State trooper thread

What state has the best uniform for its state troopers?

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Rhode Island

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Looks like an RCMP uniform, save for not being fire truck red

And that's a good thing.

Washington State...


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>the gigganigga in the leather coat

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Fuck off bootlicker, you're not welcomed here.

He's a big guy

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A bodybag, but any statie can wear one regardless of location.

this, bootlicker faggots itt

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fuck off pig faggot

look familiar, bootlickers?

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why is there an asterisk beside FHP? does that mean it's not really an FHP vehicle?

>inb4 50 boomers that donate religiously to their local PBA show up

They look dashing!

Based digits.
>Nazis bad
You have to leave.

Star FHP is the direct number to the highway patrol on a cell phone, as opposed to 911.

New Jersey totally has the Nazi thing going with their state police.


t. Eternally seething because cop took away bong


Lookin like some Pinkertons or somethin

I've never seen our troopers wear bowties wtf

I'm from florida and I didn't know this. Is it a nonemergency number?

AZ DPS comin in hot

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he looks like a fucking R6 siege character

>anyone who wears jackboots is a nazi

its not like hugo boss invented uniform clothing.

based hats for leos

1. cowboy hats
2. smokey bears
3. beanie in winter
4. slick leo blue kevlar

dead last - yuro fag hats.
cringe - slave balaclavas

At least he recognizes no need to protect normie vitals with that armor placement, but got to protect that donut collider holder or the end of times will be at hand

I’ve always liked Utah’s

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What about patrol caps?

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yes, at least partly, but Rhode Island troopers look more courageous that virgin nazies.


Yes it is the non-emergency number. Let's say you see a couch or a truck bed liner lying in the middle of the interstate, you can ideally call that number instead of 911.

"Woah, hehehe, well for some reason or another you sounded taller on radio hehe."


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I am digging those fuckin boots.

I'll go ahead and post verbatim what the Florida Highway Patrol's website says, seeing as how people don't know what that verbiage means:

Star FHP (*347) is a cellular phone program used by motorists to report drunk drivers, traffic crashes, stranded or disabled motorists, or any suspicious incidents occurring on Florida roadways. Motorists who dial *FHP from their cellular phones are able to contact the nearest FHP communications center free of charge, courtesy of participating Florida cellular phone companies.

The Florida Department of Transportation has erected over 1,000 signs at strategic locations throughout Florida in order to inform motorists of the program. The Star FHP project was initiated in April, 1994.

Attached: starfhp.jpg (600x394, 52K)

Germans are subhumans and if you snow niggers could step out of your mud huts and stop sucking cum out of hanged men like your patron god for longer than 5 minutes, you might understand that.

They look like fuckin mounties

>read bong
>thought of brits
Fuck me Jow Forums destroys the brain

overgrown boyscout/10
'Office worker clothes in cop colors' is the worst uniform.

Are you implying that this is a BAD thing?

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I hate the Massachusetts troopers because they look just like Coast Guard CC's in trops.

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It's not that I don't hate cops and Nazis, but you gotta give credit to slick. Say what you want about the tenants of National Socialism, at least they had an aesthetic.

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>t. eternally phone posting with with help of a pajeet provided by aarp

Don’t Texas Rangers literally wear blue jeans and cowboy hats or is that a Chuck Norris meme?

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Texas rangers, according to wikipedia, must wear western themed attire and can basically pick anything they want beyond that:
>Modern-day Rangers (as well as their predecessors) do not have a prescribed uniform, per se, although the State of Texas does provide guidelines as to appropriate Ranger attire, including a requirement that Rangers wear clothing that is western in nature. Currently, the favored attire includes white shirt and tie, khaki/tan or gray trousers, light-colored western hat, "ranger" belt, and cowboy boots.
Most of the pictures I find have them wearing white shirts, then khakis, jeans, or whatever, and cowboy boots with a cowboy hat. Pic related.

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Whitehats irl

Redpilled image.

Are these guys hiring?

Outrage vs literal legal action

TwO sIDES oF thE samE CoIN

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Would you like to know more?

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>t I don't hate cops

you said "DONUT cops", I'm very good at picking out those things.

>posing right outside the local applebees

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fucking jersey steppers

They are only ones with black uniforms.

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It's like a slightly less gay version of what the moose police wear.

Literal, as in literally hitler.

