Could someone enlighten me on the tons of crises the US military currently supposedly suffers from?
I remember reading here lots of military anons complaining about stuff like morale reaching an absolute low, incompetent and deeply inept leadership, much of the equipment being broken or extremly run down, far above average suicide rate, military housing in such bad conditions it has started to become a health hazard and extreme amounts of bureaucracy screwing over just about everything and everyone.
Could someone enlighten me on the tons of crises the US military currently supposedly suffers from?
Other urls found in this thread:
Exaggerations by whiney lower enlisted who aren’t in charge of anything
Fatasses who cover for each other's disability.
>morale reaching an absolute low
Breaking news:A bunch of zoomers complain about shit.
Same crisis that afflict the rest of the country: fat niggers, mutts, a declining IQ
This x100000
All the things that usually happen when an army designed for and used to warfighting transitions back to peacetime. All the old rules and regulations that got done away with for efficiency are now brought back to cover peoples arses and make ruperts look good to their bosses, meanwhile budgets and the like shrink and you end up with blokes mopping up rain because its something to keep them occupied, hence the stupid jobs and unnecessary admin mounts up.
Case and point: before Iraq and Afghan, the Infantry Battle School at Brecon was rigid in terms of following the pam to the letter. Then, during Telic/Herrick, blokes fresh off of tours were coming along and doing what was actually effective in combat, hence IBS learned and taught the methods actually being used overseas. Now theyre back to 'well the pam says we do it this way, so do it this way'.
have sex white incel
you couldn't be any more british if you tried, but you're incidentally also not wrong
The suicide rate isn't actually any higher than the civilian population. It just seems so because the military is full of young men, who are more likely to kill themselves.
My unit:
Low morale - mixed
inept leadership - mixed
broken equipment - mixed
suicide rate - below average
housing standards - apartment with a roommate tier
bureaucracy - extreme
Where you been, Rabbi?
A good portion of it is everyone loves to bitch
is absolutely right though.
Anyone in a highly technical field gets butthurt when comparing themselves to their civilian counterparts (lower pay, mandatory cleaning, treated worse than less technical rates, ect.)
>submarine nuke
Military housing is shit because the provided barracks is run by enlisted on their shore duty who don't care and only bare necessities are maintained, so cockroaches and mold are prevalent. Base housing, homes for families, are contracted out so it's cheapest to build a decent house and provide no maintenance or put it on hold for as long as possible, since they own the contract already it's difficult to actually hold them accountable because they don't fit into the military chain of command. That's just navy housing, I've heard air force is much better. Job security is the best and worst part of the military, meaning incompetent but ambitious people will make rank quickly compared to hard workers who don't stay in for 20 years.
Could someone enlighten me on the tons of crises the russian military currently supposedly suffers from?
I remember reading here lots of military anons complaining about stuff like anal lube rations reaching an absolute low, incompetent and deeply inept leadership, much of the sphincters being broken or extremly run down, far above average suicide rate, military housing in such bad conditions it has started to become a health hazard and extreme amounts of homosexuality screwing over just about everything and everyone.
Literally all of those things have been the case in practically every country's army, all the time. It's just life as usual.
Niggers, women, spics and other shitskins, transvestites
Best answer so far. JSOC is never at peace, but for the average Joe, “peacetime” military is ass.
Cold hard truth
The only real crisis is the US Navy lack of experienced captains and the normal undermanned ships
We got captains with absolutely no sea fairing experience leading a Skeleton crew directly into civilian freighters
dunno about the other branches but the US army suffers from low morale and shitty retention for obvious reasons. shitty leadership, being told to show up at 0300 for a ruck then being released that day at 1900. constantly going to the field, getting shit on by your leadership because some idiot killed a hooker or ran over some kids while drunk, etc. it's a whole different story if you're in SOF, USASOC is a great life. INSCOM isn't bad either from what I've heard.
>Have a punishment 12 mile ruck in full kit for every DUI
>Do a 12 mile ruck every day for two weeks
>Piss test every day for two weeks
>Breathalyzers every morning for two months
>Eventually have married NCOs tear the barracks apart and tell you to clean it up
Shit's gay yo
Hasn't the russian military actually quite substantially improved over the last 15 years with the near abolishment of conscription, massive professionalization and severe reduction of useless and redundant units?
no because at the end of the day it's still russian
It's better than chinese.
