Americans say military parades are expense but are they more expensive than air shows? It seems more logistically burdensome to send planes to an airbase, shut that airbase down for a weekend and let civilians in to touch everything than just calling up some national guardsmen to walk and drive up a street.
Americans say military parades are expense but are they more expensive than air shows...
Rich and bored people just like to complain about literally anything, whereas the CHAD peasant watches the tanks in glee
Someone that is going please take pictures and post them on here
Airshows charge admission.
Permits nigga
You have no idea how much it cost in DC just to shut down a sidewalk let alone prepare the national park for a parade
Worked in DC for 5 years now and permitting is a bitch of an expense
One sidewalk half a block will cost up to half mill for 3 months
No they don’t dude. And if they did it would cost at least 100 USD a person to break even with JP8,Parts and TDY costs for an airshow
t. US air force
I think you underestimate the cost of an airshow. They do costs millions as well. And the mission stoppage of an entire base is a major issue
Fake news anchors, Vox writers and talk show hosts are not "Americans".
>air shows
Cost money to visit. And they are worth every red cent. If you've never gone to one; fucking go.
Nigger airshows are free and if they weren’t they wouldn’t cover the cost of operations you dumb nigger
The airshow next to me is always free what hell do you come from?
Well hello there, Satan.
>they more expensive than air shows?
A tank takes a fuck of a lot more logistical headaches to move than an airplane. Nobody just drives the tank, it has to get loaded on a big-ass trailer to be towed by a special truck. That's incredibly heavy, so all sorts of oversize freight hassles are involved, you can't cross most bridges, etc. It's not like you can transport a tank with a normal semi truck and trailer. Ideally you can move them part of the way by rail, but there's still hassles involved with getting them on and off the rail transporters.
Theyre both wastes of taxpayer money but are pretty fun anyways.
A lot of airshows are privately run/sponsored and many of the planes are flown by volunteer/civilian pilots
t. Dad is a pilot and flies in these all the time.
>A tank takes a fuck of a lot more logistical headaches to move than an airplane.
So fucking wrong. Do you know hor much it cost to fly one ppan FOR AN HOUR? 2000 USD on average. Times that for every plane you fly in.
I assure you military planes aren’t just flown in by civilians. Also daddy isn’t going to open his paycheck and gas up an F-15 or B-2
>t. Foreigner
I can tell by the way you type that you have never even set foot on us soil.
>what are warbirds
Air shows are free you lying nigger
Money isn't the issue, you retarded spastic, its getting everything where you need it.
Planes are easy because you can just fly them to where they need to be, and tanks are a monkeyfuck move because of all the extra bullshit needed
Oh I didn’t know warbirds was every airplane or most airplanes as you insinuated at air shows, faggot. Yeah everyone comes to air shows for them and not modern airplanes and helicopters owned and operated exclusively by the military, dumbass.
Then why has literally every airshow I've been to cost me around 15 dollars?
>military dumps a dozen planes on an airshow
>meanwhile a few dozen people show up with their warbirds
Gee, I knew you were dumb, but I didnt know you couldn't count
>planes are easy
>pull a working airframe from on base to another, times that how many planes from other bases
>factor in maintainers from other airframes and each plane has it’s own specific maintenance careerfield
>don’t forget parts as parts do break every sortie
>and TDY costs, hope that squadron can support losing another pilot
>gonna need some Security Forces guys to work overtime to guard and screen the crowds, and protect these different planes until they leave, on top of doing their regular duties
>shut down base operations entirely for at least 4 days
>gotta give these thunderbirds/blue angels 5 star hotels and a police escort.
>better ship in more fuel at this base too. The B-52,B-1,B2 are coming in from 1000 miles away
>put M1 abrams on flatbed
>put parade tracks on treads
>give it a full tank of JP-8
“But CNN said this was so hard becuase FUCK BLUMPF- oh shit never mind here’s a photo of nasty girls doing it in 2012
It must be some crappy civilian one and not one offered by the military
If they want to save money from parades tell them to stop doing their denerate faggot parades for a whole month
Your daddy’s podunk airshow with a few Cesnas and WW2 trainers aren’t what we’re talking about. For one they aren’t run by the military and they don’t draw as big of a crowd.
>Tanks are more logistically difficult than aircraft
>Reno air races
>Do all of what you just said
>Except now close off half a fucking city
Wrong CNNigger. Even New York city runs it's veteran's day parade without hardships.