I’m mad someone would do This
I’m going to take actual legal
Action and FORCE you to do it

Leftists deserve the rope and still can’t meme

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4 U

conservitards can't afford a lawyer, so crying to FOX news when Walmart wouldn't bake their shitty faggot cop a cake was the closest thing.

Imagine being this retarded and triggered all at once

Glad that picture triggered you. After the latest PMS meltdown at starbucks not serving shitty cops, it might get a 4th row

top police aesthetics

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Kind of not but also a bit but for the wrong reasons. One side is pro-community building and the concept of police as they are perceived (gun owning nigger killers) and the other is pro-social erosion and forced participation.

Ironically the cops are the ones enforcing state mandated gay.

Also “BOTH SIDES ARE WRONG REEEEE” isn’t a position at all and will never win support. Being pro-weed, gay, and gun will never be politically viable because gays and stoners want to seize guns because they’re the symptoms of leftism in general. Also our new Mestizo overlords will just ban guns soon anyways.

Hahaha apparently you struggle with reading as well. Pretty typical t b h

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The good ole "durr you cant reading comprehension" general purpose fall back. Hope you are embarrassed having a blue line next to your "come and take it" on the truck you still owe 5 figured on

We’re discussing American states here, not tin-pot thugocracies.

what an absolute shit state. of course these fucks celebrate the execution of an unarmed woman on her doorstep at the hands of the State.


That pic encompasses what you would expect for most rangers working out of field offices. At DPS HQ it's more formal slacks, white shirt, tie, and hat. The SOG dudes often wear OD or Multicam BDUs.

t. work for the rangers

what y'all think of this?

also, you better watched that astros game today hot damn

Stay on topic here buddy and stop deflecting. We aren’t talking about police we are talking about how the right states their opinion and that’s all that they do while the left needs to use force to COMPEL people to do what they want. Hence why the meme is fucking stupid and so are you.

Enjoy fighting the ebil nazis from your trailer park poorfag

I quite liked the movie.

I haven't watched an astros game ever since I got stuck at that 18 inning nightmare.

pretty accurate of the Rangers ain't it?
well look at the highlights, practically a pitching duel back and forth and runs everwhere and the catcher for the angels got knocked out rounding third.

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now thas a waht i calla car phone! giuseppe, why you no take a picture of da monkey in backseat? also, putta downa the pistola we cant shoot the migrant nigger while teevee is here you know a bedder!

Well, they certainly aren't bottoms.

Liberals accuse conservatives of hoarding all the wealth tho...

Or did you forget which scapegoat for the failed lib policies is in right now?

Is that all of them?

should I try out for my State Police vs my local/city police? They seem to have better pay, better uniforms, more opportunities for advancement and ability to move around my entire state rather then be located in one jurisdiction. My end goal is to be a detective, and my state police has pretty decent investigation units, but when I think state trooper I think of highway cops giving out tickets all day and cleaning up accidents. What are state police detective units like?

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i think that's the entire state, actually

hows it like working for them. I was thinking about applying but im dont know how they compare to regular cops or state patrol

copfag here. moving to investigations in many state agencies is retardedly hard. pick the shittiest city in your state and I guarantee you can be a detective much faster. you might start off in property crimes which is nigger-tier work. But you can move up after that. Don't get me wrong, state has many awesome promotions and units and such, but State covers areas that don't have standing agencies. State detectives in my region cover crimes that move across jurisdictions. like frauds and such. You will typically not go to homicide with a state agency. Not sure where you live though

in MA unfortunately. Is it possible to join a regular department, make my way up to detective and then transfer to state while staying a detective? Or once you make a lateral transfer you lose everything

For me, it's this trooper

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Stop shitting up a good thread with politics you fucking nigger

MS is okay

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honestly judge, i have no fucking idea what this bastard wanted or what the hell he meant by pots. so i kept on driving fuck 'em

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I'm actually a MASSfag that move to Virginia. Typically MA state police will make you start from the academy. Youre better off going local. Theres nothing wrong with locals, especially in mass. I work a shitty city in VA and could go wherever I want. Mass state police is soopa hard to get on, but get worshiped. Theyre kinda special in that way, because other shitty state SP's are just highway patrols, or like VA just moniter shitty redneck areas unless theyre lucky enough to get promoted to Agent.

I won't lie MASS state police is a pretty amazing gig.