Everyone since the beginning of time has bitched about their gear, leaders, and conditions. You think Legionaries, Spartans, and british royal marines in the 1800s didnt bitch about
>waah our weapons need to be better/lighter/more rugged/more ammo
>our boots are too tight
>the tents suck and are warm
>the doctor doesnt have enough motrin
>its too hot
>our NCO acts like a jackass sometimes
>why does the heavily salted shitty meat taste like heavily salted shitty meat
>why is there so much bureaucracy, why cant i just text someone to call in $20 million worth of gear
>wait why are we here, its fucking hot here
>Joe made a joke about my wife, fuck Joe
>why are the new people fuckups
>fuck me do I need to explain this again, that goes into THAT groove in THIS way you dense fuck, the BCG wont go in otherwise.
>ugh the machine needs greased, why cant we lube it once a year
It will never change.
Those dubs must represent your IQ.
It's a spic
Back to leftypol
the army has low morale because the people enlisting now grew up when there was a war going on and the constant spectre of terrorism over out heads, and now we're not deploying or doing anything besides ruining our knees in training and jerking off. not to mention the people who get fucked out of 18x, option 40s and the like. the military is gay and retarded.
Can confirm, because I was one of those whiners.
>>Have a punishment 12 mile ruck in full kit for every DUI
>>Do a 12 mile ruck every day for two weeks
I've heard of BFs before but that's nuts.
Its succumbing to the politicking and bloat that is inevitable when maintaining a large scale peace time volunteer only force. Its chaos.
Have a bullet black slut
>coming back from a week in the field
>one week in the rear before another week out
>3 of those days are 24hour duty because a boot cried hazing and it's all the NCOs fault
Yeah I'm not sticking around
>Could someone enlighten me on the tons of crises the US military currently supposedly suffers from?
>Everyone loves to bitch
This is true especially in the nuclear field and on a Submarine. Doesn't help that advancement shenanigans are fukt. There is no practical way of comparing the average coner with the same rank average nuke. Even the lightest nuke qual load is heavier than most forward rates will see even if they got to dive quals. Not to disparage the cone, which is my favorite activity on watch, it just seems like comparing the two is like comparing the merits of apples versus aluminum.
>Eternally butthurt member of E-div
I hate to break it to you OP but any field that matters doesn’t suffer from any of this shit. Swim tests, pull ups, and GT minimums keep the necessary parts of the military in working order and you will get your foreign shit pushed in when the time comes.
That's why you get Pro pay, duh.
Thank social media Military guys always whine, it's traditional Social Media interactions magnify it and make it permanent
God, I fucking hate hearing people say that unironically.
Went Navy Corpsman in '08
First station LPO was a nigger who later got sent to the brig for molesting a woman during her procedure.
Second station LPO was a nigger and a whale of a woman who would stay in a back office never helping on the ward. I'm sure they were fucking back there because nothing ever got done.
Third station LPO was a flip who basically told me that I wouldn't promote unless I took a filipino wife and took her last name.
So, FPBP, and I was too naive to be racist when I joined.
Heeeyyyy how you been Rabbi?
Worst battalion commander I ever had was a black woman whose husband looked like skrillex but in his 50s. He had to have been cucked beyond belief. She was always on con leave due to surgeries, and didn't know shit about the unit.
In all honesty though, in my experience, race (and religion) had no bearing on your ability to get your job done. The biggest problem I ever had was leadership that had no idea what the unit was for - we had a CSM who came up through armor, but was in charge of a signal unit. Or the retarded LTC whose dumb ass had just came from the Pentagon and thought he was hot shit, but was hated by literally everyone in the battalion. US Army signal is fucked completely. Anyone who knows what they're doing gets out within 8 years, because your leadership is too stupid to survive and the money sucks.
Hey man, the galley has a ground you need to find and then the rest of the division is going to need you to first hang tags for the SSMG work to start.
But the galley takes priority since we need that up so the cooks can get NAMs after ORSE next week...
But first we have to do electrical safety training because of the NAV ETs fucked up their tags and went into a live panel and the command needs to get this under control.
You're not allowed to task me, I'm in offcrew.
Yeah, maybe you're right. I just saw a LOT of people looking out for their "own" while in while screwing others over.
Can confirm, even some ODA teams and Ranger companies are bored now
its basically post OIF/OEF gen Z bitches complaining. Life is easy and shit is chill compared to my early years in 2008-2014, incompetent officers but nothing new there. hopefully I can coast through my last 9 years and get my second rocker on my way out