Can someone explain to me how different the two are and how they differ from each other in terms of operation and so fourth? Also how do they receive their clients and how is the client requested mission or whatever it is called is passed down over through both sides? Who do they receive their mission/jobs from exactly and who runs the show and what chain of command is there?
Google isn't helping me here so can any of you guys help a retart here please?
Pmcs are "authorized" by governments and are state actors. Mercs are NSAs. Its semantics.
Benjamin Barnes
Mercenaries can be state-sanctioned. There's really no distinction besides the fact that PMC has fewer negative connotations for most people.
Aiden Green
>Mercenaries In todays world we call them pmcs >semantics Why the fuck would you comment without reading the entire post.
Parker Turner
Okay but how different are they when it comes to clients coming up to them and asking them to protect their drug trade, attack target, protect family's pet grave, kick down and beat up a neet, etc?
Who talks to the client, how is the mission or job after said client gives the money for this to be carried out goes to? How is it sent out? Who is sent out? What goes through within the chain of command if it exists to get the job and how is the pay distributed?
Noah Gutierrez
Mercenaries has a strict legal definition in international law and some national legal systems, and (obviously) not all PMCs meet that definition. You could argue that mercenaries are a subset of PMCs though
David Cooper
Okay but how do they receive their missions from client and who gets sent out on the operation and who sets up and send out the mercs to begin with.
The basic gist is that the PMC provides security services, training and logistics, the mercenaries fight wars on your behalf, but the lines have always been blurry. Take Executive Outcomes' example, their first major client was Angola and the actually led Angolan troops into battle against UNITA with much success, but they also did lots of training and logistics administration.