards would think up

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Its simple really. We take the fish, then we poison them. When the enemy eats the fish, they eat the poison and die.


The Scandinavians had the right idea. Get it fresh, bury it underground for a month dig it up and disburse small amounts of the putrefied fish into the enemies food or drinking water.
Layback and watch them shit their skeletons out of their body.

stuff them with bombs

That just sounds like typical Scandinavian food.

Bombs that spread lion fish or those Australian amphibious fish
They’re an invasive species

Of course. But to non scandos it's super poison.

IIRC there's a certain kind of jellyfish that's tiny, almost invisible in water, and stings really, really bad. I'd dump a fuckton of them into the enemy water supply.
Just imagine turning on your shower and getting stung by pieces of pulverised jellyfish.

Box jellyfish

Capture thousands of snakeheads. Release them into enemy waters.

It has already been done, why reinvent the wheel

Attached: Surströmming.png (650x340, 433K)

It's not too bad if you don't eat an expired one like idubbz

>Create the pussy fish.
>Put hidden teeth in pussy fish.

pirahana that like clorinated water


Trained parasitic pearlfish
>Swims backwards into a sea cucumber's ass
>Eats the poor fucker from the inside-out

Attached: tn_Enbor_u3.jpg (211x140, 12K)

if you could somehow create pussy, you can just skip the fish part you know, probably more effective too.

how do you even defend against such a horror?


Watch your Cornhole buddy.

by not having the asshole muscles of a sea cucumber

>[muffled fish on in the distance]

Literally teeth on your asshole.

imagine that thing going up your girlfriend's cornhole, and she has to try to shit that thing out. She's asking you to pull it out as she pushes and you grab it with your hands, tugging as hard as you can on the shit-covered fish squirming in your girlfriend's asshole.

I'd do it no problem. I might puke if she's been eating alot of eggs and meat. But I'd want someone to do the same for me if I had a flesh eating parasite crawling up the chutney chute.
Besides I've waxed her butthole plenty of times.

Florida Man has already done this

I wanst trying to disgust you, I was trying to arouse you

Sorry fren not my niche. I appreciate it though.

i put fish on stick
i call it the fish stick
people fear it

Genetically modify the pistol shrimp into a big ol' pressure wave rifle that kills everything and breaks your own ears underwater.

curry enema, straight up napalm the fucker

True, but there are some folks out there who might prefer the fish.

the squid launcher is a real device

Attached: SquidLauncher.png (249x148, 71K)

Squids are not fish. It doesn't count. Play by the rules.

Pipe bomb

OP's post implied squid were fair game